A是B和C的弱依赖,A返回0触发第0个后继节点B的执行, 返回1则触发第1个后继节点C的执行;
#include <taskflow/taskflow.hpp> // the only include you need int main(){ tf::Executor executor; tf::Taskflow taskflow("static"); auto [A, B, C, D] = taskflow.emplace( //the type of A,B,C,B is tf::Task []() { std::cout << "TaskA\n"; }, []() { std::cout << "TaskB\n"; }, []() { std::cout << "TaskC\n"; }, []() { std::cout << "TaskD\n"; } ); A.precede(B, C); // A runs before B and C D.succeed(B, C); // D runs after B and C executor.run(taskflow).wait(); return 0; }
g++ -std=c++17 simple.cpp -I. -O2 -pthread -o simple
class Node { std::string _name; Topology* _topology {nullptr};//拓扑图 Node* _parent {nullptr}; //subflow的父结点,可先忽略 SmallVector<Node*> _successors;//后继 SmallVector<Node*> _dependents;//前驱 std::atomic<size_t> _join_counter {0}; //每个节点的入度,只有强依赖计算在内 handle_t _handle;//存储了节点类型及callable func size_t num_successors() const; size_t num_dependents() const; size_t num_strong_dependents() const; size_t num_weak_dependents() const; inline void Node::_precede(Node* v) { _successors.push_back(v); v->_dependents.push_back(this); } };
class Topology { Taskflow& _taskflow; SmallVector<Node*> _sources;//拓扑图中的起始节点 std::atomic<size_t> _join_counter {0};//整个拓扑图中就绪节点的数量 }
class Task { size_t num_successors() const; size_t num_dependents() const; size_t num_strong_dependents() const; size_t num_weak_dependents() const; template <typename... Ts> Task& precede(Ts&&... tasks); //用户调用的precede函数 template <typename... Ts> Task& succeed(Ts&&... tasks);//用户调用的succeed函数 Node* _node {nullptr}; };
class Worker { size_t _id; size_t _vtm;//受害者线程(被偷线程) Executor* _executor; std::thread* _thread;//绑定的线程 TaskQueue<Node*> _wsq;//本地就绪队列 };
class Executor { std::vector<std::thread> _threads;//所有子线程 std::vector<Worker> _workers;//所有worker(和子线程绑定) std::list<Taskflow> _taskflows; TaskQueue<Node*> _wsq;//主线程的就绪队列 inline tf::Future<void> Executor::run(Taskflow& f);//用户调用的run函数 };
class Taskflow : public FlowBuilder { std::string _name; Graph _graph;//存储了所有Node std::queue<std::shared_ptr<Topology>> _topologies; } template <typename C, std::enable_if_t<is_static_task_v<C>, void>*> Task FlowBuilder::emplace(C&& c) { //用户调用的emplace函数,传入参数为callable func,返回Task return Task(_graph._emplace_back("", 0, nullptr, nullptr, 0, std::in_place_type_t<Node::Static>{}, std::forward<C>(c) )); }
class Graph { std::vector<Node*> _nodes;//存储了所有节点 Node* _emplace_back(ArgsT&&...);//创建节点并加入_nodes中 }
inline void Executor::_spawn(size_t N) { for(size_t id=0; id<N; ++id) { _workers[id]._id = id; _workers[id]._vtm = id;//初始化窃取对象 _workers[id]._executor = this; _threads[id] = std::thread([&, &w=_workers[id]] () { Node* t = nullptr; while(1) { while(t) { _invoke(w, t);//执行节点 t = w._wsq.pop();//取出节点 } std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> rdvtm(0, _workers.size()-1); do {//窃取别的worker的就绪队列里的节点 t = (w._id == w._vtm) ? _wsq.steal() : _workers[w._vtm]._wsq.steal(); if(t) { break; } w._vtm = rdvtm(w._rdgen);//随机生成受害者id } while(!_done); if(_done) { break; } } }); }
之前提到,taskflow会根据传入的callable func的函数签名确定一个节点的类型,通过传入的lambda函数的参数和返回值确定Node的类型,这是怎么做到的呢?答案是通过C++17提供的
std::is_invocable_r_v特性,比如对于条件节点(返回值为int),我们使用std::is_invocable_r_v<int, C>来判断即可。
1 template <typename C> 2 Task& Task::work(C&& c) { 3 if constexpr(is_static_task_v<C>) { 4 _node->_handle.emplace<Node::Static>(std::forward<C>(c)); 5 } 6 else if constexpr(is_condition_task_v<C>) { 7 _node->_handle.emplace<Node::Condition>(std::forward<C>(c)); 8 } 9 else { 10 static_assert(dependent_false_v<C>, "invalid task callable"); 11 } 12 return *this; 13 } 14 15 template <typename C> 16 constexpr bool is_condition_task_v = 17 (std::is_invocable_r_v<int, C> || std::is_invocable_r_v<int, C, Runtime&>) && 18 !is_subflow_task_v<C>;
Run taskflow
