Hash functions are by definition and implementation pseudo random number
generators (PRNG). From this generalization its generally accepted that
the performance of hash functions and also comparisons between hash
functions can be achieved by treating hash function as PRNGs.
Analysis techniques such a Poisson distribution can be used to analyze
the collision rates of different hash functions for different groups
of data. In general there is a theoretical hash function known as the
perfect hash function for any group of data. The perfect hash function
by definition states that no collisions will occur meaning no repeating
hash values will arise from different elements of the group. In reality
its very difficult to find a perfect hash function and the practical
applications of perfect hashing and its variant minimal perfect hashing
are quite limited. In practice it is generally recognized that a perfect
hash function is the hash function that produces the least amount of
collisions for a particular set of data.
The problem is that there are so many permutations of types of data,
some highly random, others containing high degrees of patterning that
its difficult to generalize a hash function for all data types or even
for specific data types. All one can do is via trial and error find
the hash function that best suites their needs. Some dimensions to
analyze for choosing hash functions are:
Data Distribution
This is the measure of how well the hash function distributes the
hash values of elements within a set of data. Analysis in this
measure requires knowing the number of collisions that occur with
the data set meaning non-unique hash values, If chaining is used
for collision resolution the average length of the chains (which
would in theory be the average of each bucket's collision count)
analyzed, also the amount of grouping of the hash values within
ranges should be analyzed.
Hash Function Efficiency
This is the measure of how efficiently the hash function produces
hash values for elements within a set of data. When algorithms which
contain hash functions are analyzed it is generally assumed that hash
functions have a complexity of O(1), that is why look-ups for data in a
hash-table are said to be on "average of O(1) complexity", where
as look-ups of data in associative containers such as maps (typically
implemented as Red-Black trees) are said to be of O(logn) complexity.
A hash function should in theory be a very quick, stable and deterministic
operation. A hash function may not always lend itself to being of O(1)
complexity, however in general the linear traversal through a string of
data to be hashed is so quick and the fact that hash functions are
generally used on primary keys which by definition are supposed to be
much smaller associative identifiers of larger blocks of data implies
that the whole operation should be quick and to a certain degree stable.
The hash functions in this essay are known as simple hash functions. They are
typically used for data hashing (string hashing). They are used to create keys
which are used in associative containers such as hash-tables. These hash functions
are not cryptographically safe, they can easily be reversed and many different
combinations of data can be easily found to produce identical hash values for any
combination of data.
Hash functions are typically defined by the way they create hash values from data.
There are two main methodologies for a hash algorithm to implement, they are:
Addative and Multiplicative Hashing
This is where the hash value is constructed by traversing through the data
and continually incrementing an initial value by a calculated value relative
to an element within the data. The calculation done on the element value is
usually in the form of a multiplication by a prime number.
Rotative Hashing
Same as additive hashing in that every element in the data string is used to construct
the hash, but unlike additive hashing the values are put through a process of bitwise
shifting. Usually a combination of both left and right shifts, the shift amounts as
before are prime. The result of each process is added to some form of accumulating
count, the final result being the hash value is passed back as the final accumulation.
There isn't much real mathematical work which can definitely prove
the relationship between prime numbers and pseudo random number
generators. Nevertheless, the best results have been found to include
the use of prime numbers. PRNGs are currently studied as a
statistical entity, they are not study as deterministic entities
hence any analysis done can only bare witness to the overall result
rather than to determine how and or why the result came into being.
If a more discrete analysis could be carried out, one could better
understand what prime numbers work better and why they work better,
and at the same time why other prime numbers don't work as well,
answering these questions with stable, repeatable proofs can better
equip one for designing better PRNGs and hence eventually better hash
The basic concepts surrounding the use of prime numbers in hash
functions revolve around the concept of operating the current state
value of the hash function with a prime number as opposed to another
type of number. The term operate means something as simple as
applying some form of mathematical operation such as multiplication
or addition to the hash value. The result being a new hash value that
should statistically have a higher entropic value or in other words a
very low bit-bias for any of the bits in the new hash value. In
simple terms when you multiply a set of random numbers by a prime
number the resulting numbers when analyzed at their bit levels should
show no bias towards being one state or another ie: Pr(Bi
= 1) ~= 0.5. There is no concrete proof that this is the case or that
it only happens with prime numbers, it just seems to be an ongoing
self-proclaimed intuition that some professionals in the field seem
obligied to follow.
