生成 pyd 文件
pyd文件在 linux下一般是 .so的形式,在windows下是 .pyd的形式
pip install cython
vim test_for_pyd.py
from ctypes import *
from struct import pack,unpack
def encrypt(v, key):
v0, v1 = c_uint32(v[0]), c_uint32(v[1])
delta = 0x54646454
total = c_uint32(0)
for i in range(64):
v0.value += (((v1.value << 3) ^ (v1.value >> 6)) + v1.value) ^ (total.value + key[total.value & 3])
# print(hex(v1.value << 3),hex(v1.value >> 6),hex((((v1.value << 3) ^ (v1.value >> 6)) + v1.value) ^ (total.value + key[total.value & 3])))
total.value += delta
v1.value += (((v0.value << 3) ^ (v0.value >> 6)) + v0.value) ^ (total.value + key[(total.value>>11) & 3])
# print(hex(v0.value << 3),hex(v0.value >> 6),hex((((v0.value << 3) ^ (v0.value >> 6)) + v0.value) ^ (total.value + key[total.value & 3])))
return v0.value, v1.value
def decrypt(v, key):
v0, v1 = c_uint32(v[0]), c_uint32(v[1])
delta = 0x54646454
total = c_uint32(delta * 64)
for i in range(64):
v1.value -= (((v0.value << 3) ^ (v0.value >> 6)) + v0.value) ^ (total.value + key[(total.value>>11) & 3])
total.value -= delta
v0.value -= (((v1.value << 3) ^ (v1.value >> 6)) + v1.value) ^ (total.value + key[total.value & 3])
return v0.value, v1.value
def xtea(inp:bytes,key:bytes):
from struct import pack,unpack
k = unpack("<4I",key)
inp_len = len(inp) // 4
value = unpack(f"<{inp_len}I",inp)
res = b""
for i in range(0,inp_len,2):
v = [value[i],value[i+1]]
# x = encrypt(v,k)
x = decrypt(v,k)
res += pack("<2I",*x)
return res
l2b = lambda lst: b''.join(i.to_bytes(4, 'little') for i in lst)
cip_li = [0x481F56C9,0xc7EE5EF4,0xa00A5B72,0x7648F086,0x307F948,0x29B379B0]
cip = l2b(cip_li)
key = b"f\x00\x00\x00l\x00\x00\x00a\x00\x00\x00g\x00\x00\x00"
ret = xtea(cip,key)
flag = b""
for i in range(0,len(ret),4):
x = (ret[i:i+4])[::-1]
flag += x
编写 setup.py
from setuptools import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
不过我们可以指定生成有符号的 pyd文件:
python setup.py build_ext --inplace --debug
不然会缺少 python312_d.lib
可以尝试编译对应版本的python demo。然后bindiff恢复部分符号。
import rand0m
x = dir(rand0m)
直接使用 pyd的函数
上面我们可以发现这个 rand0m 库中存在 check、rand0m这些函数库,那我们可以直接 rand0m.rand0m()来调用函数
直接翻 .data段,一般上面是 "check" 字符串,下面就是函数
可以字节写个 python文件调用 rand0m中的库函数,然后设置 input停顿一下,再让ida附加上去
frida hook 相关库函数
类似这种,直接 hook相关逻辑运算的函数,但这种做法的缺点就是,你需要解析一下PyLongObject结构体,因为不同版本下Long类型结构体不一样,还有就是,这种方法也hook不全所有的函数,比如对于Lshift、Rshift、And等逻辑操作来说,是hook不到的,因为有可能他就不走 Py提供的库函数,直接在pyd中自己实现了
var hook_list = [
/* =========> python12 PyLongObject structure <========
#define _PyLong_NON_SIZE_BITS 3
The number of digits (ndigits) is stored in the high bits of
the lv_tag field (lvtag >> _PyLong_NON_SIZE_BITS).
The sign of the value is stored in the lower 2 bits of lv_tag.
