修改 AD架构为了使头像能够显示在GAL中,需要让其在全局编录(GC)中进行复制 ,
默认情况下,对象 的“thumbnailphoto”属性 值不会在GC中进行复制 ,通过修改 AD架构可以是实现 这一个功能。
1. 在以管理 员身份打开cmd,并执行 Regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll注册AD架构管理单元,如下图所示:
2. 打开MMC控制 台,添加AD架构管理 单元
3. 在活动 目录 架构管理 单元中展开“属性 ”节点,定位到“thumbnailPhoto”。
4. 打开“thumbnailPhoto”的属性 对话框,在“常规”选项 卡上勾选“将此属性 复制 到全局编录”。
$SAMName=Read-Host "Enter a username"
$root = [ADSI]'GC://dc=uc,dc=local'
$searcher = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root)
$searcher.filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$SAMName))"
$user = $searcher.findall()
$userdn = $user[0].path
$userdn = $userdn.trim("GC")
$userdn = "LDAP" + $userdn
function Select-FileDialog
param([string]$Title,[string]$Directory,[string]$Filter="All Files (*.*)|*.*")
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
$objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$objForm.InitialDirectory = $Directory
$objForm.Filter = $Filter
$objForm.Title = $Title
$objForm.ShowHelp = $true
$Show = $objForm.ShowDialog()
If ($Show -eq "OK")
Return $objForm.FileName
Write-Error "Operation cancelled by user."
$photo = Select-FileDialog -Title "Select a photo" -Directory "%userprofile%" -Filter "JPG Images (*.jpg)|*.jpg"
$user = [ADSI]($userdn)
[byte[]]$file = Get-Content $photo -Encoding Byte
# clear previous image if exist
# write the image to the user's thumbnailPhoto attribute by converting the byte[] to Base64String
# commit the changes to AD
#Add-ADPhoto Powershell v1 compatibile script for updating
#user thumbnailphoto attribute. Resizes input photo to recommended
#dimensions and size. Only updates for the currently logged in user.
#This is a script for user self service.
#Author: Nathan Linley
#Site: http://myitpath.blogspot.com
$infile = $args[0]
$aspect = $args[1]
function usage {
write-host "Usage: Add-ADPhoto filename [aspect]"
write-host " Provide the name of an image file in your current directory."
write-host " If you wish to preserve the aspect ratio of the image, type"
write-host " 1 after your file name. Images are resized to the recommended"
write-host " 96x96, converted to JPG and set to 70% quality to limit size."
$imagefile = (pwd).path + "\" + $infile
$imagefileout = (pwd).path + "\adout.jpg"
#Check to see if the argument for filename was provided, and that it exists###
if ([string]::isnullorempty($infile) -or -not (test-path $imagefile)) {
#Remove any old converted file#
if (test-path $imagefileout) {
del -path $imagefileout -ErrorAction "silentlycontinue"
$Image = New-Object -ComObject Wia.ImageFile
$ImageProcessor = New-Object -ComObject Wia.ImageProcess
#Try loading the file, if its not an image this will fail#
if (-not $?) { &usage }
#Create filters, set aspect ratio setting, change dimensions#
#to max 96pixels, convert to JPG and set quality #
$Scale = $ImageProcessor.FilterInfos.Item("Scale").FilterId
$Qual = $ImageProcessor.FilterInfos.Item("Convert").FilterID
if ([string]::isnullorempty($aspect) -or [string]$aspect -ne "1") {
$ImageProcessor.Filters.Item(1).Properties.Item("PreserveAspectRatio") = $false
} else {
$ImageProcessor.Filters.Item(1).Properties.Item("PreserveAspectRatio") = $true
$ImageProcessor.Filters.Item(1).Properties.Item("MaximumHeight") = 96
$ImageProcessor.Filters.Item(1).Properties.Item("MaximumWidth") = 96
$ImageProcessor.Filters.Item(2).Properties.Item("FormatID") = "{B96B3CAE-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}"
#Drop image quality until it meets the size recommendation of 10kb #
$quality = 80
do {
Remove-Item -path $imagefileout -ErrorAction "silentlycontinue"
$ImageProcessor.Filters.Item(2).Properties.Item("Quality") = $quality
$Image = $ImageProcessor.Apply($Image)
[byte[]]$imagedata = get-content $imagefileout -encoding byte
$quality -= 10
} while ($imagedata.length -gt 10kb)
#Find domain, and Account distinguished name. Open user object, add#
#thumbnailphoto data and save.
$de = new-object directoryservices.directoryentry("LDAP://" + $env:logonserver.substring(2))
$ds = new-object directoryservices.directorysearcher($de)
$ds.filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(samaccountname=" + $env:username + "))"
$myaccount = $ds.findone()
$de = new-object directoryservices.directoryentry($myaccount.path)
$de.properties["Thumbnailphoto"].add($imagedata) |out-null
Write-Host "Photo has been uploaded"
Const ForReading = 1
InDir = "C:\photo"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set oIADS = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDefaultNC = oIADS.Get("defaultnamingcontext")
Set theConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
theConn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
theConn.Open "ADs Provider"
Set theCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
theCmd.ActiveConnection = theConn
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
For Each tFile In fso.GetFolder(InDir).Files
tName = tFile.Name
tName = Left(tName, InStrRev(tName,".")-1)
strQuery = "<LDAP://" & strDefaultNC & ">;" & "(&(objectClass=person)(name=" & tName & "));name,adspath;subtree"
theCmd.CommandText = strQuery
Set objRS = theCmd.Execute
If objRS.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "Can't find account for " & tName
Set objUser = GetObject(objRS("adspath"))
ObjUser.Put "thumbnailPhoto", ReadByteArray(tFile.Path)
End If
Function ReadByteArray(strFileName)
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Dim bin
Set bin = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
bin.Type = adTypeBinary
bin.LoadFromFile strFileName
ReadByteArray = bin.Read
End Function
DirectoryEntry container = new DirectoryEntry(LDAP_URI + USERS_DIR);
DirectoryEntry user = container.Children.Add("cn=" + username, "user");
// Set other property's of the user object:
//// user.Properties ["xxx"].Value = "yyy";
//// ...
byte [] buffer;
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(@"c:\photo.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
try {
int length = (int) fileStream.Length; // get file length
buffer = new byte [length]; // create buffer
int count; // actual number of bytes read
int sum = 0; // total number of bytes read
// read until Read method returns 0 (end of the stream has been reached)
while ((count = fileStream.Read(buffer, sum, length - sum)) > 0)
sum += count; // sum is a buffer offset for next reading
finally {
user.Properties ["thumbnailPhoto"].Value = buffer;