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Posted on 2008-05-13 14:28  龍騎少校  阅读(1390)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
ByVal 传送参数内存的一个拷贝给被调用者。也就是说,栈中压入的直接就是所传的值。
ByRef 传送参数内存的实际地址给被调用者。也就是说,栈中压入的是实际内容的地址。被调用者可以直接更改该地址中的内容。

ByVal 可选的。表示该参数按值传递。
ByRef 表示该参数按地址传递。 ByRef 是 Visual Basic 的缺省选项。

ByVal是传递值 源数据不会被修改
ByRef是传递地址 , 源数据可能被修改

sub Add1(ByVal no as int32)
end sub
sub Add2(ByRef no as int32)
end sub
private sub button1_click(sender as object,e as eventargs)handles button1.click
    dim a as int32
    msgbox (\"a的值为:\" & a)     '显示:a的值为100
    msgbox (\"a的值为:\" & a)     '显示:a的值为200,因为Add2中的参数no为ByRef,即
End Sub

    Sub TestCopyMemory()
        Dim k As Long
        k = 5
Note:   CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(k), 40000, 4
        Debug.Print k
    End Sub

Note2:   CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(k), ByVal 40000, 4
    这句话的意思就成了,从地址40000拷贝4个字节到变量k所在的内存中。由于地址40000所在的内存我们无权访问,操作系统会给我们一个Access Violation内存越权访问错误,告诉我们"试图读取位置0x00009c40处内存时出错,该内存不能为'Read'"。
Note3:   CopyMemory VarPtr(k), 40000, 4
    Sub TestCopyMemory()
        Dim I As Long, k As Long
        k = 5
        I = VarPtr(k)
NOTE4:  CopyMemory I, 40000, 4
        Debug.Print k
        Debug.Print I
        I = VarPtr(k)
NOTE5:  CopyMemory ByVal I, 40000, 4
        Debug.Print k
    End Sub


ByVal vs ByRef
The difference between ByVal and ByRef is very simple once we recall the subject on pointers. These keywords are simply abbreviations of the full definition of the differences between the two.

ByVal = By Value and ByRef = By Reference

Now we can recall what I said in the previous chapter about C/C++ and pointers. Pointers act as a Reference to a memory address location. In VB however, this means that the reference is occurring in your statement directly at the location of the actual data, and where it is stored.

Selecting a ByVal would thereby mean you are only working on a copy or replica of the data, and not the actual data segment it self.

This has specific implications for how your statements can handle and alter the data in your variable. The ByRef use, would imply that a change performed by the statement of the value you pass, has an affect on the actual data, while the ByVal use would only alter the copy the statement has to work on.

Simply described, if passed ByRef, a procedure can permanently alter the data stored in the variable. Since it also is faster to send a memory address location, rather than passing a copy of a data argument, it is the default value used by Visual Basic.
