js lzw中文压缩算法

  1 function utf8(){
  3 }
  5 utf8.prototype.encode=function(text)
  6 {
  7     var result = "";
  8     for (var n = 0; n < text.length; n++)
  9     {
 10         var c = text.charCodeAt(n);
 11         if (c < 128)
 12         {
 13             result += String.fromCharCode(c);
 14         }
 15         else if (c > 127 && c < 2048)
 16         {
 17             result += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
 18             result += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
 19         }
 20         else
 21         {
 22             result += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
 23             result += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
 24             result += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
 25         }
 26     }
 27     return result;
 28 }
 30 utf8.prototype.decode=function(text)
 31 {
 32     var result = "";
 33     var i = 0;
 34     var c1 = 0;
 35     var c2= 0;
 36     var c3 = 0;
 37     while (i < text.length)
 38     {
 39         c1 = text.charCodeAt(i);
 40         if (c1 < 128)
 41         {
 42             result += String.fromCharCode(c1);
 43             i++;
 44         }
 45         else if (c1 > 191 && c1 < 224)
 46         {
 47             c2 = text.charCodeAt(i + 1);
 48             result += String.fromCharCode(((c1 & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
 49             i += 2;
 50         }
 51         else
 52         {
 53             c2 = text.charCodeAt(i + 1);
 54             c3 = text.charCodeAt(i + 2);
 55             result += String.fromCharCode(((c1 & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
 56             i += 3;
 57         }
 58     }
 59     return result;
 60 }
 62 /**
 63  * Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
 64  * User: Administrator
 65  * Date: 12-8-3
 66  * Time: 下午4:01
 67  * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
 68  */
 69 /**
 70  * lzw中文压缩类
 71  * @type {*}
 72  */
 73 function lzwcn(){
 75 }
 77 lzwcn.prototype.compress=function(str){
 78     var rStr='';
 79     rStr=as3long.utf8.encode(str);
 80     var i=0;
 81     var size=0;
 82     var xstr='';
 83     var chars = 256;
 84     var dict = new Array();
 85     for (i = 0; i < chars; i++)
 86     {
 87         dict[String(i)] = i;
 88     }
 89     var splitted=new Array();
 90     splitted   = rStr.split("");
 91     var buffer=new Array();
 92     size=splitted.length;
 93     var current='';
 94     var result = new String("");
 95     for(i = 0;i<=size;i++)
 96     {
 97         current = new String(splitted[i]);
 98         xstr = (buffer.length == 0) ? String(current.charCodeAt(0)) : (buffer.join("-") + "-" + String(current.charCodeAt(0)));
 99         if (dict[xstr] !== undefined)
100         {
101             buffer.push(current.charCodeAt(0));
102         }
103         else
104         {
105             result += String.fromCharCode(dict[buffer.join("-")]);
106             dict[xstr] = chars;
107             chars++;
108             buffer = new Array();
109             buffer.push(current.charCodeAt(0));
110         }
111     }
112     return result;
113 }
115 lzwcn.prototype.decompress=function(str){
116     var i;
117     var chars = 256;
118     var dict = new Array();
119     for (i = 0; i < chars; i++)
120     {
121         dict[i] = String.fromCharCode(i);
122     }
123     var original = new String(str);
124     var splitted= original.split("");
125     var size = splitted.length;
126     var buffer= new String("");
127     var chain= new String("");
128     var result = new String("");
129     for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
130     {
131         var code = original.charCodeAt(i);
132         var current = dict[code];
133         if (buffer == "")
134         {
135             buffer = current;
136             result += current;
137         }
138         else
139         {
140             if (code <= 255)
141             {
142                 result += current;
143                 chain = buffer + current;
144                 dict[chars] = chain;
145                 chars++;
146                 buffer = current;
147             }
148             else
149             {
150                 chain = dict[code];
151                 if (chain == null)
152                 {
153                     chain = buffer + buffer.slice(0, 1);
154                 }
155                 result += chain;
156                 dict[chars] = buffer + chain.slice(0, 1);
157                 chars++;
158                 buffer = chain;
159             }
160         }
161     }
162     result = as3long.utf8.decode(result);
163     return result;
164 }
166 /**
167  * Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
168  * User: Administrator
169  * Date: 12-8-3
170  * Time: 下午4:50
171  * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
172  */
173 function as3long(){
175 }
177 as3long.prototype.lzwcn=new lzwcn();
178 as3long.prototype.utf8=new utf8();
179 window.as3long=new as3long();

