


https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-02/140423.htm --》 mysql
2 sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
3 apt-get update
5 gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
6 sudo apt-get install curl
7 \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
8 source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
9 source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
10 rvm requirements
11 rvm install 2.3.0 --disable-binary
12 ruby -v
13 rvm rubygems current
14 gem sources --remove https://rubygems.org/
21 gem source -a https://gems.ruby-china.com
22 gem source -l
23 gem install rails
24 ls
25 rz
26 apt install lrzsz
27 rz
28 ls
29 tar zxvf redmine-3.3.8.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
30 cd /usr/local/
31 ls
32 cd redmine-3.3.8/
33 ls
34 cd ..
35 ls
36 mv redmine-3.3.8/ redmine
37 ls
38 ll
39 chmod -R 777 redmine/
40 ll
41 mysql -uroot -p
CREATE USER 'redmine'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redmine.* TO 'redmine'@'localhost';
flush privileges;
42 cd redmine/
43 cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
44 vim config/database.yml
45 bundler -v
46 gem uninstall bundler
47 gem install bundler -v 1.5.0
48 gem source -l
51 gem sources -a https://gems.ruby-china.com/
52 gem source -l
53 bundle config mirror.https://rubygems.org https://gems.ruby-china.com/
#sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
55 gem install mysql2 -v '0.4.10'

60 gem uninstall bundler
61 bundler -v
62 gem install bundler
63 sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagickwand-dev
64 gem install rmagick -v '2.13.4'
65 sudo apt-get install mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev
67 gem install nokogiri -v '1.8.0'
68 sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev
69 bundle install --without development test
70 rake generate_secret_token
71 RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
72 RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data
73 ls
74 cd ~
75 ls
76 mkdir -p tmp tmp/pdf public/plugin_assets
77 ls
78 cd public/plugin_assets/
79 ls
80 cd ..
81 ls
82 cd ..
83 ls
84 sudo chmod -R 755 files log tmp public/plugin_assets
85 cd /usr/local/
86 ls
87 cd redmine/
88 ls
89 mkdir -p tmp tmp/pdf public/plugin_assets
90 ls
91 sudo chmod -R 755 files log tmp public/plugin_assets
92 ls
93 ruby bin/rails server webrick -e production
94 ss -tunlp
95 ruby bin/rails server webrick -e production -b -p &
96 ss -tunlp
97 ruby bin/rails server webrick -e production -b -p
98 ruby bin/rails server webrick -e production -b0.0.0.0 -p8000

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT

sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i lo -j ACCEPT
###################################################################  //sudo权限的配置
#useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash spark
#passwd spark
#chmod +w /etc/sudoers
# vim /etc/sudoers
+ ...

--> redmine发送邮件的配置 {配置文件}  NOTICE:配置文件的缩进格式

# = Redmine configuration file
# Each environment has it's own configuration options. If you are only
# running in production, only the production block needs to be configured.
# Environment specific configuration options override the default ones.
# Note that this file needs to be a valid YAML file.
# DO NOT USE TABS! Use 2 spaces instead of tabs for identation.
# == Outgoing email settings (email_delivery setting)
# === Common configurations
# ==== Sendmail command
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :sendmail
# ==== Simple SMTP server at localhost
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :smtp
# smtp_settings:
# address: "localhost"
# port: 25
# ==== SMTP server at example.com using LOGIN authentication and checking HELO for foo.com
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :smtp
# smtp_settings:
# address: "example.com"
# port: 25
# authentication: :login
# domain: 'foo.com'
# user_name: 'myaccount'
# password: 'password'
# ==== SMTP server at example.com using PLAIN authentication
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :smtp
# smtp_settings:
# address: "example.com"
# port: 25
# authentication: :plain
# domain: 'example.com'
# user_name: 'myaccount'
# password: 'password'
# ==== SMTP server at using TLS (GMail)
# This might require some additional configuration. See the guides at:
# http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/EmailConfiguration
# production:
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :smtp
# smtp_settings:
# enable_starttls_auto: true
# address: "smtp.gmail.com"
# port: 587
# domain: "smtp.gmail.com" # 'your.domain.com' for GoogleApps
# authentication: :plain
# user_name: "your_email@gmail.com"
# password: "your_password"
# === More configuration options
# See the "Configuration options" at the following website for a list of the
# full options allowed:
# http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/HowToSendEmailsWithActionMailer

