基于T-test的permutation test

基于T-test的permutation test

1:R 中进行换检验的方式有多种,比较典型的就是coin包中的oneway_test函数,但是一个问题是实际问题考虑的可能只是单侧的置换检验的结果,





  perm.t.test(x,y,statistic=c("t","mean"),alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), midp=TRUE, B=10000)

 x           a numeric vector containing the first sample
 y           a numeric vector containing the second sample
 statistic      The statistic to be permuted. See details
 alternative     The alternative hypothesis,可以设置是单侧的还是双侧的假设检验
 midp         should the mid p-value be used
 B           The number of monte-carlo samples to be generated
Details This function performs a two sample permutation test. If the mean is permuted, then the test assumes exchangability between the two samples.

if the t-statistic is used, the test assumes either exchangability or a sufficiently large sample size. Because there is little lost in the way of power,
and the assumptions are weaker, the t-statistic is used by default.
Value A list with class "htest" containing the following components: statistic   The observed value of the statistic. p.value   the p-value for the test. method   a character string indicating the type of test performed. data.name   a character string giving the name(s) of the data. B   The number of samples generated alternative   the direction of the test
4:例子默认的是以Ttest的方式进行置换检验 perm.t.test(rnorm(100),runif(100,-.5,.5)) rm(list=ls()) x<-c(1,2,3,4,5) y<-c(100,101,102,103,104) perm.t.test(y,x,alternative="greater",midp=TRUE, B=1000)

处理之后便可以成功library rJava


posted @ 2016-12-20 12:07  史迪仔_lmj  Views(2384)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报