在安装Cloudera CDH的时候,是要求安装配置NTP服务器来实现不同主机之间的时间同步问题。下面详细的介绍一下NTP的安装过程。
执行 yum install ntp 即可
rpm -qa |grep ntp 结果如下图所示:
vi /etc/ntp.conf 该文件主要注意两个地方
如:restrict mask nomodify 表示的是允许192.168.120.1--的ip地址的主机都可以与服务器同步。
server 2.rhel.pool.ntp.org(默认时间服务器)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 | # For more information about this file, see the man pages # ntp.conf( 5 ), ntp_acc( 5 ), ntp_auth( 5 ), ntp_clock( 5 ), ntp_misc( 5 ), ntp_mon( 5 ). driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift # Permit time synchronization with our time source, but do not # permit the source to query or modify the service on this system. restrict default kod nomodify restrict - 6 default kod nomodify # Permit all access over the loopback interface . This could # be tightened as well, but to do so would effect some of # the administrative functions. restrict 127.0 . 0.1 restrict - 6 :: 1 restrict 192.168 . 120.0 mask 255.255 . 255.0 nomodify //这里需要注意的地方 # Hosts on local network are less restricted. #restrict 192.168 . 1.0 mask 255.255 . 255.0 nomodify notrap # Use public servers from the pool.ntp.org project. # Please consider joining the pool (http: //www.pool.ntp.org/join.html). server s1a.time.edu.cn prefer //这里是需要注意的地方 server s1b.time.edu.cn server s1c.time.edu.cn #broadcast 192.168 . 1.255 autokey # broadcast server #broadcastclient # broadcast client #broadcast 224.0 . 1.1 autokey # multicast server #multicastclient 224.0 . 1.1 # multicast client #manycastserver 239.255 . 254.254 # manycast server #manycastclient 239.255 . 254.254 autokey # manycast client # Enable public key cryptography. #crypto includefile /etc/ntp/crypto/pw # Key file containing the keys and key identifiers used when operating # with symmetric key cryptography. keys /etc/ntp/keys # Specify the key identifiers which are trusted. #trustedkey 4 8 42 # Specify the key identifier to use with the ntpdc utility. #requestkey 8 # Specify the key identifier to use with the ntpq utility. #controlkey 8 # Enable writing of statistics records. #statistics clockstats cryptostats loopstats peerstats |
执行 ntpd -c /etc/ntp.conf -p /tmp/ntpd.pid
ntpd start
ps -ef|grep ntpd
在ntp server上启动ntp服务后,ntp server自身或者与其server的同步的需要一个时间段,这个过程可能是5分钟,在这个时间之内在客户端运行ntpdate命令进行同步时会产生 no server suitable for synchronization found的错误。
那么如何知道何时ntp server完成了和自身同步的过程呢?
在ntp server上使用命令查看是否连接上外网的服务器(这里可以注意:配置了多少个server就会出现多少个):
watch ntpq -p
(1)vi /var/spool/cron/root(或crontab -e) 在该文件中添加下面一行内容
*/30 * * * * root /usr/sbin/ntpdate 表示的是每个30分钟向服务器192.168.120.231更新一次时间。
(2) # 将计划任务设为自动,默认是启动的【可选】、
chkconfig crond on
service crond restart
ntpd -c /etc/ntp.conf -p /tmp/ntpd.pid -l /app/ntp/log/ntp.log
watch ntpq -p
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