sql 、linq、lambda 查询语句的区别
from 临时变量 in 集合对象或数据库对象
where 条件表达式
[order by条件]
select 临时变量中被查询的值
[group by 条件]
(参数列表) => 表达式或者语句块
其中: 参数个数:可以有多个参数,一个参数,或者无参数。
·Distinct - 过滤集合中的相同项;延迟 ·Union - 连接不同集合,自动过滤相同项;延迟 ·Concat - 连接不同集合,不会自动过滤相同项;延迟 ·Intersect - 获取不同集合的相同项(交集);延迟 ·Except - 从某集合中删除其与另一个集合中相同的项;延迟 ·Skip - 跳过集合的前n个元素;延迟 ·Take - 获取集合的前n个元素;延迟 ·SkipWhile - 直到某一条件成立就停止跳过;延迟 ·TakeWhile - 直到某一条件成立就停止获取;延迟 ·Single - 根据表达式返回集合中的某一元素;不延迟 ·SingleOrDefault - 根据表达式返回集合中的某一元素(如果没有则返回默认值);不延迟 ·Reverse - 对集合反向排序;延迟 ·SelectMany - Select选择(一对多);延迟
实例 Code 查询Student表的所有记录。 select * from student Linq: from s in Students select s Lambda: Students.Select( s => s)
2 按条件查询全部:
实例 Code 查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname、Ssex和Class列。 select sname,ssex,class from student Linq: from s in Students select new { s.SNAME, s.SSEX, s.CLASS } Lambda: Students.Select( s => new { SNAME = s.SNAME,SSEX = s.SSEX,CLASS = s.CLASS })
3.distinct 去掉重复的
实例 Code 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列。 select distinct depart from teacher Linq: from t in Teachers.Distinct() select t.DEPART Lambda: Teachers.Distinct().Select( t => t.DEPART)
4.连接查询 between and
实例 Code 查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录。 select * from score where degree between 60 and 80 Linq: from s in Scores where s.DEGREE >= 60 && s.DEGREE < 80 select s Lambda: Scores.Where( s => ( s.DEGREE >= 60 && s.DEGREE < 80 ) )
5.在范围内筛选 In
实例 Code select * from score where degree in (85,86,88) Linq: from s in Scores where ( new decimal[]{85,86,88} ).Contains(s.DEGREE) select s Lambda: Scores.Where( s => new Decimal[] {85,86,88}.Contains(s.DEGREE))
6.or 条件过滤
实例 Code 查询Student表中"95031"班或性别为"女"的同学记录。 select * from student where class ='95031' or ssex= N'女' Linq: from s in Students where s.CLASS == "95031" || s.CLASS == "女" select s Lambda: Students.Where(s => ( s.CLASS == "95031" || s.CLASS == "女"))
实例 Code 以Class降序查询Student表的所有记录。 select * from student order by Class DESC Linq: from s in Students orderby s.CLASS descending select s Lambda: Students.OrderByDescending(s => s.CLASS)
实例 Code select count(*) from student where class = '95031' Linq: ( from s in Students where s.CLASS == "95031" select s ).Count() Lambda: Students.Where( s => s.CLASS == "95031" ) .Select( s => s) .Count()
实例 Code 查询'3-105'号课程的平均分。 select avg(degree) from score where cno = '3-105' Linq: ( from s in Scores where s.CNO == "3-105" select s.DEGREE ).Average() Lambda: Scores.Where( s => s.CNO == "3-105") .Select( s => s.DEGREE)
实例 Code 查询Score表中的最高分的学生学号和课程号。 select distinct s.Sno,c.Cno from student as s,course as c ,score as sc where s.sno=(select sno from score where degree = (select max(degree) from score)) and c.cno = (select cno from score where degree = (select max(degree) from score)) Linq: ( from s in Students from c in Courses from sc in Scores let maxDegree = (from sss in Scores select sss.DEGREE ).Max() let sno = (from ss in Scores where ss.DEGREE == maxDegree select ss.SNO).Single().ToString() let cno = (from ssss in Scores where ssss.DEGREE == maxDegree select ssss.CNO).Single().ToString() where s.SNO == sno && c.CNO == cno select new { s.SNO, c.CNO } ).Distinct()
11.分组 过滤
