godaddy空间的sql server数据库没办法insert中文
use string007 if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('K_V_TEST') and type = 'U') drop table K_V_TEST go create table K_V_TEST ( temp varchar(100) not null, autoid int identity, key_ nvarchar(400) not null, value_ nvarchar(200) not null, constraint PK_K_V_TEST primary key (autoid) ) go insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp','key','value') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp','key','value') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp','年龄','30') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp','性别','男') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp','生日','1986-') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp','姓名','张某') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp','手机','18888888888') go select * from k_v_test
然后执行下看到的中文都会变成'?'。。。。 然后搜了下... 说是在insert的时候,当字符是中文的时候在前面加上'N'就可以了... 果然... 例如: insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp',N'年龄','30')
use string007 if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('K_V_TEST') and type = 'U') drop table K_V_TEST go create table K_V_TEST ( temp varchar(100) not null, autoid int identity, key_ nvarchar(400) not null, value_ nvarchar(200) not null, constraint PK_K_V_TEST primary key (autoid) ) go insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp','key','value') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp',N'年龄','30') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp',N'性别',N'男') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp',N'生日','1986-') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp',N'姓名',N'张某') insert into k_v_test (temp,key_,value_) values('temp',N'手机','18888888888') go select * from k_v_test