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首先注意bgsim intrpt属性为disable,估计本进程会由gna_profile_mgr 进程调用并提供初始化参数。

状态变量注意:GnaT_Cli_Ftp_Params_Info* ftp_client_info_ptr;和GnaT_Nam_Appl* application_info_ptr;是由profile提供的参数。


/** This state initialize variables. **/

/* Create a handle for tracking dynamically allocated objects */
cmo_handle = prg_cmo_define ("gna_ftp_mgr dynamic memory");  //注意动态分配的对象(这里不是内存???)

/* Acquire the application information from the argument memory. 从父进程的参数内存得到进程初始化参数*/
if ((application_info_ptr = (GnaT_Nam_Appl *)op_pro_argmem_access ()) == OPC_NIL)
 /* Stop the simulation if the application information can not be accessed. */
 ftp_mgr_error ("Unable to get the application information from the parent profile manager process", OPC_NIL, OPC_NIL);

/* Schedule the first entry or query for the database application. */
/* A request/query should be sent as soon as the application  */
/* manager is spawned since it marks the start of the application. */
op_intrpt_schedule_self (op_sim_time (), GNAC_FTP_CLIENT_SPAWN);  //马上调用一个自中断,使下一步马上进入get/put状态

/* Schedule the end of the application.该进程仿真结束,时间 = 进程仿真持续时间 + 当前时间 */
end_of_application = application_info_ptr->application_duration + op_sim_time ();
ending_event_handle = op_intrpt_schedule_self (end_of_application, GNAC_FTP_MGR_KILL);  //调用另一个自中断,当到达进程结束时间时中断

/* Create a structure in charge of sending all information to the FTP client. This structure will tell whether the client   */
/* should generate a request or an entry, its size ...    分配内存,用于存储FTP client端的信息*/
ftp_client_info_ptr = (GnaT_Cli_Ftp_Params_Info*) prg_cmo_alloc (cmo_handle, sizeof (GnaT_Cli_Ftp_Params_Info));

/* Get traffic scaling factor. 应在profile中已经定义好的信息*/
temp_app_desc = (GnaT_Ftp_Desc *) application_info_ptr->application_comp_ptr->application_ptr->application_desc_ptr;
inter_request_time_dist_handle = oms_dist_scaled_load_from_string (temp_app_desc->inter_request_time_dist_name_ptr, 1 / application_info_ptr->scaling_factor);

/* Set type of service in structure passed to FTP client. */
ftp_client_info_ptr->tos = temp_app_desc->tos;

/* Pass to client global information structure. */
ftp_client_info_ptr->app_info_ptr = application_info_ptr;

/* Set the apptracking info from the PTC memory */
ftp_client_info_ptr->apptrack_profile_info_ptr = (ApptrackT_Profile_Info*) op_pro_parmem_access ();





/** Spawns a client process for a "get" or a "put"  to the FTP server. A client is spawned for   **/
/** each potential TCP connection.      该状态调用子进程处理**/

/* Spawns a FTP child process. */
ftp_cli_phandle = op_pro_create ("gna_ftp_cli", OPC_NIL);  //创建,还没有调用,

/* Get the FTP description. FTP描述 */
temp_app_desc = (GnaT_Ftp_Desc *) application_info_ptr->application_comp_ptr->application_ptr->application_desc_ptr;

/* Get a random number to choose whether the request will be a "get" or a "put".           */
random_number = op_dist_uniform (1.0);

/* Set the corresponding request. */
if (random_number >= temp_app_desc->command_mix)
 /* The request is a "put". */
 if (trace_active || trace_arch_active)
  op_prg_odb_print_major ("FTP Manager spawning a FTP (\"gna_ftp_cli\") process for PUT command", OPC_NIL);

 ftp_client_info_ptr->request_type = GnaC_App_Type_Ftp_Put;
 /* The request is a "get". */
 if (trace_active || trace_arch_active)
  op_prg_odb_print_major ("FTP Manager spawning a FTP (\"gna_ftp_cli\") process for GET command", OPC_NIL);

 ftp_client_info_ptr->request_type = GnaC_App_Type_Ftp_Get;

/* Set packet size */
ftp_client_info_ptr->request_size = ceil (tpal_dist_positive_outcome(temp_app_desc->file_size_dist_handle,
           application_info_ptr->application_comp_ptr->application_ptr->application_name_ptr, "File size" ));

/* Select a server among the list of servers corresponding to the symbolic server name. 注意这里选择server,通过symbolic name*/
ftp_client_info_ptr->server_name = app_server_name_select (application_info_ptr);

/* Invoke FTP client. 这时FTP client应进入open状态*/
op_pro_invoke (ftp_cli_phandle, ftp_client_info_ptr);

/* Compute the next time a request will be made. */
scheduled_time = op_sim_time () + tpal_dist_positive_outcome (inter_request_time_dist_handle,
         application_info_ptr->application_comp_ptr->application_ptr->application_name_ptr, "Inter-request time");

/* Schedule next request unless application is over. */
if (scheduled_time <= end_of_application)
 op_intrpt_schedule_self (scheduled_time, GNAC_FTP_CLIENT_SPAWN);  //等间隔时间过后,再发出FTP 请求
 /* Check whether this interrupt is scheduled at the same time as the  ending interrupt.             */
 if (end_of_application == scheduled_time)
  /* Cancel ending interrupt that is lower in interrupt stack. Schedule an interrupt to end the application when over.  */
  /* Keep the handle of the interrupt in charge of destroying the process. Some applications may close at the same time. */
  /* The interrupt can be then cancelled and scheduled again so this ending interrupt occurs last.       */
  op_ev_cancel (ending_event_handle);
  ending_event_handle = op_intrpt_schedule_self (end_of_application, GNAC_FTP_MGR_KILL);




posted on 2013-03-24 19:39  loopever  阅读(922)  评论(7编辑  收藏  举报