01 - fundamentals


If someone claims to have the perfect programming language, he is either a fool or a salesman or both.
– Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

C++ 优劣

benefits 优势

  • C++ is fast
    Get ready for the Python vs C++ speed showdown during Assignment 1!

  • C++ is popular
    许多公司和研究项目都使用 C++,并且在 C++ 中进行编码面试是很常见的

  • C++ is powerful
    C++ brings you closer to the raw computing power that your computer has to offer

drawbacks 劣势

  • C++ is complex
    · We will rely on the Stanford C++ libraries to provide a friendlier level of abstraction
    · In the future, you may choose to explore the standard libraries

  • C++ can be dangerous
    "With great power comes great responsibility"

Comments 注解

  • Single-line comments

    // Two forward slashes comment out the rest of the line
    cout << "Hello, World!" << endl; // everything past the double-slash is a comment
  • Multi-line comments

    /* This is a multi-line comment.
    * It begins and ends with an asterisk-slash.

Includes 引用

  • Utilizing code written by other programmers is one of the most powerful things that you can do when writing code.

  • In order to make the compiler aware of other code libraries or other code files
    that you want to use, you must include a header file. There are two ways that
    you can do so:
    #include <iostream>

    • Use of the angle bracket operators is usually reserved for code from the C++ Standard library

    #include "console.h"

    • Use of the quotes is usually reserved for code from the Stanford C++ libraries, or code in files that you have written yourself

Console Output

  • In C++, the way that you get information to the console is by using the cout keyword and angle bracket operators (<<).
  • The endl is necessary to put the cursor on a different line. Here is an example with and without the endl keyword.
cout << "The answer to life, the universe, and everything is " << 42 << "." << endl;

Variables and Types


  • 一个变量存储一个对应的值

    A way for code to store infomation by associating a value with a name.

  • We will think of a variable as a named container storing a value.

106 className

16.3 sundayTemp

  • 变量是编程中最基础的部分之一
  • 注意⚠️: c++ 使用驼峰式命名变量


// int
int a = 1;
// double
double b = 3.14;
// string
string s = "hello";
// char
char c = 'A';
double a = 4.2; // ERROR! You cannot redifine a variable to be another type
int a = 12; // ERROR! You do not need the type when re-assigning a variable
a = 12; // this is okay, updates variable value
  • In C++, all types must be explicitly defined when the variable is created, and a variable cannot change its type.

Functions and Parameters

Anatomy of a function


// function prototype
returnType functionName(varType parameter1, varType parameter2, ...);
// function defination
returnType functionName(varType parameter1, varType parameter2, ...) {
returnType variable = /* Some fancy code. */
/* Some more code to actually do things. */
return variable;
// example
double average(double a, double b){
double sum = a + b;
return sum / 2;
int main(){
double mid = average(10.6, 7.2);
cout << mid << endl;
return 0;


Pass by Value

using namespace std;
int doubleValue(int x) {
x *= 2;
return x;
int main() {
int myValue = 5;
int result = doubleValue(myValue);
cout << "myValue: " << myValue << " ";
cout << "result: " << result << endl;
// answer:
// myValue: 5 result: 10

Control Flow

Boolean Expressions

Expression Meaning Operation Meaning
a < b a is less than b
a <= b a is less than or equal to b a && b Both a AND b are ture
a > b a is greater than than b a || b Either a OR b are ture
a >= b a is greater than or equal to b !a If a is true, returns false, and vice-versa
a == b a is equal to b
a != b a is not equal to b

Conditional Statements

  • The C++ if statement tests a boolean expression and runs a block of code if the expression is true, and, optionally, runs a different block of code if the expression is false. The if statement has the following format:
if(expression) {
statements if expression is true
} else {
statements if expression is false
  • Additional else if statements can be used to check for addtional conditions as well
if(expression1) {
statements if expression1 is true
} else if(expression2) {
statements if expression2 is false
} else {
statement if neither expression1 nor expression2 is true

while loops

  • Loops allow you to repeat the execution of a certain block of code multiple times
  • while loops are great when you want to continue executing something until a certain condition is met and you don't know exactly how many times you want to iterate for
// Execution continues until expression evaluates to false
while (expression) {

for loops

  • for loops are great when you have a known, fixed number of times that you want to execute a block of code
* The initializationStatement happens at the beginning of the loop, and initializes a variable. E.g., int i = 0.
* The testExpression is evaluated initially, and after each run through the loop, and if it is true, and the loop continues for another iteration. E.g., i < 3.
* The updateStatement happens after each loop, but before testExpression is evaluated. E.g., i++.
for (initializationStatement; testExpression; updateStatement) {


Software and cathedrals are much the same – first we build them, then we pray.
– Sam Redwine

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