我们调用 executor.run(taskflow)之后,实际调用的是Executor::run_until函数,该函数会初始化topology, 将拓扑图中的起始节点加入主线程的本地就绪队列,并返回一个future,我们在主线程中调用future.wait()等待拓扑执行结束。
//p是谓词,等于true的时候停止执行, c是在拓扑结束时执行的callable函数。 template <typename P, typename C> tf::Future<void> Executor::run_until(Taskflow& f, P&& p, C&& c) { _increment_topology(); // create a topology for this run auto t = std::make_shared<Topology>(f, std::forward<P>(p), std::forward<C>(c)); // need to create future before the topology got torn down quickly tf::Future<void> future(t->_promise.get_future(), t); // modifying topology needs to be protected under the lock { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(f._mutex); f._topologies.push(t); if(f._topologies.size() == 1) { _set_up_topology(_this_worker(), t.get());//调用_schedule,将拓扑的起始节点加入本地就绪队列 } } return future; } inline void Executor::_set_up_topology(Worker* worker, Topology* tpg) { tpg->_sources.clear(); tpg->_taskflow._graph._clear_detached(); _set_up_graph(tpg->_taskflow._graph, nullptr, tpg, 0, tpg->_sources); //_set_up_graph: 给每一个node设置join_counter, 并收集起始节点 tpg->_join_counter.store(tpg->_sources.size(), std::memory_order_relaxed); //tpg->_join_counter: 整个拓扑图中入度为0的节点,当它降为0时,表示拓扑图已经执行完 if(worker) { _schedule(*worker, tpg->_sources); } else { _schedule(tpg->_sources); } } inline void Executor::_set_up_graph( Graph& g, Node* parent, Topology* tpg, int state, SmallVector<Node*>& src ) { for(auto node : g._nodes) { node->_topology = tpg; node->_parent = parent; node->_state.store(state, std::memory_order_relaxed); if(node->num_dependents() == 0) { src.push_back(node);//收集拓扑图中的起始节点 } node->_set_up_join_counter();//设置node的join_counter node->_exception_ptr = nullptr; } } inline void Executor::_schedule(Worker& worker, Node* node) { auto p = node->_priority; node->_state.fetch_or(Node::READY, std::memory_order_release); if(worker._executor == this) { worker._wsq.push(node, p);//加入本地就绪队列 _notifier.notify(false); return; } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_wsq_mutex); _wsq.push(node, p); } }
还记得创建子线程时绑定的函数吗?这个函数里调用了Executor::_invoke, 它正是节点被执行的地方,它先判断节点的类型,然后调用节点绑定的工作函数,执行完工作函数后,如果是静态节点,将其后继节点的强依赖数减一,如果减到了0, 则将该节点加入就绪队列,并将拓扑的join_counter加一;如果该节点是条件节点,直接将其后继节点加入就绪队列,并将拓扑的join_counter加一。最后,在_tear_down_invoke函数中将topology->_join_counter减一(因为本次Executor::_invoke消耗了一个就绪节点),如果减到0,则发出整个taskflow已经执行完毕的通知。
inline void Executor::_invoke(Worker& worker, Node* node) { SmallVector<int> conds; switch(node->_handle.index()) { // static task case Node::STATIC:{ _invoke_static_task(worker, node);//执行节点绑定的工作函数 } break; // condition task case Node::CONDITION: { _invoke_condition_task(worker, node, conds);//执行节点绑定的工作函数 } break; // monostate (placeholder) default: break; } // acquire the parent flow counter auto& j = (node->_parent) ? node->_parent->_join_counter : node->_topology->_join_counter; // Invoke the task based on the corresponding type switch(node->_handle.index()) { // condition and multi-condition tasks case Node::CONDITION: { for(auto cond : conds) { if(cond >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(cond) < node->_successors.size()) { auto s = node->_successors[cond]; s->_join_counter.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed); j.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);//有节点就绪了,++_topology->_join_counter _schedule(worker, s);//加入就绪队列 } } } break; // non-condition task default: { for(size_t i=0; i<node->_successors.size(); ++i) { if(auto s = node->_successors[i]; fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel) == 1) {//若node的依赖降为0 j.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); _schedule(worker, s); } } } break; } // tear_down the invoke _tear_down_invoke(worker, node); } inline void Executor::_invoke_static_task(Worker& worker, Node* node) { std::get<Node::Static>(node->_handle).work();//调用用户传入的工作函数 }
如代码所示,在Task B的工作函数内强制调度Task C.