Deciding what is the right or even better yet
the best possible combination of hashing methodologies and
use of prime numbers is still very much a black
art. No single methodology can lay claim to being the
ultimate general purpose hash function. The best
one can do is to evolve via trial and error and statistical
analysis methods for obtaining suitable hashing
algorithms that meet their needs.
Bit sequence generators, be them purely random or in some way
deterministic, will generate bits with a particular probability of
either being one state or another - this probability is known as the
bit bias. In the case of purely random generators the bit bias of
any generated bit being high or low is always 50% (Pr=0.5).
However in the case of pseudo random number generators, the algorithm
generating the bits will define the bit bias of the bits generated in
the minimal output block of the generator.
Assume a PRNG that produces 8 bit blocks as its output. For some
reason the MSB is always set to high, the bit bias then for the MSB
will be a probability of 100% being set high. From this one concludes
that even though there are 256 possible values that can be produced
with this PRNG, values less than 128 will never be generated. Assuming
for simplicity the other bits being generated are purely random, then
there is equal chance that any value between 128 and 255 will be
generated, however at the same time, there is 0% chance that a value
less than 128 will be produced.
All PRNGs, be they the likes of hash functions, ciphers, msequences or
anything else that produces a bit sequence will all possess a unique
bit bias. Most PRNGs will attempt to converge their bit biases to an
equality, stream ciphers are one example, whereas others will work
best with a known yet unstable bit bias.
Mixing or scrambling of a bit sequence is one way of producing a
common equality in the bit bias of a stream. Though one must be
careful to ensure that by mixing they do not further diverge the bit
biases. A form of mixing used in cryptography is known as avalanching,
this is where a block of bits are mixed together sometimes using a
substitution or permutation box, with another block to produce an
output that will be used to mix with yet another block.
As displayed in the figure below the avalanching process begins with one
or more pieces of binary data. Bits in the data are taken and operated upon
(usually some form of input sensitive bit reducing bitwise logic)
producing an ith-tier piece data. The process is then repeated on the
ith-tier data to produce an i+1'th tier data where the number of bits in
the current tier will be less than or equal to the number of bits in the
previous tier.
The culmination of this repeated process will result in one bit whos value
is said to be dependent upon all the bits from the original piece(s) of data.
It should be noted that the figure below is a mere generalisation of the
avalanching process and need not necessarily be the only form of the process.
In data communications that use block code based error correcting codes, it has been
seen that to overcome burst errors, that is when there is a large amount of noise for
a very short period of time in the carrier channel, if one were to bit-scramble whole
code blocks with each other, then have the scrambled form transmitted and then descrambled
at the other end that burst errors would then most likely be distributed almost evenly
over then entire sequence of blocks transmitted allowing for a much higher chance of
fully detecting and correcting all errors. This type of deterministic scrambling and
descrambling without the need for a common key is known as interleaving and deinterleaving.
Hashing as a tool to associate one set or bulk of data with an identifier has many different
forms of application in the real-world. Below are some of the more common uses of
hash functions.
Used for data/user verification and
authentication. A strong cryptographic hash function has the
property of being very difficult to reverse
the result of the hash and hence reproduce the original
piece of data. Cryptographic hash functions
are used to hash user's passwords and have the hash of
the passwords stored on a system rather than
having the password itself stored. Cryptographic hash
functions are also seen as irreversible
compression functions, being able to represent large quantities
of data with a signal ID, they are useful in
seeing whether or not the data has been tampered with,
and can also be used as data one signes in
order to prove authenticity of a document via other
cryptographic means.
This form of hashing is used in the field of computer vision for the
detection of classified objects in arbitrary scenes.
The process involves initially selecting a region or object of interest.
From there using affine invariant feature detection algorithms such
as the Harris corner detector (HCD), Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
(SIFT) or Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF), a set of affine features are
extracted which are deemed to represent said object or region. This set is
sometimes called a macro-feature or a constellation of features. Depending
on the nature of the features detected and the type of object or region
being classified it may still be possible to match two constellations of
features even though there may be minor disparities (such as missing or
outlier features) between the two sets. The constellations are then said
to be the classified set of features.
A hash value is computed from the constellation of features. This is
typically done by initially defining a space where the hash values are
intended to reside - the hash value in this case is a multidimensional
value normalized for the defined space. Coupled with the process for
computing the hash value another process that determines the distance
between two hash values is needed - A distance measure is required rather
than a deterministic equality operator due to the issue of possible disparities
of the constellations that went into calculating the hash value. Also owing
to the non-linear nature of such spaces the simple Euclidean distance metric
is essentially ineffective, as a result the process of automatically determining
a distance metric for a particular space has become an active field of research
in academia.