# default configuration options for all environments
# Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
delivery_method: :smtp
address: "smtp.163.com"
ssl: true
port: 465
domain: '163.com'
authentication: :login
user_name: "18697603291@163.com"
password: "123abc"

# Absolute path to the directory where attachments are stored.
# The default is the 'files' directory in your Redmine instance.
# Your Redmine instance needs to have write permission on this
# directory.
# Examples:
# attachments_storage_path: /var/redmine/files
# attachments_storage_path: D:/redmine/files

# Configuration of the autologin cookie.
# autologin_cookie_name: the name of the cookie (default: autologin)
# autologin_cookie_path: the cookie path (default: /)
# autologin_cookie_secure: true sets the cookie secure flag (default: false)

# Configuration of SCM executable command.
# Absolute path (e.g. /usr/local/bin/hg) or command name (e.g. hg.exe, bzr.exe)
# On Windows + CRuby, *.cmd, *.bat (e.g. hg.cmd, bzr.bat) does not work.
# On Windows + JRuby 1.6.2, path which contains spaces does not work.
# For example, "C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe".
# If you want to this feature, you need to install to the path which does not contains spaces.
# For example, "C:\TortoiseHg\hg.exe".
# Examples:
# scm_subversion_command: svn # (default: svn)
# scm_mercurial_command: C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe # (default: hg)
# scm_git_command: /usr/local/bin/git # (default: git)
# scm_cvs_command: cvs # (default: cvs)
# scm_bazaar_command: bzr.exe # (default: bzr)
# scm_darcs_command: darcs-1.0.9-i386-linux # (default: darcs)

# Absolute path to the SCM commands errors (stderr) log file.
# The default is to log in the 'log' directory of your Redmine instance.
# Example:
# scm_stderr_log_file: /var/log/redmine_scm_stderr.log

# Key used to encrypt sensitive data in the database (SCM and LDAP passwords).
# If you don't want to enable data encryption, just leave it blank.
# WARNING: losing/changing this key will make encrypted data unreadable.
# If you want to encrypt existing passwords in your database:
# * set the cipher key here in your configuration file
# * encrypt data using 'rake db:encrypt RAILS_ENV=production'
# If you have encrypted data and want to change this key, you have to:
# * decrypt data using 'rake db:decrypt RAILS_ENV=production' first
# * change the cipher key here in your configuration file
# * encrypt data using 'rake db:encrypt RAILS_ENV=production'

# Set this to false to disable plugins' assets mirroring on startup.
# You can use `rake redmine:plugins:assets` to manually mirror assets
# to public/plugin_assets when you install/upgrade a Redmine plugin.
#mirror_plugins_assets_on_startup: false

# Your secret key for verifying cookie session data integrity. If you
# change this key, all old sessions will become invalid! Make sure the
# secret is at least 30 characters and all random, no regular words or
# you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
# If you have a load-balancing Redmine cluster, you have to use the
# same secret token on each machine.
#secret_token: 'change it to a long random string'

# Absolute path (e.g. /usr/bin/convert, c:/im/convert.exe) to
# the ImageMagick's `convert` binary. Used to generate attachment thumbnails.

# Configuration of RMagcik font.
# Redmine uses RMagcik in order to export gantt png.
# You don't need this setting if you don't install RMagcik.
# In CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean),
# in order to show CJK characters correctly,
# you need to set this configuration.
# Because there is no standard font across platforms in CJK,
# you need to set a font installed in your server.
# This setting is not necessary in non CJK.
# Examples for Japanese:
# Windows:
# rmagick_font_path: C:\windows\fonts\msgothic.ttc
# Linux:
# rmagick_font_path: /usr/share/fonts/ipa-mincho/ipam.ttf

# Maximum number of simultaneous AJAX uploads
#max_concurrent_ajax_uploads: 2

# Configure OpenIdAuthentication.store
# allowed values: :memory, :file, :memcache
#openid_authentication_store: :memory

# specific configuration options for production environment
# that overrides the default ones

# specific configuration options for development environment
# that overrides the default ones


http://www.redmine.org/boards/2/topics/13625 --》 add | mailer_ext.rb |
Once I dropped the patch in that entry (mailer_ext.rb) into config/initializers, and set my configuration to the following, I was able to send mail to the server...

更换邮箱地址: test!


posted on 2018-11-29 16:41  ln822  阅读(613)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报