set statistics time on
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup1
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup2
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup3
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup4
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup5
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup6
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup7
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup8
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup9
alter database MyTest add filegroup ByIdGroup10
alter database MyTest add file
(name=N'ById1',filename=N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\ById1.ndf',size=5Mb,filegrowth=5mb) to filegroup ByIdGroup1
Use [MyTest]
begin transaction
create partition function bgPartitionFun(datetime) as range left for values('2012-01-01','2013-01-01','2014-01-01','2015-01-01')
create partition scheme bgPartitionSchema as partition bgPartitionFun to([PRIMARY],ByIdGroup1,ByIdGroup3,ByIdGroup4,ByIdGroup5)
select $partition.bgPartitionFun('2014-11-21')
select * from userInfo where $partition.bgPartitionFun(DateSet)=1
select COUNT(*) a,$partition.bgPartitionFun(DateSet) b from userInfo
group by $partition.bgPartitionFun(DateSet)
select * from sys.filegroups
select * from sys.partition_schemes
select * from sys.partition_functions
select * from sys.partition_range_values
select * from sys.data_spaces ---包含文件组和分区方案
alter partition function bgPartitionFun() split range('2014-01-01')
alter partition function bgPartitionFun() merge range('2014-01-01')
alter table userInfo switch partition 1 to tableName
alter table tableName switch to userInfo partition 1
drop partition function bgPartitionFun
create clustered index indexName on tableName(columnName)
on partitionSchemeName(partitionColumnName)
SchemaName = S.name,
TableName = TB.name,
PartitionScheme = PS.name,
PartitionFunction = PF.name,
PartitionFunctionRangeType = CASE
WHEN boundary_value_on_right = 0 THEN 'LEFT'
PartitionFunctionFanout = PF.fanout,
SchemaID = S.schema_id,
ObjectID = TB.object_id,
PartitionSchemeID = PS.data_space_id,
PartitionFunctionID = PS.function_id
FROM sys.schemas S
INNER JOIN sys.tables TB
ON S.schema_id = TB.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.indexes IDX
on TB.object_id = IDX.object_id
AND IDX.index_id < 2
INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes PS
ON PS.data_space_id = IDX.data_space_id
INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions PF
ON PS.function_id = PF.function_id