How do you pronounce IT(你怎么读它)?
2010-09-02 08:26 Eric.Hu 阅读(863) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报I think this article is very useful for a network engineer.
The following pronunciations are based on an approximation of U.S. English. An understanding of U.S. English may be needed to understand how to interpret a particular pronunciation rendering. If you know of a term in information technology that people often stumble over or mispronounce, please send us an e-mail and let us know!
Note: In writing, many style editors prefer that the spelled-out version of a term should be used in the first written occurrence of a term in an article (for example, "wireless local area network (WLAN)" instead of just "WLAN" or even "wireless LAN"). Thereafter, the abbreviated form can be used.
In pronouncing an abbreviation or reading it aloud, the pronouncer may want to convert the abbreviation into the long form for the understanding of a listener (for example, reading "wireless LAN" for "WLAN").
802.11 | eight-oh-two-dot-eleven |
ABAP | ah-bop |
ACL | aye-cee-el or aye-kull |
APAR | AY-pahr |
ASCII | ASK-ee |
BAPI | BAH- pee |
Beowulf | bay-ah-woolf |
cache | cash |
canonicalization | KA-nahn-nihk-uhl-ih-ZAY-shun |
CICS | kicks or cee-eye-cee-ess |
CLEC | cleck or cee-leck |
COM -area | |
daemon | DEE-mon or DAY-mon |
data | DAY-tuh |
DOS | doss |
EBCDIC | EHB-suh-dik |
FAQ | fack or eff-ay-q |
free-thum-KAY (do not pronounce the dot) | |
FUD | fud |
GIH-bee-bite | |
GIF | giff (with a hard "g" as in goat) or jiff (as in the peanut butter) |
GNOME | GUH-nome or nome (rhymes with home) |
grok | grahk |
GUI | GOO-ee |
GNU | GUH-new or new |
heterogeneous | het-ter-o-GENE-ee-us |
HIPAA | HIP-puh |
IDS | eye-dee-ess |
IPsec | EYE-pee-sec |
iSCSI | EYE-scuzzy |
J2EE | jay-TWO-ee-ee or, by some, jah-TOO-ee |
keitai | k-tie |
Kerberos | KERR-berr-ross |
KLOC | KAY-lock |
LAN | lan (rhymes with man) |
LPAR | EL-par |
LEC | lehk |
Linux | LIH-nux |
LOB | ell-oh-bee |
loo-loo | |
MEH-bee-byte | |
MIPS | mihps |
MySQL | my-ess-q-el |
NetBEUI | NET-boo-ee |
OLE (in Windows) | OH-EHL-EE |
OS X | OH-ESS-ten |
parity | PAIR-i-tee |
PEE-CEE SIHL-uhn (rhymes with penicillin) | |
POSIX | PAH-zihcks |
post-gree-es-q-el | |
QAM | kew-ay-ehm |
queue | Q |
KWEHR-tee | |
RACF | rack-EFF |
Rijndael | RAIN-dahl |
router | rowt-ter (US) or root-ter (UK) |
SAML | sah-muhl |
SAP | ess-ay-pee |
sap-script | |
schema | SKI-muh |
SFA | ess-eff-ay |
Siebel | SEE bull |
SO-fohs | |
SQL | ess-q-el or SEE-kwehl (both are used) |
SuSE | su-zee |
sysop | SISS-op |
UDDI | U-die or ewe-dee-dee-eye |
URL | yew-are-el |
VAR | vahr |
vi | vee-aye |
VoIP | vee-oh-eye-pee |
WAN | wan (rhymes with man) |
WAVE-file | |
WebDAV | WEB-daav |
Wi-Fi | WY-FY (rhymes with sky) |
Windows Me | WIHN-dohs EHM-EE |
WLAN | double-you-lan |
wiz-key | |
WSDL | wiz-dull |
WYSIWYG | WIZ-ee-wig |
Xanadu | ZAN-ah-doo |