


Bucardo 是基于表复制的系统

Bucardo 可以实现PostgreSQL数据库的双master/多master的方案







过程是这样的: 1、对表进行更改并记录在bucardo_delta表中。 2、向主Bucardo守护进程发送通知,让它知道表已经更改。 3、守护进程通知控制器进行同步,然后返回侦听。 4、控制器创建一个“kid”来处理复制,或者通知已经存在的复制。 5、孩子开始一个新的事务,禁用相关表上的触发器和规则。 6、然后,它收集自上次复制以来哪些行发生了更改的列表,然后比较这两个行以确定应该做什么。 7、如果存在冲突,则会运行标准冲突处理程序,或者为每个表设置的自定义处理程序来对内容进行排序。 8、触发器和规则被重新启用,事务被提交。 9、如果事务失败,则运行任何自定义异常处理程序。 10、子程序向控制器发出它已经完成的信号。

2|0二、Bucardo 的安装


Bucardo 软件依赖包有如下:

build, test, and install Perl 5           (at least 5.8.3) build, test, and install Postgres          (at least 8.2) build, test, and install the DBI module        (at least 1.51) build, test, and install the DBD::Pg module    (at least 2.0.0) build, test, and install the DBIx::Safe module (at least 1.2.4)

1|01、安装 Perl

本次系统linux版本是6.5 Perl是linux系统自带;默认版本是v5.10.1;可行

[root@node3 Bucardo]# perl -v This is perl, v5.10.1 (*) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi

1|02、安装 PostgreSQL软件

在编译的过程需要带上 --with-perl;

1|03、安装 DBI module

安装DBI 依赖 Test-Simple;

# 安装 Test-Simple Test-Simple下载地址 https://metacpan.org 搜索 Test-Simple # 解压Test-Simple源码包 tar -zxvf Test-Simple-1.302183.tar.gz # 进入Test-Simple目录进行安装 cd Test-Simple-1.302183 perl Makefile.PL make make install # 接下来安装DBI # 下载地址:http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.630.tar.gz tar -zxvf DBI-1.630.tar.gz cd DBI-1.630 perl Makefile.PL make make install

1|04、 安装DBD::Pg module

安装最新的DBD::Pg;需要依赖 Time::HiRes

# 安装 Time::HiRes 下载地址: https://metacpan.org 搜索 Time::HiRes tar -zxvf Time-HiRes-1.9764.tar.gz  cd Time-HiRes-1.9764 perl Makefile.PL make make install # 接下来安装DBD::Pg # 安装DBD::Pg;需要确定已经安装 PostgreSQL 环境;即pg_config输出 # 加载 PostgreSQL 环境变量 tar -zxvf DBD-Pg-3.14.2.tar.gz cd DBD-Pg-3.14.2 perl Makefile.PL make make install


# 下载地址:https://bucardo.org/DBIx-Safe/ tar -zxvf DBIx-Safe-1.2.5.tar.gz cd DBIx-Safe-1.2.5 perl Makefile.PL make make install

2|22.2、安装 Bucardo

# 在网站https://bucardo.org/Bucardo/下载 tar -zxvf Bucardo-5.6.0.tar.gz cd Bucardo-5.6.0 perl Makefile.PL make make install # 查看Bucardo版本 [postgres@node3 ~]$ bucardo --version bucardo version 5.6.0


元数据库存储bucardo复制的配置信息,使用 bucardo install 命令创建;



log_conflict_file         = /home/postgres/bucardo/log/bucardo_conflict.log piddir                    = /home/postgres/bucardo/run reason_file               = /home/postgres/bucardo/log/bucardo.restart.reason.log warning_file              = /home/postgres/bucardo/log/bucardo.warning.log syslog_facility           = LOG_LOCAL1


mkdir -p /home/postgres/bucardo/log mkdir -p /home/postgres/bucardo/run

3|33.3、执行 bucardo install 命令

准备工作完成;开始执行 bucardo install 命令创建 元数据库;

# /usr/local/share/bucardo/bucardo.schema [postgres@node3 ~]$ bucardo install This will install the bucardo database into an existing Postgres cluster. Postgres must have been compiled with Perl support, and you must connect as a superuser Current connection settings: 1. Host:           <none> 2. Port:           6000 3. User:           bucardo 4. Database:       bucardo 5. PID directory:  /home/postgres/bucardo/run Enter a number to change it, P to proceed, or Q to quit: 1 -- 推荐使用unix套接字方式连接数据;可以使用dbuser:postgres;dbname:postgres去连接。 Change the host to: /tmp Changed host to: /tmp Current connection settings: 1. Host:           /tmp 2. Port:           6000 3. User:           postgres 4. Database:       postgres 5. PID directory:  /home/postgres/bucardo/run Enter a number to change it, P to proceed, or Q to quit: P Attempting to create and populate the bucardo database and schema Database creation is complete Updated configuration setting "piddir" Installation is now complete. If you see errors or need help, please email bucardo-general@bucardo.org You may want to check over the configuration variables next, by running: bucardo show all Change any setting by using: bucardo set foo=bar




[postgres@node3 ~]$ createdb master [postgres@node3 ~]$ createdb slave

4|14.1、Add databases

执行bucardo add db命令;记录同步数据库的连接信息

[postgres@node3 ~]$ bucardo add db db1 host=/tmp dbname=master user=postgres Added database "db1" [postgres@node3 ~]$ bucardo add db db2 host=/tmp dbname=slave user=postgres Added database "db2" #这里推荐使用unix套接字;若元数据库跟需要复制的数据不是在同一台;则需要使用TCP/IP连接的方式。 bucardo add db db1 host=IP port=PGPORT dbname=PGDB user=PGUSRR password=PGPASSWD

