JAVA Cannot find class [×××] for bean with name '××' defined in class path resource [×××] 问题解决方法

出现大量的:Cannot find class.

Cannot find class [com.supermap.wisdombusiness.core.SuperSpringContext] for bean with name 'springContext' defined in class path resource [spring.xml];
Cannot find class [com.supermap.wisdombusiness.shiro.realm.ShiroDbRealm] for bean with name 'shiroDbRealm' defined in class path resource [spring-hibernate.xml];
Cannot find class [] for bean with name 'producerService' defined in class path resource [ActiveMQ.xml]; Cannot find class [] for bean with name 'sftp' defined in class path resource [ActiveMQ.xml];
Cannot find class [com.supermap.wisdombusiness.core.SuperSpringContext] for bean with name 'springContext' defined in class path resource [spring.xml];
Cannot find class [] for bean with name 'producerService' defined in class path resource [ActiveMQ.xml]; Cannot find class [] for bean with name 'sftp' defined in class path resource [ActiveMQ.xml];


后发现关闭Project Explorer视图需选择Package Explorer CLEAN后重写编译就可以了。

posted @ 2015-08-10 11:31  localwz  阅读(6583)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报