压缩版下载地址: https://files.cnblogs.com/longhuang/as3long.min.js



1 var str1=as3long.lzwcn.compress("At Microsoft, we've got a long history with email — from Hotmail, our consumer service used by more than 300 million people monthly, to Outlook and Exchange, the software and service managing communications, calendar, and contacts for many millions more.Using the lessons we've learned from both consumers and enterprises, it's our goal to become the very best email service anywhere. That is a big statement – but one we are absolutely committed to deliver upon. That journey starts today.An experience with no compromisesOutlook.com is the first step in creating one complete experience for the next generation of communications. Email should be connected to your friends – whether they like to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, or a combination. Email should let you get more done, faster – with immediate access to your inbox and tools that can automatically categorize, move, or delete messages you don't want. Email should be deeply integrated with other services – for Outlook.com, you'll find that Office Web Apps, SkyDrive, and, soon, Skype come built right in. And we hope you have already noticed our fast, beautiful user experience. We'd love your feedbackAs we've said before, there is much more to come. If you'd like to follow along in real time, be sure to subscribe to our blog or follow us on Twitter. Along the way, if you've got any questions, comments, or concerns, please submit that feedback via the options menu in our header.Learn more");
2 var str2=as3long.lzwcn.decompress(str1);


At Microsoft, we've goāa long historyčith email — fĆm HĕīĭČour cĚsumeĿsņvĄĒuňd bĤmĢĒħan 300 mĭliĚ peoplĒœnħlyČġ Outęok ŗŏExchŗgeůhĒĈĊwarĒŹ ňrŊcũŗagiěŀommunĄatšnsČcaŨndƈČƋŁūactsijĢŝŗŒşƠƱœƉ.UsƕĜħĒŨsĈơčďđĘeƈneŏĴƘŐĕĨƬŃŅrƱƋeūņprğeƢ Ħ'ƱĽĿĔƥ ŰbeŁŅǫƃ đģŐǡāĪĬĮƍƏƊnywƃƻ TžāğŸŐiĜĠƞĪǛāİ“Őų ĚĒĎŸƉŸbĈlųeŭƗƙĦtǎǫo dȡiǴ upĚ.ȄȆ jǧǍĤȍrưȨƨy.AŘexŤǟǛƐĥħ nȩǯǞƘǠsŲŴoŶ.ǯǣƱǁijiǘāĠepǣŘąNjƟƖȗȣŧeȦĩɅņiɈĒfƳɜǍxāƀǍrƞƠȖfȣƚƜƤƟłȳEĺǻhĽlŏǭƗnǍƯȧŰyǧijɇƧƱȒčƃǁĿǁĤŠkŕȩōĒFƮebɖkČTwȥņČLƕʥdInČGɖgŨļĿėǯbƕɾȲ ʉǺƌʌuʎNJāʗuēɭŝŔȪȗČfaɡĿʝʲɋiƙǎiȎŸcƐDŽȨ ˒ĿƕʭxŸƧȨolɛȵƤŘaųƘɾƤlȢʅeĔǟzƁ˖đˁȪȡɭũǡsƓǡˬĽ˘n'āƇūʈʊˌʍʏĒȫɢȢƕȦgɽȦŏˠĨǓņƌʼnŋʜ€ȓɵĿɔŵkɘƘČ˒'̀ɝ˳ŖāOffŋ Wʬ AppǢSkyDǟ̉˲dČĈĚČ͏yŤȣĒbuĭāǟghȇnȳɂ̩Ēʌ͝˒ĝaljƥƉadĤɍƟƐŏʘ˛ĠČǭ˻ƟfˎȯƍɯɆɲnƐȳ͈'ŏęlj˭ijeǎbƮkAƱĎĐƄĬ̴̟̇ʠĒȈƚŽ˖țŰǯeȳIʁ̼Ώiʥ˫ɵ̀owŸęƖƕ ʹĮƟŅͿƄľʦƌuȝąiʐŰʘbęĜƳδęηōȖŘʱʳrͩιǀDzƇŮǣήĽΜēĕ˲ĤquǷƸƣƘŅūǢƳƬƐrơČɬ˜ςbŞā́ΓΕΗdz˥DZĒŦʆdžϮ˓λʘƃ͵ņ.LNjϴΧe||||||789
At Microsoft, we've got a long history with email — from Hotmail, our consumer service used by more than 300 million people monthly, to Outlook and Exchange, the software and service managing communications, calendar, and contacts for many millions more.Using the lessons we've learned from both consumers and enterprises, it's our goal to become the very best email service anywhere. That is a big statement – but one we are absolutely committed to deliver upon. That journey starts today.An experience with no compromisesOutlook.com is the first step in creating one complete experience for the next generation of communications. Email should be connected to your friends – whether they like to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, or a combination. Email should let you get more done, faster – with immediate access to your inbox and tools that can automatically categorize, move, or delete messages you don't want. Email should be deeply integrated with other services – for Outlook.com, you'll find that Office Web Apps, SkyDrive, and, soon, Skype come built right in. And we hope you have already noticed our fast, beautiful user experience. We'd love your feedbackAs we've said before, there is much more to come. If you'd like to follow along in real time, be sure to subscribe to our blog or follow us on Twitter. Along the way, if you've got any questions, comments, or concerns, please submit that feedback via the options menu in our header.Learn more||||||1467
posted @ 2012-08-03 20:22  黄龙  阅读(1953)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报