4|24.2、add dbgroup

添加 dbgroup 数据库组; 在一套复制系统中可以有多个源数据库、目标数据库。指定哪个数据库是源数据库,哪个是目标数据库

[postgres@node3 ~]$ bucardo add dbgroup dbgrp01 db1:source db2:target Created dbgroup "dbgrp01" Added database "db1" to dbgroup "dbgrp01" as source Added database "db2" to dbgroup "dbgrp01" as target

4|34.3、add relgroup

# 创建复制表tbl_lottu01 [postgres@node3 ~]$ psql master postgres -c "create table tbl_lottu01(id int primary key, info text)" CREATE TABLE [postgres@node3 ~]$ psql slave postgres -c "create table tbl_lottu01(id int primary key, info text)" CREATE TABLE # 添加 relgroup 复制集;即要复制的表、序列的集合 [postgres@node3 ~]$ bucardo add relgroup relgrp01 tbl_lottu01 Created relgroup "relgrp01" Added the following tables or sequences:   public.tbl_lottu01 (DB: db1) The following tables or sequences are now part of the relgroup "relgrp01":   public.tbl_lottu01

4|44.4、Add syncs

添加同步;在创建同步需要指定dbgroup 和relgroup

[postgres@node3 ~]$ bucardo add sync sync01 relgroup=relgrp01 dbgroup=dbgrp01 conflict_strategy=bucardo_latest 2020-11-03 17:08:51.494 CST [6988] LOG:  Starting validate_sync for sync01 2020-11-03 17:08:51.494 CST [6988] CONTEXT:  PL/Perl function "validate_sync" SQL statement "SELECT validate_sync('sync01')" PL/Perl function "validate_sync" 2020-11-03 17:08:51.494 CST [6988] STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO bucardo.sync (herd,name,dbs,conflict_strategy) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4) 2020-11-03 17:08:51.619 CST [6988] LOG:  Ending validate_sync for sync01 2020-11-03 17:08:51.619 CST [6988] CONTEXT:  PL/Perl function "validate_sync" SQL statement "SELECT validate_sync('sync01')" PL/Perl function "validate_sync" 2020-11-03 17:08:51.619 CST [6988] STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO bucardo.sync (herd,name,dbs,conflict_strategy) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4) Added sync "sync01"


    "conflict_strategy"         The conflict resolution strategy to use in the sync. Supported         values:         "bucardo_source"             The rows on the "source" database always "win". In other words,             in a conflict, Bucardo copies rows from source to target.         "bucardo_target"             The rows on the "target" database always win.         "bucardo_skip"             Any conflicting rows are simply not replicated. Not recommended             for most cases.         "bucardo_random"             Each database has an equal chance of winning each time. This is             the default.         "bucardo_latest"             The row that was most recently changed wins.         "bucardo_abort"             The sync is aborted on a conflict.

4|54.5、test sync


[postgres@node3 ~]$ bucardo start Checking for existing processes Starting Bucardo [postgres@node3 ~]$ 2020-11-03 17:21:07.440 CST [7178] LOG:  Starting validate_sync for sync01 2020-11-03 17:21:07.440 CST [7178] CONTEXT:  PL/Perl function "validate_sync" 2020-11-03 17:21:07.440 CST [7178] STATEMENT:  SELECT validate_sync('sync01') 2020-11-03 17:21:07.494 CST [7178] LOG:  Ending validate_sync for sync01 2020-11-03 17:21:07.494 CST [7178] CONTEXT:  PL/Perl function "validate_sync" 2020-11-03 17:21:07.494 CST [7178] STATEMENT:  SELECT validate_sync('sync01') [postgres@node3 ~]$ ps -ef | grep bucardo postgres   7178   6376  0 17:21 ?        00:00:00 postgres: bucardo bucardo [local] idle postgres   7184   6376  0 17:21 ?        00:00:00 postgres: bucardo bucardo [local] idle postgres   7187   6376  0 17:21 ?        00:00:00 postgres: bucardo bucardo [local] idle postgres   7191   6376  0 17:21 ?        00:00:00 postgres: bucardo bucardo [local] idle postgres   7196   7066  0 17:21 pts/1    00:00:00 grep bucardo


[postgres@node3 ~]$ psql master postgres psql (12.2) Type "help" for help. master=# insert into tbl_lottu01 values (1, 'lottu01'); INSERT 0 1                                          master=# insert into tbl_lottu01 values (2, 'lottu02'); INSERT 0 1 master=# \q 在目标库查看记录 [postgres@node3 ~]$ psql slave postgres psql (12.2) Type "help" for help. slave=# select * from tbl_lottu01;  id |  info    ----+---------   1 | lottu01   2 | lottu02 (2 rows)



Bucardo 可以实现PostgreSQL数据库的双master/多master的方案;



#  添加数据库组;指定db2是源数据库,db1是目标数据库 bucardo add dbgroup dbgrp02 db2:source db1:target # 添加同步 bucardo add sync sync02 relgroup=relgrp01 dbgroup=dbgrp02 conflict_strategy=bucardo_latest 这样可以完成双主架构 master=# insert into tbl_lottu01 values (3, 'lottu03'); INSERT 0 1 slave=# insert into tbl_lottu01 values (4, 'lottu04'); INSERT 0 1 查看master/slave结果是 =# select * from tbl_lottu01;  id |  info    ----+---------   1 | lottu01   2 | lottu02   4 | lottu04   3 | lottu03 (4 rows)



# 关闭bucardo服务 bucardo stop # 更新同步为增量同步; bucardo update sync sync01 onetimecopy=2     "onetimecopy"         0: 关闭         1: fullcopy;采用delete/copy的方式         2: 增量copy; # 启动bucardo服务 bucardo start




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