

data EmployeeInfo = Employee Int String String [String]
         deriving(Read, Show, Eq, Ord)




*Main> :t Employee
Employee :: Int -> String -> String -> [String] -> EmployeeInfo




除此之外,deriving列举了EmployeeInfo支持的操作,比如show,read, 比较相等,以及比较大小的操作。


*Main> :t read
read :: Read a => String -> a
*Main> let thisGuy = read "Employee 12345 \"Daniel King\" \"Boss X\" [\"Colleague A\",\"Colleague B\"]"::EmployeeInfo
*Main> :t thisGuy
thisGuy :: EmployeeInfo
*Main> thisGuy
Employee 12345 "Daniel King" "Boss X" ["Colleague A","Colleague B"]




Prelude> data Init = FullInit | PartInit deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
Prelude> :t FullInit
FullInit :: Init
Prelude> :t PartInit
PartInit :: Init
Prelude> let a = PartInit
Prelude> :t a
a :: Init
Prelude> let b = FullInit
Prelude> a == b
Prelude> a == PartInit


Equality operators == and /=
Comparison operators < <= > >=; min, max, and compare.
For enumerations only. Allows the use of list syntax such as [Blue .. Green].
Also for enumerations, but can also be used on types that have only one constructor. Provides minBound and maxBound as the lowest and highest values that the type can take.
Defines the function show, which converts a value into a string, and other related functions.
Defines the function read, which parses a string into a value of the type, and other related functions.




Prelude Control.Monad> :t return
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
Prelude Control.Monad> :t (>>=)
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b


A monad is a datatype that has two operations: >>= (aka bind) and return (aka unit). return takes an arbitrary value and creates an instance of the monad with it. >>= takes an instance of the monad and maps a function over it. (You can see already that a monad is a strange kind of datatype, since in most programming languages you couldn't write a function that takes an arbitrary value and creates a type from it. Monads use a kind of parametric polymorphism .)

In Haskell notation, the monad interface is written

class Monad m where
  return :: a -> m a
  (>>=) :: forall a b . m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
These operations are supposed to obey certain "laws", but that's not terrifically important: the "laws" just codify the way sensible implementations of the operations ought to behave (basically, that >>= and return ought to agree about how values get transformed into monad instances and that >>= is associative).

Monads are not just about state and IO: they abstract a common pattern of computation that includes working with state, IO, exceptions, and non-determinism. Probably the simplest monads to understand are lists and option types:

instance Monad [ ] where
    []     >>= k = []
    (x:xs) >>= k = k x ++ (xs >>= k)
    return x     = [x]

instance Monad Maybe where
    Just x  >>= k = k x
    Nothing >>= k = Nothing
    return x      = Just x
where [] and : are the list constructors, ++ is the concatenation operator, and Just and Nothing are the Maybe constructors. Both of these monads encapsulate common and useful patterns of computation on their respective data types (note that neither has anything to do with side effects or IO).

You really have to play around writing some non-trivial Haskell code to appreciate what monads are about and why they are useful.


posted @ 2014-07-15 11:17  Daniel King  阅读(655)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报