- 0: Positive
- 1: Zero
- 2: Negative
The third lowest bit of lv_tag is reserved for an immortality flag, but is
not currently used.
struct _object {
Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt;
PyTypeObject *ob_type;
typedef struct _PyLongValue {
uintptr_t lv_tag; //Number of digits, sign and flags //
digit ob_digit[1];
} _PyLongValue;
typedef struct _object PyObject;
#define PyObject_HEAD PyObject ob_base;
struct _longobject {
_PyLongValue long_value;
typedef struct _longobject PyLongObject;
function parseInt_python12(addr){
var ob_refcnt = addr.readU64()
var ob_type = addr.add(0x8).readU64()
var lv_tag = addr.add(0x10).readU64()
var sign = lv_tag & 3
var numdigits = lv_tag >> 3
let val = 0
for(var i=0;i<numdigits;i++){
val += addr.add(0x18 + 4*i).readU32() * (2 ** (30*i)) // counld not handle BigInt
return (1-sign) * val
function parseInt_python12(addr){
var ob_refcnt = addr.readU64()
var ob_type = addr.add(0x8).readU64()
var ob_size = addr.add(0x10).readS64() // not unsigned
var numdigits = ob_size
if(ob_size < 0){
numdigits = -numdigits;
let val = 0
if (numdigits > 0x10000){ // too big , maby not PyLong
val = addr.add(0x18).readU32()
console.log("unexpected data , " + "0x" + val.toString(16))
for(var i=0;i<numdigits;i++){
val += addr.add(0x18 + 4*i).readU32() * (2 ** (30*i)) // counld not handle BigInt
if(ob_size == 0){
return 0
}else if(ob_size >0){
return val
}else if(ob_size <0){
return -val
for(let i=0;i<hook_list.length;i++){
var funcAddress = Module.findExportByName('python312.dll', hook_list[i]);
if(funcAddress !== null){
const op = hook_list[i]
onEnter: function(args){
this.arg1 = parseInt_python12(args[0])
this.arg2 = parseInt_python12(args[1])
onLeave: function(retval){
var ret = parseInt_python12(retval)
var pri = "0x" + this.arg1.toString(16).padEnd(20) + op.padEnd(25) + "0x" + this.arg2.toString(16).padEnd(20)
console.log(pri + "==>\t" + "0x" + ret.toString(16))
console.log("fail find export fun");
var hook_list = [
/* =========> python12 PyLongObject structure <========
#define _PyLong_NON_SIZE_BITS 3
The number of digits (ndigits) is stored in the high bits of
the lv_tag field (lvtag >> _PyLong_NON_SIZE_BITS).
The sign of the value is stored in the lower 2 bits of lv_tag.
- 0: Positive
- 1: Zero
- 2: Negative
The third lowest bit of lv_tag is reserved for an immortality flag, but is
not currently used.
struct _object {
Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt;
PyTypeObject *ob_type;
typedef struct _PyLongValue {
uintptr_t lv_tag; //Number of digits, sign and flags //
digit ob_digit[1];
} _PyLongValue;
typedef struct _object PyObject;
#define PyObject_HEAD PyObject ob_base;
struct _longobject {
_PyLongValue long_value;
typedef struct _longobject PyLongObject;
function parseInt_python12(addr){
var ob_refcnt = addr.readU64()
var ob_type = addr.add(0x8).readU64()
var lv_tag = addr.add(0x10).readU64()
var sign = lv_tag & 3
var numdigits = lv_tag >> 3
let val = 0
for(var i=0;i<numdigits;i++){
val += addr.add(0x18 + 4*i).readU32() * (2 ** (30*i)) // counld not handle BigInt
return (1-sign) * val
function parseInt_python12(addr){
var ob_refcnt = addr.readU64()
var ob_type = addr.add(0x8).readU64()
var ob_size = addr.add(0x10).readS64() // not unsigned
var numdigits = ob_size
