Script To Get Tablespace Utilization In Oracle Database 12c
This is a script to get the tablespace utilization in Oracle Database 12c. You can use this script to get the tablespace utilization ALLOCATED(MB), USED(MB) and Used parentage for all containers tablespaces.
sqlplus -s / as sysdba set pages 80 set lin 120 set echo off set feed off column PCT format 999.99 column tbspce format A30 col container for a30 select substr(f.tablespace_name,1,30) tbspce, round(f.tsbytes/(1024*1024),0) "ALLOCATED(MB)", round(nvl(s.segbytes,0)/(1024*1024),0) "USED(MB)", round((nvl(s.segbytes,0)/f.tsbytes)*100,2) PCT, lower( as container from (select con_id,tablespace_name,sum(bytes) tsbytes from cdb_data_files group by con_id,tablespace_name) f, (select con_id,tablespace_name,sum(bytes) segbytes from cdb_segments group by con_id,tablespace_name) s, v$containers vc where f.con_id=s.con_id(+) and f.tablespace_name=s.tablespace_name(+) and f.con_id=vc.con_id order by container, tbspce;