GNN全称Graph Neural Network(图神经网络),它是一种直接在图结构上运行的神经网络。
- 视觉问答任务:Li L , Gan Z , Cheng Y , et al. Relation-Aware Graph Attention Network for Visual Question Answering[J]. 2019.
- Kampffmeyer M, Chen Y, Liang X, et al. Rethinking knowledge graph propagation for zero-shot learning[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019: 11487-11496.
- Kim J , Kim T , Kim S , et al. Edge-labeling Graph Neural Network for Few-shot Learning[J]. 2019.
- Wang L, Huang Y, Hou Y, et al. Graph Attention Convolution for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019: 10296-10305.
- Zhao L, Peng X, Tian Y, et al. Semantic Graph Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose Regression[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019: 3425-3435.
- 在Ding M , Zhou C , Chen Q , et al. Cognitive Graph for Multi-Hop Reading Comprehension at Scale[J]. 2019.一文中,作者基于 BERT 和 GNN 的实现可有效处理 HotPotQA 数据集中有关多跳阅读问题的数百万份文档,在排行榜上的联合 F1 得分为 34.9,而第二名的得分只有 23.6
由于知识图谱本身就是一种图数据,因此知识图谱 +GNN 的组合自然就成了解决各类知识图谱问题的新手段。
- 用 GNN 对知识图谱进行建模: Nathani D , Chauhan J , Sharma C , et al. Learning Attention-based Embeddings for Relation Prediction in Knowledge Graphs[J]. 2019.
- 实体对齐: Cao Y , Liu Z , Li C , et al. Multi-Channel Graph Neural Network for Entity Alignment[J]. 2019.
- 业务图谱: Park N , Kan A , Dong X L , et al. Estimating Node Importance in Knowledge Graphs Using Graph Neural Networks[J]. 2019.
- 论证多层 GNN 所带来的“Deep”与“High order”效益对推荐质量的有效提升: Wang X , He X , Wang M , et al. Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering[J]. 2019.
- 结合知识图谱和GNN进行推荐建模:
- 运用 GNN 对支付宝欺诈用户进行识别检测: Liu Z, Chen C, Yang X, et al. Heterogeneous graph neural networks for malicious account detection[C]//Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 2018: 2077-2085.
- 运用 GNN 对咸鱼上的评论进行欺诈识别: Li A, Qin Z, Liu R, et al. Spam Review Detection with Graph Convolutional Networks[C]//Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 2019: 2703-2711.
GNN 开源项目
- 阿里妈妈工业级图深度学习框架 Euler:
- Pytorch Geometric:
- 支持亿级规模的著名图学习框架 DGL:
- 论文归纳: