Blanket Purchase Order
You can use blanket purchase orders to procure consumable materials or services for which it is not worth creating a separate purchase order for each procurement transaction.
Blanket purchase orders are usually valid for a longer period of time. You can directly post the invoices for the materials and services procured for this blanket purchase order.
1. Blanket Purchase Order is a type of PO for simplifying purchasing flow.
Blanket Purchase也是为了简化流程,减少单据量。
主要为外部服务(External Service)与C类物料(C Items)而设计.如采购办公用品等
2. Characteristics of Blanket Purchase Orders
2.1 New Order Type -- FO (Framework order)PO Header标识有效期
2.2 New Item Category -- B(Limit)
SAP 通过Item Category来区隔限制不同的采购流程或方式
SPRO-Materials Management-Purchasing-Define External Representation of Item Category
2.3 SAP中的总括订单只会限制有效期间和金额上线
3. Advantages of Blanket Purchase Orders
1. 总括订单最大的好处是对处理成本(Processing cost)的减少,主要表现在:
a. 使用一个采购订单采购一个较长期间需求的不同物料或服务
b. 无需为每一个独立的采购作业发出采购订单
c. 无须收货(Goods receipt)与服务输入(Service Entry)的过程
2. 总括订单的发票校验(Invoice Entry for Blanket Purchase Order)时,系统会检查
a. 发票是否在该总括订单的有效期间内
b. 发票过账后是否会超过采购订单单身项目的上限
3. 在进行发票校验时,可以指定科目分配(Account Assignment)
a. 可由单科目分配改为多科目分配
b. 如果PO Item中为”Account Assignment Unknown”,必须手工输入科目分配
c. 科目分配类别可以在T-Code: OME9中订制,
或SPRO-->Materials Management-->Purchasing-->AccountAssignment-->Maintain AccountAssignment Categories
Blanket PO 直接做IR,用MIRO时没有数量,通过Acct Assgt分配科目和金额