实例 Code 查询Score表中至少有5名学生选修的并以3开头的课程的平均分数。 select avg(degree) from score where cno like '3%' group by Cno having count(*)>=5 Linq: from s in Scores where s.CNO.StartsWith("3") group s by s.CNO into cc where cc.Count() >= 5 select cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) Lambda: Scores.Where( s => s.CNO.StartsWith("3") ) .GroupBy( s => s.CNO ) .Where( cc => ( cc.Count() >= 5) ) .Select( cc => cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) ) Linq: SqlMethod like也可以这样写: s.CNO.StartsWith("3") or SqlMethods.Like(s.CNO,"%3")
实例 Code 查询Score表中至少有5名学生选修的并以3开头的课程的平均分数。 select avg(degree) from score where cno like '3%' group by Cno having count(*)>=5 Linq: from s in Scores where s.CNO.StartsWith("3") group s by s.CNO into cc where cc.Count() >= 5 select cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) Lambda: Scores.Where( s => s.CNO.StartsWith("3") ) .GroupBy( s => s.CNO ) .Where( cc => ( cc.Count() >= 5) ) .Select( cc => cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) ) Linq: SqlMethod like也可以这样写: s.CNO.StartsWith("3") or SqlMethods.Like(s.CNO,"%3")
13. 多表查询
实例 Code select sc.sno,c.cname,sc.degree from course as c,score as sc where c.cno = sc.cno Linq: from c in Courses join sc in Scores on c.CNO equals sc.CNO select new { sc.SNO,c.CNAME,sc.DEGREE } Lambda: Courses.Join ( Scores, c => c.CNO, sc => sc.CNO, (c, sc) => new { SNO = sc.SNO, CNAME = c.CNAME, DEGREE = sc.DEGREE }) .Average()
14. null
在C#中,存在一种特殊的类型,Nullable的类型,这个类型可以为空的状态。 在数据库中,如果类型允许为空,就会有NULL的字段 在Lamda查询表达式中,对于数据库中为空的情况也要特殊的注意一下 在SQL的查询中,如果存在为空的字段,例如 ------------------------------------ table Test ------------------------------------ A B C 1 NULL 2 2 true 2 3 false 2 ------------------------------------ 我们要查询 不为真的情况,我们用 select Count(*) from Test where B<>true 此时查询的结果是只有一条 ------------------------------------ A B C 3 false 2 ------------------------------------ 如果按照正常的逻辑来考虑,应该是2条的,如下 ------------------------------------ A B C 1 NULL 2 3 false 2 ------------------------------------ 但是由于Null字段的特殊性,在查询的时候为 select Count(*) from Test where B is Null 才能够查询到 ------------------------------------ A B C 1 NULL 2 ------------------------------------ 这条记录,因此我们要查询这样的数据,就不能够用不等于进行查询,要用或者来进行查询 select Count(*) from Test where B is Null or B=false 在Linq的查询中同理,我们用Lamd表达式查询,如果为三态的情况,我们想要其中的另两个结果,此时也要用or来进行连接 如: Tests 为表Test的集合 Tests.where(p=>p.B!=true) 这样查询时不会得到正确的结果的,原因很简单,就是因为Null的字段不会自动翻译 因此正确的查询结果是 Tests.where(p=>p.B==false||p.B==null) 此时查询就为正确的结果,当然我们可以利用这种特性,查询的时候可以查询所有的有效数据,避免掉那些为空的数据。 OK,关于Lambda查询和SQL查询 字段为空(NULL)的情况要注意了.
sql:ShippedDate IS NULL linq: where o.ShippedDate==null lamda: (o => (o.ShippedDate == (DateTime?)null)) sql:ShippedDate IS NULL linq: Nullable<DateTime>.Equals(o.ShippedDate,null) lamda: (o => Object.Equals (o.ShippedDate, null)) sql:ShippedDate IS NULL linq: o.ShippedDate.Value==(DateTime?)null lamda: (o => ((DateTime?)(o.ShippedDate.Value) == (DateTime?)null)) sql:ShippedDate IS NULL linq: System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlMethods.Equals(o.ShippedDate.Value,null) lamda:(o => Object.Equals (o.ShippedDate.Value, null)) sql:NOT ([t0].[ShippedDate] IS NOT NULL) linq: !o.ShippedDate.HasValue lamda: (o => !(o.ShippedDate.HasValue))
