servo 伺服

1. A servomechanism which follows changes in the input signal. 

2. In analog computer, an arithmetic unit constructed by a servo system. 

在模拟计算机中, 一种由伺服系统构成的运算部件.
3. Minimum weight and volume are almost overriding requirements for any missile servo. 
4. Servos for large radars and launchers are either electro - hydraulic or all - electric. 
大型雷达和发射装置的伺服系统,不是电动 - 液压式的,就是全电动式的.
5. One such means, which is very effective, is the geared or servo tab. 
6. Various aerodynamic devices, as well as passive dampers and serve dampers, are available.
7. Common automatic filter for servo and control oil circuits. 

posted @ 2020-08-14 14:16  kissrule  阅读(285)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报