功能:1.最完美最轻量级的图片浏览器,图片加载支持本地网络图片、加载图片方式任你选(支持图片放大缩小及手势拖拽效果),功能:2.九宫格布局(类似微信朋友圈), 功能:3.可以选择添加本地图片或者网络图片
# LXPhotosManagerModule
#### 项目介绍
### 最完美、最轻量级的图片管理!
#### 安装说明
方式1 : cocoapods安装库
** pod 'LXPhotosManager' **
** pod install **
方式2: **直接下载压缩包 解压** **LXPhotosManager **
#### 使用说明
**下载后压缩包 解压 请先 pod install 在运行项目**
### 模型数据 必须遵守协议 FileInfoProtocol
1 2 3 4 5 6 | class FileModel : FileInfoProtocol { var image : UIImage = UIImage () var height : CGFloat = 0.0 var width : CGFloat = 0.0 var imgUrl : String = "" } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | let photoVeiw = NineGridPhotosView ( frame : CGRect ( x : 0 , y : 100 , width : UIScreen . main . bounds . width , height : 600 )) photoVeiw . delegate = self photoVeiw . loadBlock = { model , imgView in imgView . kf . setImage ( with : URL ( string : model . imgUrl )!) } photoVeiw . datasource = [ model , model1 , model2 , model3 , model4 ] view . addSubview ( photoVeiw ) |
####九宫格展示 点击调用图片浏览器 (图片浏览)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | let pView = PhotosBrowserView () pView . imgViews = [ imgView , imgView1 , imgView2 ] pView . loadBlock = { model , imgView in imgView . kf . setImage ( with : URL ( string : model . imgUrl )!) } pView . photos = [ model , model1 , model2 ] let index = [ imgView , imgView1 , imgView2 ]. firstIndex ( of : gesture . view ) ?? 0 pView . startAnimation ( with : index , cellType : false ) |
####UICollectionView 点击调用图片浏览器 (图片浏览)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | //图片浏览器 let pView = PhotosBrowserView () pView . delegate = self pView . loadBlock = { model , imgView in imgView . kf . setImage ( with : URL ( string : model . imgUrl )!) } pView . photos = models pView . startAnimation ( with : indexPath . item , cellType : true ) //必须实现代理方法 extension ViewController : PhotosBrowserViewDelagete { func photosBrowserView ( cellIndex : Int , photos : [ FileInfoProtocol ]) - > UIView { return collectionView . cellForItem ( at : IndexPath ( item : cellIndex , section : 0 )) ?? UIView () } } |
#### 点击加号 可以选择相册图片 或者相机拍照 或者网络图片 删除图片缓存策略
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | let addView = AddPhotosView ( frame : CGRect ( x : 0 , y : 100 , width : UIScreen . main . bounds . width , height : 600 )) addView . delegate = self view . addSubview ( addView ) addView . loadBlock = { model , imgView in if model . isNetWork { // 网络图片z加载 imgView . kf . setImage ( with : URL ( string : model . imgUrl )!) } else { // 相册图片加载 imgView . image = model . image } } addView . pubPhotoModels = models //代理方法 选择后的数据源 func addPhotosView ( with datasource : [ FileInfoProtocol ]) { print ( datasource ) } |
#### 图片保存
1 2 3 | SaveAsset . saveImageToAsset ( with : image ) { ( saveAssetType ) in } |
demo : https://github.com/LIXIANGXLee/LXPhotosManagerModule.git
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