Typical examples of geometric hashing include the classification of various
kinds of automobiles, for the purpose of re-detection in arbitrary scenes. The
level of detection can be varied from just detecting a vehicle, to a particular
model of vehicle, to a specific vehicle.
A Bloom filter allows for the "state of existence" of a large set of possible values
to be represented with a much smaller piece of memory than the sum size of the values.
In computer science this is known as a membership query and is core concept in associative
The Bloom filter achieves this through the use of multiple distinct hash functions and also by
allowing the result of a membership query for the existence of a particular value to have a
certain probability of error. The guarantee a Bloom filter provides is that for any membership
query there will never be any false negatives, however there may be false positives. The false
positive probability can be controlled by varying the size of the table used for the Bloom
filter and also by varying the number of hash functions.
Subsequent research done in the area of hash functions and tables and bloom filters by
Mitzenmacher et al. suggest that for most practical uses of such constructs, the entropy
in the data being hashed contributes to the entropy of the hash functions, this further
leads onto theoretical results that conclude an optimal bloom filter (one which provides
the lowest false positive probability for a given table size or vice versa) providing a
user defined false positive probability can be constructed with at most two distinct hash
functions also known as pairwise independent hash functions, greatly increasing the efficiency
of membership queries.
Bloom filters are commonly found in applications such as spell-checkers, string matching algorithms,
network packet analysis tools and network/internet caches.
The General Hash Functions Library has the following mix of additive and rotative general purpose
string hashing algorithms. The following algorithms vary in usefulness and functionality and are
mainly intended as an example for learning how hash functions operate and what they basically look
like in code form.
A simple hash function from Robert Sedgwicks Algorithms in C book.
I've added some simple optimizations to the algorithm in order to
speed up its hashing process.
This hash algorithm is based on work by Peter J. Weinberger of AT&T Bell Labs.
The book Compilers (Principles, Techniques and Tools) by Aho, Sethi and Ulman,
recommends the use of hash functions that employ the hashing methodology found in
this particular algorithm.
This hash function comes from Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie's book "The C
Programming Language". It is a simple hash function using a strange set of possible
seeds which all constitute a pattern of 31....31...31 etc, it seems to be very similar
to the DJB hash function.
This is the algorithm of choice which is used in the open source SDBM
project. The hash function seems to have a good over-all distribution
for many different data sets. It seems to work well in situations
where there is a high variance in the MSBs of the elements in a data
An algorithm produced by Professor Daniel J. Bernstein and shown first to the
world on the usenet newsgroup comp.lang.c. It is one of the most efficient
hash functions ever published.
An algorithm produced by me Arash Partow. I took ideas from all of the above hash
functions making a hybrid rotative and additive hash function algorithm. There isn't
any real mathematical analysis explaining why one should use this hash function instead
of the others described above other than the fact that I tired to resemble the design
as close as possible to a simple LFSR. An empirical result which demonstrated the
distributive abilities of the hash algorithm was obtained using a hash-table with
100003 buckets, hashing The Project Gutenberg Etext of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
the longest encountered chain length was 7, the average chain length was 2, the number
of empty buckets was 4579. Below is a simple algebraic description of the AP hash function:
Note: For uses where high throughput is a requirement for computing hashes using the algorithms
described above, one should consider unrolling the internal loops and adjusting the hash value
memory foot-print to be appropriate for the targeted architecture(s).
Free use of the General Hash Functions Algorithm
Library available on this site is permitted under the guidelines and in
accordance with the most current
version of the "Common Public License."
The General Hash Functions Algorithm Library C
& C++ implementation is compatible with the following C & C++
GNU Compiler Collection (3.3.1-x+)
Intel® C++ Compiler (8.x+)
Clang/LLVM (1.x+)
Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler (8.x+)
The General Hash Functions Algorithm Library
Object Pascal and Pascal implementations are compatible with the
following Object Pascal and Pascal compilers:
Borland Delphi (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,2005,2006)
Free Pascal Compiler (1.9.x)
Borland Kylix (1,2,3)
Borland Turbo Pascal (5,6,7)
The General Hash Functions Algorithm Library
Java implementation is compatible with the following Java compilers:
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