配对堆(Pairing Heap)
配对堆(Pairing Heap)是一个简单实用的min-heap结构(当然也可以做成max-heap)。它是一颗多路树(multiway
tree),类似于Leftist Heap和Skew Heap,但是与Binomial Tree和Fibonacci
Heap。连接操作(参考以下实现中的方法linkPair)类似于Binomial Tree和Fibonacci
Heap中的link操作,即将root key值最大的树作为key值最小的树的孩子(一般作为最左边的孩子,特别是Binomial
Heap必须这样做),其复杂度是常数级。因为Pairing Heap只有一棵树,所以它的merge操作(类似于Fibonacci
Heap类似,都是常数级操作,而在Binomial Heap中需要union两个root
Heap采用“leftmost child,right
点,left属性表示该结点的左兄弟。Extract-Min操作比较有意思,首先采用类似Binomial Heap和Fibonacci
list链表作union操作。在Fibonacci Heap中的做法是,将孩子结点依次添加到root
/** * * Pairing Heap * * Copyright (c) 2011 ljs (http://blog.csdn.net/ljsspace/) * Licensed under GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) * * @author ljs * 2011-09-06 * */ public class PairingHeap { //left-child, right-sibling representation static class Node{ private int key; //left is the parent for first child; is the left sibling for other children private Node left; private Node sibling; //child points to the leftmost-child private Node child; public Node(int key){ this.key = key; } public String toString(){ return String.valueOf(this.key); } } private Node root; private Node linkPair(Node first,Node second){ if(second==null) return first; if(first==null) return second; if(first.key<second.key){ //second is linked to first as a child //retain the sibling relation Node secondzSibling = second.sibling; first.sibling = secondzSibling; if(secondzSibling != null) secondzSibling.left = first; Node firstzChild = first.child; //update second's left and sibling pointers second.left = first; second.sibling = firstzChild; //update first.child's pointer if(firstzChild != null) firstzChild.left = second; //update first's child first.child = second; return first; }else{ //first is linked to second as a child //retain the sibling relation Node firstzLeft = first.left; second.left = firstzLeft; if(firstzLeft != null){ if(firstzLeft.child == first){ //firstzLeft is first's parent firstzLeft.child = second; }else{ //firstzLeft is first's left sibling firstzLeft.sibling = second; } } Node secondzChild = second.child; //update first's left and sibling pointers first.left = second; first.sibling = secondzChild; //update second's child pointer if(secondzChild != null) secondzChild.left = first; //update second's child second.child = first; return second; } } public Node insert(Node node){ if(root==null) root = node; else root = linkPair(node,root); return node; } public void decreaseKey(Node x,int k) throws Exception{ if(x.key<k) throw new Exception("key is not decreased!"); x.key = k; if(x!=root){ //cut x subtree from its siblings Node xzLeft = x.left; //if x is not root, its left (i.e. xzLeft) can never be null if(xzLeft.child==x){//xzLeft is x's parent xzLeft.child = x.sibling; }else{//xzLeft is x's left sibling xzLeft.sibling = x.sibling; } if(x.sibling!=null){ x.sibling.left = xzLeft; } //merge this tree with x subtree x.left = null; x.sibling = null; root = this.linkPair(x, root); } } public void merge(Node rhs){ if(this.root==null) { this.root = rhs; return; } if(rhs==null) return; this.root = this.linkPair(this.root, rhs); } public Node findMin(){ return this.root; } public Node extractMin(){ Node z = this.root; if(z!=null){ if(z.child==null) root = null; else{ Node firstSibling = z.child; firstSibling.left = null; root = mergeSubHeaps(firstSibling); } } return z; } private Node mergeSubHeaps(Node firstSibling){ //the 1st pass: merge pairs from left side Node first = firstSibling; Node second = first.sibling; Node tail = first; if(second!=null){ tail = this.linkPair(first, second); first = tail.sibling; if(first!= null) second = first.sibling; else second = null; } while(first != null && second!=null){ tail = this.linkPair(first, second); first = tail.sibling; if(first!= null) second = first.sibling; else second = null; } //the 2nd pass: merge pairs from right side if(first!=null){ tail = first; } Node prev = tail.left; while(prev!=null){ tail = this.linkPair(prev, tail); prev = tail.left; } return tail; } public void print(){ System.out.println("Pairing Heap:"); this.print(0, this.root); } private void print(int level, Node node){ for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { System.out.format(" "); } System.out.format("|"); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { System.out.format("-"); } System.out.format("%d%n", node.key); Node child = node.child; while(child!=null){ print(level + 1, child); child = child.sibling; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { PairingHeap pheap = new PairingHeap(); Node node7=pheap.insert(new Node(7)); pheap.insert(new Node(19)); Node node2=pheap.insert(new Node(2)); PairingHeap pheap2 = new PairingHeap(); pheap2.insert(new Node(9)); pheap2.insert(new Node(17)); pheap2.insert(new Node(12)); pheap2.insert(new Node(14)); pheap.merge(pheap2.root); pheap2 = new PairingHeap(); pheap2.insert(new Node(15)); pheap2.insert(new Node(18)); pheap2.insert(new Node(16)); pheap2.insert(new Node(5)); Node node11=pheap2.insert(new Node(11)); pheap.merge(pheap2.root); pheap2 = new PairingHeap(); pheap2.insert(new Node(4)); pheap2.insert(new Node(8)); pheap.merge(pheap2.root); pheap2 = new PairingHeap(); Node node3=pheap2.insert(new Node(3)); pheap2.insert(new Node(13)); pheap2.insert(new Node(10)); pheap.merge(pheap2.root); pheap.insert(new Node(6)); pheap.print(); Node min = pheap.findMin(); System.out.format("min: %d%n", min.key); pheap.decreaseKey(node11, 0); pheap.decreaseKey(node7, 4); pheap.decreaseKey(node2, 1); pheap.decreaseKey(node3, 2); min = pheap.extractMin(); while(min!=null){ System.out.format("%d ",min.key); min = pheap.extractMin(); } } }
Pairing Heap:
min: 2
0 1 2 4 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19