- postgresql_copy – Copy data between a file/program and a PostgreSQL table
- postgresql_db – Add or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host
- postgresql_ext – Add or remove PostgreSQL extensions from a database
- postgresql_idx – Create or drop indexes from a PostgreSQL database
- postgresql_info – Gather information about PostgreSQL servers
- postgresql_lang – Adds, removes or changes procedural languages with a PostgreSQL database
- postgresql_membership – Add or remove PostgreSQL roles from groups
- postgresql_owner – Change an owner of PostgreSQL database object
- postgresql_pg_hba – Add, remove or modify a rule in a pg_hba file
- postgresql_ping – Check remote PostgreSQL server availability
- postgresql_privs – Grant or revoke privileges on PostgreSQL database objects
- postgresql_publication – Add, update, or remove PostgreSQL publication
- postgresql_query – Run PostgreSQL queries
- postgresql_schema – Add or remove PostgreSQL schema
- postgresql_sequence – Create, drop, or alter a PostgreSQL sequence
- postgresql_set – Change a PostgreSQL server configuration parameter
- postgresql_slot – Add or remove replication slots from a PostgreSQL database
- postgresql_table – Create, drop, or modify a PostgreSQL table
- postgresql_tablespace – Add or remove PostgreSQL tablespaces from remote hosts
- postgresql_user – Add or remove a user (role) from a PostgreSQL server instance