

Crowd Navigation System





A Navigation Mesh (or navmesh for short) is a surface topology describing the space where an agent can go based on constraints. Based on parameters like agent radius, agent climbing capability, agent height,... the navmesh generation computes a topology from source meshes (the world geometry). Then, this topology can have a debug display (blue mesh on screenshot above) to validate the parameters.


A demo can be found at: Crowd Navigation Demo




Creating A Navigation Mesh


Table Of Contents



How to use the navigation mesh?






Baking result


How to use the navigation mesh?


There are many cases to use a navigation mesh: AI and path finding, replace physics for collision detection (only allow player to go where it's possible instead of using collision detection) and many more cases theBabylon.js users will find.


First, create the navigation plugin


let navigationPlugin = new BABYLON.RecastJSPlugin();

Prepare some parameters for the agent constraints (described below)


var parameters = {

        cs: 0.2,

        ch: 0.2,

        walkableSlopeAngle: 35,

        walkableHeight: 1,

        walkableClimb: 1,

        walkableRadius: 1,

        maxEdgeLen: 12.,

        maxSimplificationError: 1.3,

        minRegionArea: 8,

        mergeRegionArea: 20,

        maxVertsPerPoly: 6,

        detailSampleDist: 6,

        detailSampleMaxError: 1,


Call the navigation mesh generation with the parameters and the list of meshes


navigationPlugin.createNavMesh([groundMesh, wallMesh1, wallMesh2, stair1, stair2], parameters);

And that's it! you can now use the navigation mesh with the crowd system or make queries.


Optionaly, you can get a display of the navmesh to ensure it corresponds to your space constraints


navmeshdebug = navigationPlugin.createDebugNavMesh(scene);

var matdebug = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial('matdebug', scene);

matdebug.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.1, 0.2, 1);

matdebug.alpha = 0.2;

navmeshdebug.material = matdebug;



cs - The meshes are voxelized in order to compute walkable navmesh. This parameter in world unit define the widthand depth of 1 voxel.


ch - Same as cs but for height of the voxel.


walkableSlopeAngle - Angle in degree for the maximum walkable slop.


walkableHeight - The height in voxel units that is allowd to walk in.


walkableClimb - The delta in voxel units that can be climbed.


walkableRadius - the radius in voxel units of the agents.


maxEdgeLen - The maximum allowed length for contour edges along the border of the mesh. Voxel units.


maxSimplificationError - The maximum distance a simplified contour's border edges should deviate the original raw contour. Voxel units.


minRegionArea - The minimum number of cells allowed to form isolated island areas. Voxel units.


mergeRegionArea - Any regions with a span count smaller than this value will, if possible, be merged with larger regions. Voxel units.

@@范围小于这个值的区域将在可能的情况下和更大的区域合并在一起,意思是过小的区域将与较大的区域融合,这个值一般比mergeRegionArea 更大。@@

maxVertsPerPoly - The maximum number of vertices allowed for polygons generated during the contour to polygon conversion process. Must be > 3.


detailSampleDist - Sets the sampling distance to use when generating the detail mesh. World units.


detailSampleMaxError - The maximum distance the detail mesh surface should deviate from heightfield data. World Units.





Basically, query functions help at getting constraint point and vector by the navigation mesh.


getClosestPoint(position: Vector3): Vector3;

getRandomPointAround(position: Vector3, maxRadius: number): Vector3;

moveAlong(position: Vector3, destination: Vector3): Vector3;



  • get a point on the navmesh close to a world position parameter
  • @@在导航网格上获取一个靠近某个世界坐标位置的点@@
  • get a random world position, on the navmesh, inside a circle of maxRadius.
  • @@在最大半径的限制内,在导航网格上取一个随机世界坐标系位置。@@
  • constraint a segment by the navmesh and returns the ending world position. Like walking on the navmesh and stopping at the edge.
  • @@在导航网格内约束一条线段,并且返回其终点的世界坐标位置。就像在导航网格上走直线,然后在到达导航网格的边缘时停止。@@

When the query can't find a valid solution, the value (0,0,0) is returned.


Those functions use a bounding box for querying the world. The solution returned is within that bound. To properly set the default box extent to get a finer or broader result, call:


setDefaultQueryExtent(extent: Vector3): void;

If your query returns a point too far from the expected result, use a smaller extent.


It's possible to get a path built for navigation as a point array. It's up to the user to use this array for drawing prediction path, trigger events,...


var pathPoints = navigationPlugin.computePath(crowd.getAgentPosition(agent), navigationPlugin.getClosestPoint(destinationPoint));

pathLine = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateDashedLines("ribbon", {points: pathPoints, updatable: true, instance: pathLine}, scene);

Baking result


Building a navigation mesh can take a lot of cpu and network resources. In order to lower the download size and cpu needed, it's possible to bake the result of the navigation mesh computation to a byte stream. That byte stream can later be restored to get the navigation mesh back.


