
# To backup and archive binlogs.

declare -i NUM=0
declare -i SUM=0

SUM=`/bin/ls -l mysql-bin.[0-9]*| wc -l`
if [ $SUM -le 1 ]; then
  echo "There is no more than 1 binlog file."
  exit 6

let NUM=$SUM-1
[ -e /root/binlog ] || mkdir /root/binlog

for I in `seq 1 $NUM`;do
  ls mysql-bin.[0-9]*| sort| head -1| xargs /bin/mv -t /root/binlog

echo "$NUM logfiles have been moved to /root/binlog."
echo -n "The Used binlog file is: "
ls mysql-bin.[0-9]*

cd /root/binlog
tar Jcf binlog-`date +%F`.tar.xz *
echo "The archive file is created."


posted @ 2016-05-04 11:23  Liemer_Lius  阅读(812)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报