rootdn "cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com"(在111行,管理员账号)
rootpw 123456(在115行,管理员密码)
Host填入本机ip地址,端口号389,点击Fetch DNs按钮,Base DN会自动搜索填充,User Info中填写slapd.conf配置的管理员用户名和密码,点击Save按钮进行保存。
选中左侧根节点,点击导入按钮,选择Update/Add,在LDIF File中依次C:\OpenLDAP\etc\ldif\base.ldif和users.ldif,注意按顺序导入,一次只能导入一个文件。
ldapsearch -h IP -p 389 -x -D "uid=zhangsan,ou=People,dc=Baidu,dc=com" -w "password" -b "dc=Baidu,dc=com" -s base -LLL PLAIN
ldapsearch --help ldapsearch: invalid option -- '-' ldapsearch: unrecognized option -- usage: ldapsearch [options] [filter [attributes...]] where: filter RFC 4515 compliant LDAP search filter attributes whitespace-separated list of attribute descriptions which may include: 1.1 no attributes * all user attributes + all operational attributes Search options: -a deref one of never (default), always, search, or find -A retrieve attribute names only (no values) -b basedn base dn for search -c continuous operation mode (do not stop on errors) -E [!]<ext>[=<extparam>] search extensions (! indicates criticality) [!]domainScope (domain scope) !dontUseCopy (Don't Use Copy) [!]mv=<filter> (RFC 3876 matched values filter) [!]pr=<size>[/prompt|noprompt] (RFC 2696 paged results/prompt) [!]sss=[-]<attr[:OID]>[/[-]<attr[:OID]>...] (RFC 2891 server side sorting) [!]subentries[=true|false] (RFC 3672 subentries) [!]sync=ro[/<cookie>] (RFC 4533 LDAP Sync refreshOnly) rp[/<cookie>][/<slimit>] (refreshAndPersist) [!]vlv=<before>/<after>(/<offset>/<count>|:<value>) (ldapv3-vlv-09 virtual list views) [!]deref=derefAttr:attr[,...][;derefAttr:attr[,...][;...]] [!]<oid>[=:<b64value>] (generic control; no response handling) -f file read operations from `file' -F prefix URL prefix for files (default: file:///tmp/) -l limit time limit (in seconds, or "none" or "max") for search -L print responses in LDIFv1 format -LL print responses in LDIF format without comments -LLL print responses in LDIF format without comments and version -M enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical) -P version protocol version (default: 3) -s scope one of base, one, sub or children (search scope) -S attr sort the results by attribute `attr' -t write binary values to files in temporary directory -tt write all values to files in temporary directory -T path write files to directory specified by path (default: /tmp) -u include User Friendly entry names in the output -z limit size limit (in entries, or "none" or "max") for search Common options: -d level set LDAP debugging level to `level' -D binddn bind DN -e [!]<ext>[=<extparam>] general extensions (! indicates criticality) [!]assert=<filter> (RFC 4528; a RFC 4515 Filter string) [!]authzid=<authzid> (RFC 4370; "dn:<dn>" or "u:<user>") [!]chaining[=<resolveBehavior>[/<continuationBehavior>]] one of "chainingPreferred", "chainingRequired", "referralsPreferred", "referralsRequired" [!]manageDSAit (RFC 3296) [!]noop ppolicy [!]postread[=<attrs>] (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list) [!]preread[=<attrs>] (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list) [!]relax abandon, cancel, ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel, or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT. not really controls) -h host LDAP server -H URI LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s) -I use SASL Interactive mode -n show what would be done but don't actually do it -N do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name -O props SASL security properties -o <opt>[=<optparam] general options nettimeout=<timeout> (in seconds, or "none" or "max") ldif-wrap=<width> (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping) -p port port on LDAP server -Q use SASL Quiet mode -R realm SASL realm -U authcid SASL authentication identity -v run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output) -V print version info (-VV only) -w passwd bind password (for simple authentication) -W prompt for bind password -x Simple authentication -X authzid SASL authorization identity ("dn:<dn>" or "u:<user>") -y file Read password from file -Y mech SASL mechanism -Z Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response)