



Public Sub LogInfo1(str As String)
    Call LogInfo2(Now, str)
End Sub
Public Sub LogInfo2(key As String, value As String)
    Call LogInfo3(key, value, ":")
End Sub
Public Sub LogInfo3(key As String, value As String, regx As String)
    Debug.Print key & regx & value
End Sub
Public Sub ScreenUpdateFalse()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Sub
Public Sub ScreenUpdateTrue()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub SheetShow(sht As Worksheet)
    If sht.Visible = xlSheetHidden Then
        sht.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    End If
End Sub
Public Sub SheetHide(sht As Worksheet)
    If sht.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
        sht.Visible = xlSheetHide
    End If
End Sub
Public Sub BookCloseforSaveTrue(wk As Workbook)
    wk.Close saveChanges:=True
End Sub
Public Sub BookCloseforSaveFalse(wk As Workbook)
    wk.Close saveChanges:=False
End Sub
Public Sub CopyFormat(sht As Worksheet, targetRow As Long)
    sht.Rows(targetRow - 1).Select
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub
Public Sub SetFocusA1(sht As Worksheet)
End Sub
Public Function StartsWith(str As String, startStr As String) As Boolean
    If Len(Trim(startStr)) > Len(Trim(str)) Or Len(Trim(startStr)) = Len(Trim(str)) Then
        StartsWith = False
        StartsWith = Left(str, Len(startStr)) = startStr
    End If
End Function

Public Function FormatToLeft3Zero(number As Long) As String
    FormatToLeft3Zero = Format(number, "000")
End Function

Public Function StrSpilt(str As String) As Variant
    Dim strs As Variant
    Dim newArr As Variant
    Dim ifor As Long

    strs = Split(str, "")
    If IsEmpty(strs) Or UBound(strs) = 0 Then
        StrSpilt = Array()
        Exit Function
    End If
    ReDim newArr(UBound(strs) - 1)
    For ifor = 1 To UBound(strs)
        newArr(ifor - 1) = RemoveTrailingNewlinesRegex("" & CStr(strs(ifor)))
    Next ifor
    StrSpilt = newArr
End Function

Public Function GetLastRow(colNum As String) As Integer
    GetLastRow = Common.GSheet.Cells(Common.GSheet.Rows.Count, colNum).End(xlUp).Row
End Function

Public Function ContainsStr(mainString As String, substring As String) As Boolean
    ContainsStr = InStr(1, mainString, substring, vbTextCompare) > 0
End Function

Public Function RemoveTrailingNewlinesRegex(str As String) As String
    Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    With regex
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "\r?\n?$"
    End With

    If regex.test(str) Then
        str = regex.Replace(str, "")
    End If
    RemoveTrailingNewlinesRegex = str

End Function

Public Function RemoveTrailingNewlines(str As String) As String
    str = Replace(str, vbCrLf, "")
    str = Replace(str, Chr(13), "")
    str = Replace(str, Chr(10), "")

    RemoveTrailingNewlines = str
End Function

Public Function OpenWorkBooks() As Variant

Dim xlsTmps As Variant

xlsTmps = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excelファイル(*.csv;*.xls;*.xlsx),*.xlsx", , "タイトル", , True)

If xlsTmps = True And Not xlsTmps Is Nothing Then

    OpenWorkBooks = xlsTmps
    OpenWorkBooks = Nothing
    Exit Function
End If

End Function

Public Function OpenWorkBook(obj As Object) As Workbook

Dim xlsTmp As Workbook

If IsObject(obj) Then
    Set xlsTmp = Application.Workbooks.Open(obj)
    Set xlsTmp = Nothing
End If

OpenWorkBook = xlsTmp
Exit Function

End Function



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