

1. Reader线程核心类--EventHub

1.1 Reader线程核心结构体
  • 实例化对象:mEventHub--表示多个输入设备,里面有数组mPendingEventItems存储多个设备

    struct epoll_event mPendingEventItems[EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS];
  • mDevice--vector,用来表示记录多个输入设备

    KeyedVector<int32_t, Device*> mDevices;  //int32_t表示编号,Device*表示输入设备
1.2 取出输入设备
  • 编号

  • Device*

    • 设备描述符fd

    • 标志信息identify

      • name : String8

      • bus : uint16_t

      • vendor : uint16_t

      • product : uint16_t

      • version : uint16_t

    • 映射信息

    struct Device {

        Device* next;

        int fd; // may be -1 if device is virtual

        const int32_t id;

        const String8 path;

        const InputDeviceIdentifier identifier;

        uint32_t classes;

        uint8_t keyBitmask[(KEY_MAX + 1) / 8];

        uint8_t absBitmask[(ABS_MAX + 1) / 8];

        uint8_t relBitmask[(REL_MAX + 1) / 8];

        uint8_t swBitmask[(SW_MAX + 1) / 8];

        uint8_t ledBitmask[(LED_MAX + 1) / 8];

        uint8_t ffBitmask[(FF_MAX + 1) / 8];

        uint8_t propBitmask[(INPUT_PROP_MAX + 1) / 8];

        String8 configurationFile;

        PropertyMap* configuration;

        VirtualKeyMap* virtualKeyMap;

        KeyMap keyMap;

        sp<KeyCharacterMap> overlayKeyMap;

        sp<KeyCharacterMap> combinedKeyMap;

        bool ffEffectPlaying;

        int16_t ffEffectId; // initially -1


1.3 打开配置文件
  • 根据编号和Device*找到该输入设备

  • 打开一个输入设备结构体时,需要构建一个device结构体

  • 根据标志信息打开三种配置文件

    • IDC:input device configuration

    • keylayout

    • KCM:key charactor map

2. 详解配置文件

2.1 引入


  • EV_KEY

  • code--KEY_1(2)

  • value

2.2 引入keylayout



Key layout files are located by USB vendor, product (and optionally version) id or by input device name. The following paths are consulted in order:










key     17                 W

    内核中的code值    Android:AKEYCODE_W



  • su

  • mkdir -p /data/system/devices/keylayout/

  • cp /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl /data/system/devices/keylayout/InputEmulatorFromLKQ.kl

  • 修改 /data/system/devices/keylayout/InputEmulatorFromLKQ.kl

  • 添加这2行:

    key  227  STAR  //SATR代表Android中*键   
    key  228  POUND //POUND代表Android中#键
  • 修改权限:
    busybox chmod 777 /data/system/devices -R

  • 重启:reboot

  • insmod InputEmulator.ko

  • 打开开发板中浏览器,点击文本输入框

  • 发送*键

    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 227 1 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 227 0 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 0 0 0 
  • 发送#键

    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 228 1 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 228 0 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 0 0 0 
(5)实验现象:文本输入框出现 *# 字符
2.3 引入kcm

Android输入系统中,当确定Android keycode之后,需要转化为显示在文本框的字符,这其中的转化则.kcm文件


Key character map files are located by USB vendor, product (and optionally version) id or by input device name.

The following paths are consulted in order.












key B {

    label:                              'B'  # 印在按键上的文字                        
     base:                              'b'  # 如果没有其他按键(shift, ctrl等)同时按下,此按键对应的字符是'b'                      
    shift, capslock:                    'B'                               


B 表示 Android AKEYCODE_B

  • mkdir -p /data/system/devices/keychars

  • cp /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm /data/system/devices/keychars/InputEmulatorFromLKQ.kcm

  • 修改:

key STAR {

    label:                              '*'
#   base:                               '*'                                           
    base:                               '1'



key POUND {                                                             

    label:                              '#'
#   base:                               '#'
    base:                               '2'


  • busybox chmod 777 /data/system/devices -R

  • 重启:reboot

  • insmod InputEmulator.ko

  • 发送*键, 得到1

    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 227 1 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 227 0 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 0 0 0 
  • 发送#键, 得到2

    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 228 1 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 228 0 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 0 0 0 
  • 也可以用组合键,也可实现

    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 42 1 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 9 1 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 9 0
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 42 0 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 0 0 0 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 42 1 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 4 1 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 4 0
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 1 42 0 
    sendevent /dev/input/event5 0 0 0 
(4)实验现象:文本输入框出现 12 字符
posted @ 2017-04-23 13:57  lkq1220  阅读(865)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报