

ccesc.exe automate compile script

ccesc.exe -nosplash -application com.analog.crosscore.headlesstools -data E:/workspace -project "C:\Users\test\cces\2.8.3\cyc\testcyc" -copy -cfg Debug -append-switch compiler -D=DO_CYCLE_COUNTS

CCES does not have a way to export a single makefile but it provides a way to build projects from the command line. Assume you installed CCES at the default location. Here is an example of the command:

C:\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio 1.0.1\Eclipse\ccesc.exe -nosplash -consoleLog -application com.analog.crosscore.headlesstools -data "C:/workspace"

-project "C:/yourprojectlocation" -build Debug

The option -data indicates the local location of your workspace. The option -project indicates the local location of your project. The option -build indicates the build configuration.

ccesc -nosplash -application com.analog.crosscore.headlesstools -command projectcreate -data C:\Users<name>\cces\2.9.4 -project ./test -project-name app -processor ADuCM3029 -type Executable -revision any -language C -cfg Release -remove-switch linker -specs=rdimon.specs


posted on 2021-12-01 23:20  ljymoonlight  阅读(65)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报