To retrieve the binary representation of the computed navigation mesh:


var binaryData = navigationPlugin.getNavmeshData();

binaryData is an Uint8Array that you can save to a file for example. To restore an UInt8Array to a navigation mesh:

@@这里binaryData 对象是一段Uint8Array 型的数据,你可以把这段数据保存为文件。也可以使用以下方法把它恢复为导航网格:@@




Crowd Agents


Table Of Contents



Crowds and navigation agents


How to use it?


Agent Parameters




Agent orientation and next path target


Crowds and navigation agents





Now we have a navmesh, we can create autonomous agents and make them navigate within that navmesh constraint. The agents will find the best path to that destination while avoinding other crowd agents. An agent is attach to a Transform. That means that you have to attach a mesh to see them but also that you can attach pretty much anything.


A demo can be found at: Crowd and Navigation Agents


Click anywhere on the navmesh to make the agents go to that location.


How to use it?


First thing is to create a crowd that all agents will belong to. Parameters are the maximum number of agents in the crowd, the maximum agent radius and the scene.


var crowd = navigationPlugin.createCrowd(10, 0.1, scene);

Then to create an agent and attach it to a transform, call:


var agentIndex = crowd.addAgent(position, agentParameters, transform);

And that's it! You will get a non moving agent. We now want to move it.


crowd.agentGoto(agentIndex, navigationPlugin.getClosestPoint(endPoint));

This code will get the closest position on the navmesh to endPoint. Then it asks the agent to go to that position. Depending on your agent parameters, it will get there faster of slower.


Agent Parameters


radius - Radius of the agent. World Unit.


height - Heigh in World Unit.


maxAcceleration - Acceleration max in World Unit per second per second


maxSpeed - Max speed in World Unit per second.


collisionQueryRange - The agent collision system will take care of others within that radius in World Unit.


pathOptimizationRange - How the path will be optimized and made more straight.


separationWeight - How hard the system will try to separate the agent. A Value of 0 means it will not try and agents might collide.


You can update any of these parameters, per agent, by calling :


// change speed and max speed 修改速度和最大速度

crowd.updateAgentParameters(agentIndex, {maxSpeed:10, maxAcceleration:200});



You can teleport an agent to any position using this call:


crowd.agentTeleport(agentIndex, navigationPlugin.getClosestPoint(destinationPoint));

Please note the navigation state is reseted when teleporting. You'll have to call agentGoto to choose a new destination.

@@请注意传送物体的导航状态将在传送时被重置。你必须调用agentGoto  方法重新设置目的地。@@

Agent orientation and next path target


Recastjs crowd system does not handle agent orientation. But the velocity is available and it's possible to orient the geometry toward it. To do so, you will need to use Math.atan2 like in the following example. Please take care of the length of the velocity vector. If it's not big enough, you may encounter jittering.


let velocity = crowd.getAgentVelocity(agentIndex);

if (velocity.length() > 0.2)//防抖


    var desiredRotation = Math.atan2(velocity.x, velocity.z);

    // interpolate the rotation on Y to get a smoother orientation change 在Y轴的旋转中插值,以获得一个平滑的朝向变化效果。

    ag.mesh.rotation.y = ag.mesh.rotation.y + (desiredRotation - ag.mesh.rotation.y) * 0.05;


In this PG Agent Orientation and Next Path Targeting


The agent's cube is oriented by the velocity and a grey little box is placed at the position of the next path corner.




Adding and removing obstacles


Table Of Contents




Obstacles API




Internaly, navigation mesh with support for obstacles differs from 'standard' use case with one static navigation mesh. Obstacles mark tiles as dirty. Those tiles need to be reprocessed to compute a portion of the navigation mesh. To do so, Recast introduces the concept of tiles. Each tile is a square portion of the nav mesh. Tiles a processed each frame. Making huge changes processed of a couple of frames.


In order to build a Tiled nav mesh instead of a single mesh, add the following lines to the nav mesh creation parameters:


var navmeshParameters = {

    cs: 0.2,

    ch: 0.2,

    walkableSlopeAngle: 0,

    walkableHeight: 0.0,

    walkableClimb: 0,

    walkableRadius: 1,

    maxEdgeLen: 12.,

    maxSimplificationError: 1.3,

    minRegionArea: 8,

    mergeRegionArea: 20,

    maxVertsPerPoly: 6,

    detailSampleDist: 6,

    detailSampleMaxError: 15,

    borderSize: 1,



Note the addition of tileSize. It's the world unit size of each tile. If it's not present or has a value a zero, it falls back to the standard use and obstacles won't work. Also, depending on your use case, this value must be carrefully chosen to trade between too many tiles and too much cpu intensive updates.


Obstacles API


Once the navigation mesh is updated to take tiles into account, obstacles are accessible thru 3 simple functions:


addCylinderObstacle(position: Vector3, radius: number, height: number): IObstacle;

addBoxObstacle(position: Vector3, extent: Vector3, angle: number): IObstacle;

removeObstacle(obstacle: IObstacle): void;

Keep a list of added obstacles in order to remove them later. An obstacle that's not colliding with the navigation mesh will have no influence.


Adding a door to a navigation mesh





posted @ 2021-05-31 15:29  ljzc002  阅读(1051)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报