unity 序列帧播放
[SerializeField] private Image m_ScreenImage; //序列帧播放的image [SerializeField] private int m_FrameRate = 30; // 一秒播放的帧数 [SerializeField] private string m_strFolder= ""; // 序列帧通过Resource.load的加载,所以序列帧文件要放在Resource目录下,此变量为Resource下序列帧的存放目录 [SerializeField] private string m_strPreName= ""; //每一序列帧文件名字相同部分,如第四十帧文件全名为9_Bumper_00040,则此处应为9_Bumper_000 [SerializeField] private int m_nFromNo=0; //开始播放帧 [SerializeField] private int m_nEndNo=244;//结束帧 [SerializeField] private int m_nFixLen = -1; //序列帧名字补全位数,-1为不补全,如第四十帧文件全名为9_Bumper_00040,m_strPreName为9_Bumper_000,则补全位数为2 public void StartPlay(string id) { StartCoroutine(Play()); } private IEnumerator Play() {int nCurrentTextureIndex = m_nFromNo; while (true) { // So long as the textures should be playing... Sprite t; // string strImagePath = ""; string strNum = ""; if (m_nFixLen == -1) { strNum = nCurrentTextureIndex.ToString(); } else { string strFormat = "{0:"; for (int i = 0; i < m_nFixLen; ++i) { strFormat += "0"; } strFormat += "}"; strNum = string.Format(strFormat, nCurrentTextureIndex); } strImagePath = m_strFolder + "/" + m_strPreName + strNum; t = Resources.Load<Sprite>(strImagePath); m_ScreenImage.sprite = t;// Then increment the texture index (looping once it reaches the length of the textures array. //nCurrentTextureIndex = m_nFromNo + (nCurrentTextureIndex - m_nFromNo + 1) % (m_nEndNo - m_nFromNo + 1);//m_AnimTextures.Length; nCurrentTextureIndex++; // Wait for the next frame. yield return m_FrameRateWait; } }
void Start()
m_FrameRateWait = new WaitForSeconds(1f / m_FrameRate);