var lstCheckReportQuestionId = db.TCheckReportQuestion.Where(m => m.RID == gRid).Select(m => m.QuestionID); var lstImage = from a in db.TInspectQuestionImage where lstCheckReportQuestionId.Contains(a.QuestionID) select a; //lamda: var firstImage = lstImage.GroupBy(m => new { m.QuestionID }).SelectMany(m => m.OrderBy(p => p.ImageID).Take(1)).Select(m => new { a1 = m.ImageID, a2 = m.QuestionID, a3 = m.MiniImgUrl }).ToList(); //linq: var lstInspectQuestionImage = (from a in db.TInspectQuestionImage where lstCheckReportQuestionId.Contains(a.QuestionID) group a by a.QuestionID into g select new { QuestionID = g.Key, Source = g.OrderBy(m => m.ImageID).Take(1) }) .Select(m => new { QuestionID = m.QuestionID, MiniImgUrl = m.Source.Select(p => p.MiniImgUrl) }).ToList();
Name允许为空且在数据库中存在空值(NULL),使用contains会出现常见的报错 原理:Contains关键字的工作原理是返回一个bool值,当满足contains条件时返回true,否则返回false,以此来决定本条数据是否要获取,所以判断字段为空就直接用false来返回来跳过执行contains; 用法如下:var userlist= (IEnumerable<User>)data.Where(t => (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Name) ? false : t.Name.Contains(querystring));
17.case when
1.select中使用case when
linq代码: Products.Select(P => new { ID = P.ProductID, Name = P.Name, Color = P.Color, Price = (P.Color == "Red" ? P.StandardCost : (P.Color == "Black" ? P.StandardCost + 10 : P.ListPrice)) }); sql原型: SELECT ProductID, Name, Color, CASE WHEN Color = 'Red' THEN StandardCost WHEN Color = 'Black' THEN StandardCost + 10 ELSE ListPrice END Price FROM SalesLT.Product
2.where中使用case when
linq代码: Products .Where(P => (P.Color == "Red" ? (P.StandardCost > 100) : (P.Color == "Black" ? P.ListPrice > 100 : P.ListPrice == P.StandardCost))) .Select(P => new { ID = P.ProductID, Name = P.Name, Color = P.Color, StandardCost = P.StandardCost, ListPrice = P.ListPrice }); sql原型: SELECT ProductID, Name, Color, StandardCost, ListPrice FROM SalesLT.Product WHERE ( (CASE WHEN Color = 'Red' THEN (CASE WHEN StandardCost > 100 THEN 1 WHEN NOT (StandardCost > 100) THEN 0 ELSE NULL END) WHEN Color = 'Black' THEN (CASE WHEN ListPrice > 100 THEN 1 WHEN NOT (ListPrice > 100) THEN 0 ELSE NULL END) ELSE (CASE WHEN ListPrice = StandardCost THEN 1 WHEN NOT (ListPrice = StandardCost) THEN 0 ELSE NULL END) END)) = 1
3.group by中使用case when
linq代码: Products.GroupBy(P => P.StandardCost > 1000? P.Color : P.SellStartDate.ToString()) sql原型: -- Region Parameters DECLARE @p0 Decimal(8,4) = 1000 -- EndRegion SELECT [t1].[value] AS [Key] FROM ( SELECT (CASE WHEN [t0].[StandardCost] > @p0 THEN CONVERT(NVarChar(MAX),[t0].[Color]) ELSE CONVERT(NVarChar(MAX),[t0].[SellStartDate]) END) AS [value] FROM [SalesLT].[Product] AS [t0] ) AS [t1] GROUP BY [t1].[value] GO
4.group by sum
select new { TaskId = a.TaskID, TaskName = a.TaskName, ProjectId = a.ProjectID, ProjectName = d.ProjectName, QuestionId = b.QuestionID, QuestionState = b.QuestState, HouseId = c.BFID }) group a by new { a.TaskId,a.TaskName,a.ProjectId,a.ProjectName } into tq select new { tq.Key, QuestionCnt = tq.Count(), QuestionSortOut = tq.Sum(m=>!new string[] {"0","1"}.Contains(m.QuestionState)? 1 : 0) }
5.group by avg
var categories = from p in db.Products group p by p.CategoryID into g select new { g.Key, ExpensiveProducts = from p2 in g where p2.UnitPrice > g.Average(p3 => p3.UnitPrice) select p2 };
18. Aggregate
Where | 过滤;延迟 |
Select | 选择;延迟 |
Distinct | 查询不重复的结果集;延迟 |
Count | 返回集合中的元素个数,返回INT类型;不延迟 |
LongCount | 返回集合中的元素个数,返回LONG类型;不延迟 |
Sum | 返回集合中数值类型元素之和,集合应为INT类型集合;不延迟 |
Min | 返回集合中元素的最小值;不延迟 |
Max | 返回集合中元素的最大值;不延迟 |
Average | 返回集合中的数值类型元素的平均值。集合应为数字类型集合,其返回值类型为double;不延迟 |
Aggregate | 根据输入的表达式获取聚合值;不延迟 |