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int main(){ int t; sca(t); while(t--){ int a[20]; memset(a,0,sizeof(a)); int flag; for(int i=1;i<=16;i++){ sca(a[i]); if(!a[i]) flag = i /4 + (i%4!=0) 阅读全文
“美登杯”上海市高校大学生程序设计邀请赛补题 "传送门" A题 题目吓人,实际上就是求子串的个数。长度为n的字符串子串个数为(n+1) n/2 B题 三重循环暴力求三角形。除了正三角形,还有倒三角形 include using namespace std; define fin freopen("i 阅读全文
包含各种输入输出的缩写,适合偷懒型选手使用 就是会把代码弄的很长,看起来极丑 阅读全文
当遇到输入很多的时候可以使用(据说1e5以上),能减少相当多的时间 模板 define FI(n) FastIO::read(n) namespace FastIO { const int SIZE = 1 ' '; bi++) s[sn++] = buf[bi]; if (bi include u 阅读全文
THE WORLD "题目链接" 题目描述 The World can indicate world travel, particularly on a large scale. You mau be lucky enough to be embarking on a six month overs 阅读全文
STRENGTH "题目链接" 题目描述 Strength gives you the confidence within yourself to overcome any fears, challenges or doubts. Feel the fear and do it anyway! If 阅读全文
Stone Game "题目链接" 题目描述 Alice and Bob are always playing game! The game today is about taking out stone from the stone piles in turn. There are n piles 阅读全文
Greatest Common Divisor "题目链接" 题目描述 There is an array of length n, containing only positive numbers. Now you can add all numbers by 1 many times. Plea 阅读全文
Bits Reverse "题目链接" 题目描述 Now given two integers x and y, you can reverse every consecutive three bits in arbitrary number’s binary form (any leading z 阅读全文
Winner Winner "题目链接" 题目描述 The FZU Code Carnival is a programming competetion hosted by the ACM ICPC Training Center of Fuzhou University. The activity 阅读全文