






就像原文所说,“ If no GOPATH is set, it is assumed to be $HOME/go on Unix systems and %USERPROFILE%\go on Windows.”



Your workspace can be located wherever you like, but we'll use C:\go-work in this example.

NOTE: GOPATH must not be the same path as your Go installation.

  • Create folder at C:\go-work.
  • Right click on "Start" and click on "Control Panel". Select "System and Security", then click on "System".
  • From the menu on the left, select the "Advanced systems settings".
  • Click the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom.
  • Click "New" from the "User variables" section.
  • Type GOPATH into the "Variable name" field.
  • Type C:\go-work into the "Variable value" field.
  • Click OK.



Check that Go is installed correctly by setting up a workspace and building a simple program, as follows.

Create your workspace directory, %USERPROFILE%\go. (If you'd like to use a different directory, you will need to set the GOPATH environment variable.)

Next, make the directory src\hello inside your workspace, and in that directory create a file named hello.go that looks like:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")

Then build it with the go tool:

C:\> cd %USERPROFILE%\go\src\hello
C:\Users\Gopher\go\src\hello> go build

The command above will build an executable named hello.exe in the directory alongside your source code. Execute it to see the greeting:

C:\Users\Gopher\go\src\hello> hello
hello, world

If you see the "hello, world" message then your Go installation is working.

You can run go install to install the binary into your workspace's bin directory or go clean -i to remove it.

Before rushing off to write Go code please read the How to Write Go Code document, which describes some essential concepts about using the Go tools.

但是,按旧有方式,还可在终端执行:go run hello.go





1. 因为go version >= 1.13,所以go env -w GO111MODULE=on修改相应依赖模式,go env查看

posted @ 2020-01-10 15:11  九五挥了挥手  阅读(788)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报