

 1 // Vertex shader:
 2 // ==============
 3 #version 330 core
 4 layout (location = 0) in vec3 aPos;
 5 layout (location = 1) in vec3 aColor;
 7 // out vec3 ourColor;
 8 out vec3 ourPosition;
10 void main()
11 {
12     gl_Position = vec4(aPos, 1.0); 
13     // ourColor = aColor;
14     ourPosition = aPos;
15 }
17 // Fragment shader:
18 // ================
19 #version 330 core
20 out vec4 FragColor;
21 // in vec3 ourColor;
22 in vec3 ourPosition;
24 void main()
25 {
26     FragColor = vec4(ourPosition, 1.0);    // note how the position value is linearly interpolated to get all the different colors
27 }
29 /* 
30 Answer to the question: Do you know why the bottom-left side is black?
31 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
32 Think about this for a second: the output of our fragment's color is equal to the (interpolated) coordinate of 
33 the triangle. What is the coordinate of the bottom-left point of our triangle? This is (-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f). Since the
34 xy values are negative they are clamped to a value of 0.0f. This happens all the way to the center sides of the 
35 triangle since from that point on the values will be interpolated positively again. Values of 0.0f are of course black
36 and that explains the black side of the triangle.
37 */
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posted @ 2019-11-27 17:02  ljy3268  阅读(123)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报