斜堆(Skew Heap)
由于斜堆并不是严格的左倾堆,最坏的情况下右路长度可能为N,因此采用递归调用merge的风险是出现stack overflow。尽管如此,在下面的实现中还是提供了递归和非递归的两个版本。测试时使用的是非递归版本。
import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Stack; /** * * Skew Heap * * Copyright (c) 2011 ljs (http://blog.csdn.net/ljsspace/) * Licensed under GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) * * @author ljs * 2011-08-25 * */ public class SkewHeap { static class Node{ int key; Node left; Node right; public Node(int key){ this.key = key; } public String toString(){ return String.valueOf(this.key); } public Node recursiveMerge(Node rhsRoot){ if(rhsRoot==this || rhsRoot == null) { //Note: no need to swap the left and right children of this tree //Node tmp = this.left; //this.left = this.right; //this.right = tmp; return this; } Node root1 = null; //the root of the merged tree Node root2 = null; if(rhsRoot.key<this.key){ //merge this with rhsRoot's right child root1 = rhsRoot; root2 = this; }else{ //merge rhsRoot with this's right child root1 = this; root2 = rhsRoot; } Node tmpRoot = root2.recursiveMerge(root1.right); root1.right = root1.left; root1.left = tmpRoot; //or equivalently: we may first merge recursively, then swap left and right children. //Node right = root1.right; //root1.right = root1.left; //root1.left = root2.merge(right); return root1; } } private Node root; public SkewHeap(Node root){ this.root = root; } //version 1: recursive merge: not recommended because skew heap is //unlike leftist heap to be deterministically leftist, so it can cause //stack overflow in extreme cases. private static Node recursiveMerge(Node root1,Node root2){ if(root1 == null) return root2; if(root2 == null) return root1; return root1.recursiveMerge(root2); } //version 2: non-recursive merge private static Node iterativeMerge(Node root1,Node root2){ if(root1 == null) return root2; if(root2 == null) return root1; Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>(); Node r1 = root1; Node r2 = root2; while(r1 != null && r2 != null){ if(r1.key<r2.key){ stack.push(r1); r1 = r1.right; }else{ stack.push(r2); r2 = r2.right; } } //at this point, exactly one of r1 and r2 is null //Again we don't need to swap the left and right children of r Node r = (r1 != null)?r1:r2; //merge while(!stack.isEmpty()){ Node node = stack.pop(); node.right = node.left; node.left = r; r = node; } return r; } public static SkewHeap merge(SkewHeap h1,SkewHeap h2){ Node rootNode = iterativeMerge(h1.root,h2.root); return new SkewHeap(rootNode); } public static SkewHeap buildHeap(int[] A){ LinkedList<Node> queue = new LinkedList<Node>(); int n = A.length; //init: queue all elements as a single-node tree for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ Node node = new Node(A[i]); queue.add(node); } //merge adjacent heaps and enqueue the merged heap afterward while(queue.size()>1){ Node root1 = queue.remove(); //dequeue Node root2 = queue.remove(); Node rootNode = iterativeMerge(root1,root2); queue.add(rootNode); } Node rootNode = queue.remove(); return new SkewHeap(rootNode); } public void insert(int x){ this.root = SkewHeap.iterativeMerge(new Node(x), this.root); } public Integer extractMin(){ if(this.root == null) return null; int min = this.root.key; this.root = SkewHeap.iterativeMerge(this.root.left, this.root.right); return min; } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] A = new int[]{4,8,10,9,1,3,5,6,11}; SkewHeap heap = SkewHeap.buildHeap(A); heap.insert(7); Integer min = null; while((min = heap.extractMin()) != null){ System.out.format(" %d", min); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("********************"); A = new int[]{3,10,8,21,14,17,23,26}; Node a0 = new Node(A[0]); Node a1 = new Node(A[1]); Node a2 = new Node(A[2]); Node a3 = new Node(A[3]); Node a4 = new Node(A[4]); Node a5 = new Node(A[5]); Node a6 = new Node(A[6]); Node a7 = new Node(A[7]); a0.left = a1; a0.right = a2; a1.left = a3; a1.right = a4; a4.left = a6; a2.left = a5; a5.left = a7; SkewHeap h1 = new SkewHeap(a0); int[] B = new int[]{6,12,7,18,24,37,18,33}; Node b0 = new Node(B[0]); Node b1 = new Node(B[1]); Node b2 = new Node(B[2]); Node b3 = new Node(B[3]); Node b4 = new Node(B[4]); Node b5 = new Node(B[5]); Node b6 = new Node(B[6]); Node b7 = new Node(B[7]); b0.left = b1; b0.right = b2; b1.left = b3; b1.right = b4; b4.left = b7; b2.left = b5; b2.right = b6; SkewHeap h2 = new SkewHeap(b0); heap = SkewHeap.merge(h1,h2); while((min = heap.extractMin()) != null){ System.out.format(" %d", min); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("********************"); A = new int[]{1,4,23,63,24,44,28}; a0 = new Node(A[0]); a1 = new Node(A[1]); a2 = new Node(A[2]); a3 = new Node(A[3]); a4 = new Node(A[4]); a5 = new Node(A[5]); a6 = new Node(A[6]); a0.left = a1; a0.right = a2; a1.left = a3; a1.right = a4; a2.left = a5; a2.right = a6; h1 = new SkewHeap(a0); B = new int[]{13,17,99,57,49,105,201}; b0 = new Node(B[0]); b1 = new Node(B[1]); b2 = new Node(B[2]); b3 = new Node(B[3]); b4 = new Node(B[4]); b5 = new Node(B[5]); b6 = new Node(B[6]); b0.left = b1; b0.right = b2; b1.left = b3; b1.right = b4; b2.left = b5; b2.right = b6; h2 = new SkewHeap(b0); heap = SkewHeap.merge(h1,h2); while((min = heap.extractMin()) != null){ System.out.format(" %d", min); } System.out.println(); } }
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 6 7 8 10 12 14 17 18 18 21 23 24 26 33 37
1 4 13 17 23 24 28 44 49 57 63 99 105 201
Sleator & Tarjan (1986). "Self-Adjusting Heaps"