软件项目管理(Software Project Management)HW1 My Project Recently completed


  The project I recently completed is a Registration system of Innovation Contest of Tianjin University(天津大学创新创想大赛).



  The nature of the project is a website support by php.


Initial objectives

  Here are the initial objectives of the project. Both student and teacher can register in the website. There is some information to be collected when registering. When user is filling in the form, the site can dynamically react when user information is in correct form and tell the user the information is in wrong form. We don’t allow the wrong form of the information store in databases. And also, the interface of the website is beautiful. We will provide a method of checking the status of the registration for administrator and the administrator can change some information or delete someone. We also provide a function to download the registration in Excel form.


Planned starting and ending dates

  I’m sorry that I forget the accurately time when we starting and ending.


Actual starting and ending dates

  I remember that we staring at the time when we planned, but ending time is two days late than the ending time we planned.



  Thinkphp frame, mysql databases, phpStorm IDE, Navicat GUI, Fillzila FTP, web server, apache, php.



  Comparing to the initial objectives, we finish almost all functions. Both the student and teacher can register on the website. When their information is in wrong form, the website can dynamically tell them. The information in databases is in correct form. We have a pretty interface of the website. We have an administrator management system to check the status of registration in any time and can download the all registration information in Excel form.

posted @ 2017-02-28 16:30  喷水小火龙  阅读(223)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报