



短串联重复序列 (STR, short tandem repeats) STR: 短串联重复序列(short tandem repeats,STR)也称微卫星 DNA(microsatellite DNA),


一般认为人类基因组平均每15 kb就存在一个STR基因座。人类基因组DNA中平均每6~10kb就有一个STR位点,






Informatics of insertion detection. A: The FLT3 ITD is an insertion of duplicated and nonduplicated sequence that occurs between exons 13 and

14. These insertions (shown in gray) range in size from 15 to w300 bp. B: Standard methods for fifinding insertions, including the Genome Analysis Toolkit
(GATK), SAMtools, and Dindel, apply probabilistic models to make insertion calls based on data obtained during the initial read mapping and alignment
process. Because of the diffificulty associated with aligning short reads, only small insertion events (generally <15% of the total read length) can be identifified
by this approach (aligned reads are shown in green; unaligned reads, in purple). Such reads generally have suffificient homology in the regions flflanking the
insertion to permit accurate alignment. Large insertions (>16 bp), including the FLT3 ITD, are too long to be detected by this method. C: Using a paired-end
approach, software such as Pindel and de novo alignment can reliably detect larger insertions, including the FLT3 ITD. In this approach, mate-pairs are
identifified in which one end is mapped, but the other is not. The unmapped mates are then assembled to form contigs with partial homology to the reference
sequence, using a pattern-growth algorithm (Pindel) or de novo assembly with a custom script (unpublished data) executing Phrap assembly software. This
method allows for the detection of much larger insertions.

Spencer D H , Abel H J , Lockwood C M , et al. Detection of FLT3 Internal Tandem Duplication in Targeted, Short-Read-Length, Next-Generation Sequencing Data[J]. The Journal of molecular diagnostics: JMD, 2012, 15(1).

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