if(ob_size < 0){
numdigits = -numdigits;
let val = 0
if (numdigits > 0x10000){ // to big , maby not PyLong
val = addr.add(0x18).readU32()
console.log("unexpected data , " + "0x" + val.toString(16))
for(var i=0;i<numdigits;i++){
val += addr.add(0x18 + 4*i).readU32() * (2 ** (30*i)) // counld not handle BigInt
if(ob_size == 0){
return 0
}else if(ob_size >0){
return val
}else if(ob_size <0){
return -val
for(let i=0;i<hook_list.length;i++){
var funcAddress = Module.findExportByName('python312.dll', hook_list[i]);
if(funcAddress !== null){
const op = hook_list[i]
onEnter: function(args){
this.arg1 = parseInt_python12(args[0])
this.arg2 = parseInt_python12(args[1])
onLeave: function(retval){
var ret = parseInt_python12(retval)
var pri = "0x" + this.arg1.toString(16).padEnd(20) + op.padEnd(25) + "0x" + this.arg2.toString(16).padEnd(20)
console.log(pri + "==>\t" + "0x" + ret.toString(16))
console.log("fail find export fun");
之后慢慢动调即可,需要爆破 6 位二进制
# # enc
def enc():
flag ="1122334455667777abcdefffaa44ff55"
# cmp_list1 = [0x112287f38,0x10a30f74d,0x1023a1268,0x208108807]
cmp1 = [0x12287F38,0x4a30f74d,0x23a1268,0x88108807]
cmp2 = [0x98d24b3a,0xe0f1db77,0xadf38403,0xd8499bb6]
for i in range(4):
part = int(flag[8*i+0:8*i+8],16)
x = (part >> 28)
y = (part << 4)
y &= 0xfa3affff
y += x
assert y == cmp1[i]
p1 = (part ^ 0x9e3779b9) >> 0xb
res = (p1 ** 0x10001) % 0xfffffffd
assert res == cmp2[i]
import gmpy2
def set_bit(idx:int,val:int,sel:int):
if sel == 0:
return val & ~(1 << idx)
return val | (1 << idx)
# 0xfa3affff ==> 1111 1010 0011 1010 1111 1111 1111 1111 # 爆破各位 --> 2**6的时间复杂度
bin_idx_list = [26,24,23,22,18,16]
cip1 = [0x12287F38,0x4a30f74d,0x23a1268,0x88108807]
cip2 = [0x98d24b3a,0xe0f1db77,0xadf38403,0xd8499bb6]
flag = []
for i in range(len(cip1)):
val = cip1[i]
x = val & 0xf
y = val-x
# blast y ==> 2 ** 6
for sel1 in range(2):
y = set_bit(bin_idx_list[0],y,sel1)
for sel2 in range(2):
y = set_bit(bin_idx_list[1],y,sel2)
for sel3 in range(2):
y = set_bit(bin_idx_list[2],y,sel3)
for sel4 in range(2):
y = set_bit(bin_idx_list[3],y,sel4)
for sel5 in range(2):
y = set_bit(bin_idx_list[4],y,sel5)
for sel6 in range(2):
y = set_bit(bin_idx_list[5],y,sel6)
part = ((x << 28) | (y >> 4)) & 0xffffffff
p1 = (part ^ 0x9e3779b9) >> 0xb
res = gmpy2.powmod(p1,0x10001,0xfffffffd)
if res == cip2[i]:
print(f"{i+1} ==> {hex(part)}")
for i in flag:
t = hex(i)[2:]
print(t,end = " ")
# 813a97f3d4b34f74802ba12678950880
同样frida hook 一下,需要注意的是这里是python11版本,PyLongObject结构体有些不同
const hook_list = [
/* =========> python11 PyLongObject structure <========
===> Long integer representation.
The absolute value of a number is equal to
SUM(for i=0 through abs(ob_size)-1) ob_digit[i] * 2**(SHIFT*i)
Negative numbers are represented with ob_size < 0;
zero is represented by ob_size == 0.
In a normalized number, ob_digit[abs(ob_size)-1] (the most significant
digit) is never zero. Also, in all cases, for all valid i,
0 <= ob_digit[i] <= MASK.
The allocation function takes care of allocating extra memory
so that ob_digit[0] ... ob_digit[abs(ob_size)-1] are actually available.
We always allocate memory for at least one digit, so accessing ob_digit[0]
is always safe. However, in the case ob_size == 0, the contents of
ob_digit[0] may be undefined.
CAUTION: Generic code manipulating subtypes of PyVarObject has to
aware that ints abuse ob_size's sign bit.
typedef __int64 Py_ssize_t;
struct _object {
Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt;
PyTypeObject *ob_type;
typedef struct _object PyObject;
typedef intptr_t Py_ssize_t;
typedef struct {
PyObject ob_base;
Py_ssize_t ob_size; // Number of items in variable part
} PyVarObject;
#define PyObject_VAR_HEAD PyVarObject ob_base;
struct _longobject {
digit ob_digit[1];
typedef struct _longobject PyLongObject;
function deepClone(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
function parseInt_python11(addr){
var ob_refcnt = addr.readU64()
var ob_type = addr.add(0x8).readU64()
var ob_size = addr.add(0x10).readS64() // not unsigned
var numdigits = ob_size
if(ob_size < 0){
numdigits = -numdigits;
let val = 0
if (numdigits > 0x10000){ // to big , maby not PyLong
val = addr.add(0x18).readU32()
console.log("unexpected data , " + "0x" + val.toString(16))
for(var i=0;i<numdigits;i++){
val += addr.add(0x18 + 4*i).readU32() * (2 ** (30*i)) // counld not handle BigInt
if(ob_size == 0){
return 0
}else if(ob_size >0){
return val
}else if(ob_size <0){
return -val
for(let i=0;i<hook_list.length;i++){
var funcAddress = Module.findExportByName('python311.dll', hook_list[i]);
if(funcAddress !== null){
const op = hook_list[i]
onEnter: function(args){
this.arg1 = parseInt_python11(args[0])
this.arg2 = parseInt_python11(args[1])
onLeave: function(retval){
var ret = parseInt_python11(retval)
var pri = "0x" + this.arg1.toString(16).padEnd(20) + op.padEnd(25) + "0x" + this.arg2.toString(16).padEnd(20)
console.log(pri + "==>\t" + "0x" + ret.toString(16))
console.log("fail find export fun");
from ctypes import *
from struct import pack,unpack
def encrypt(v, key):
v0, v1 = c_uint32(v[0]), c_uint32(v[1])
delta = 0x54646454
total = c_uint32(0)
for i in range(64):
v0.value += (((v1.value << 3) ^ (v1.value >> 6)) + v1.value) ^ (total.value + key[total.value & 3])
# print(hex(v1.value << 3),hex(v1.value >> 6),hex((((v1.value << 3) ^ (v1.value >> 6)) + v1.value) ^ (total.value + key[total.value & 3])))
total.value += delta
v1.value += (((v0.value << 3) ^ (v0.value >> 6)) + v0.value) ^ (total.value + key[(total.value>>11) & 3])
# print(hex(v0.value << 3),hex(v0.value >> 6),hex((((v0.value << 3) ^ (v0.value >> 6)) + v0.value) ^ (total.value + key[total.value & 3])))
return v0.value, v1.value
def decrypt(v, key):
v0, v1 = c_uint32(v[0]), c_uint32(v[1])
delta = 0x54646454
total = c_uint32(delta * 64)
for i in range(64):
v1.value -= (((v0.value << 3) ^ (v0.value >> 6)) + v0.value) ^ (total.value + key[(total.value>>11) & 3])
total.value -= delta
v0.value -= (((v1.value << 3) ^ (v1.value >> 6)) + v1.value) ^ (total.value + key[total.value & 3])
return v0.value, v1.value
def xtea(inp:bytes,key:bytes):
from struct import pack,unpack
k = unpack("<4I",key)
inp_len = len(inp) // 4
value = unpack(f"<{inp_len}I",inp)
res = b""
for i in range(0,inp_len,2):
v = [value[i],value[i+1]]
# x = encrypt(v,k)
x = decrypt(v,k)
res += pack("<2I",*x)
return res
l2b = lambda lst: b''.join(i.to_bytes(4, 'little') for i in lst)
cip_li = [0x481F56C9,0xc7EE5EF4,0xa00A5B72,0x7648F086,0x307F948,0x29B379B0]
cip = l2b(cip_li)
key = b"f\x00\x00\x00l\x00\x00\x00a\x00\x00\x00g\x00\x00\x00"
ret = xtea(cip,key)
flag = b""
for i in range(0,len(ret),4):
x = (ret[i:i+4])[::-1]
flag += x
参考: https://tenthousandmeters.com/blog/python-behind-the-scenes-8-how-python-integers-work/
在 Include\pytypedefs.h