tf::Task A, B, C, D; std::tie(A, B, C, D) = taskflow.emplace( [] () { return 0; }, [&C] (tf::Runtime& rt) { // C must be captured by reference std::cout << "B\n"; rt.schedule(C); }, [] () { std::cout << "C\n"; }, [] () { std::cout << "D\n"; } ); A.precede(B, C, D); executor.run(taskflow).wait();
inline void Runtime::schedule(Task task) { auto node = task._node; node->_join_counter.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed); j.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); _executor._schedule(_worker, node); }
当拓扑节点中中有subflow或者嵌套了另一个taskflow时,如果需要在某个worker里执行它们,要用到专门的方法void Executor::corun. 当worke在执行subflow时,它的就绪节点可能被别的worker窃取,当worker执行完它绑定的subflow后,它才会去窃取其他的worker的就绪节点。
不复用Executor::run方法的原因: run返回的是tf::Future对象,wait时会阻塞当前工作线程,这样会引起死锁。
tf::Executor executor(2); tf::Taskflow taskflow; std::array<tf::Taskflow, 1000> others; std::atomic<size_t> counter{0}; for(size_t n=0; n<1000; n++) { for(size_t i=0; i<500; i++) { others[n].emplace([&](){ counter++; }); } taskflow.emplace([&executor, &tf=others[n]](){ // blocking the worker can introduce deadlock where // all workers are waiting for their taskflows to finish // executor.run(tf).wait(); // the caller worker will not block but corun these // taskflows through its work-stealing loop executor.corun(tf); }); } executor.run(taskflow).wait();
Schedule once
Bug or feature?
In the
scenario, there is no source task for the scheduler to start with, and the simplest fix is to add a task S
that has no dependents. In the error2
scenario, D
might be scheduled twice by E
through the strong dependency and C
through the weak dependency (on returning 0). To fix this problem, you can add an auxiliary task D-aux
to break the mixed use of strong dependency and weak dependency. In the risky scenario, task X
may be raced by M
and P
if M
returns 0
and P returns 1
很简单,我们可以添加一个std::atomic_flag is_scheduled,在节点被_schedule之前判断它是否已经被调度过,如下面第8行所示,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | switch (node->_handle.index()) { // non-condition task default : { for ( size_t i=0; i<node->_successors.size(); ++i) { //if(auto s = node->_successors[i]; --(s->_join_counter) == 0) { if ( auto s = node->_successors[i]; s->_join_counter.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel) == 1) { if (!s->is_scheduled.test_and_set(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { j.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); _schedule(worker, s); //加入就绪队列 } } } } break ; } |
本轮拓扑执行完后,如果紧接着开始第二遍执行该拓扑图,应该在哪里将s->is_scheduled clear呢?答案是在Executor::_set_up_topology函数中,因为每次重新跑拓扑图都会重新_set_up_topology。
Err handling
对于taskflow的条件节点,它绑定的工作函数具有返回值,我们可以规定返回值-1表示该工作函数遇到了非预期的问题,执行失败,并在Executor::_invoke函数中进行特判if(cond >= 0).
case Node::CONDITION: { for(auto cond : conds) { if(cond >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(cond) < node->_successors.size()) {
但是对于静态节点,它绑定的工作函数没有传入参数也没有返回值,taskflow无法获取该节点执行成功与否的情况,这个时候我们可以更改静态节点绑定的函数的类型,比如要求该函数具有传入参数bool&, 以此将执行结果反馈给框架。
auto [A, B, C, D] = taskflow.emplace( [](bool& result) { std::cout << "TaskA failed\n"; result = false;}, [](bool& result) { std::cout << "TaskB\n"; result = true;}, [](bool& result) { std::cout << "TaskC\n"; result = true;}, [](bool& result) { std::cout << "TaskD\n"; result = true;} );
template <typename C> constexpr bool is_static_task_v = std::is_invocable_r_v<void, C, bool&>;
inline void Executor::_invoke_static_task(Node* node, bool& result) { std::get<Node::Static>(node->_handle).work(result); }
Tips: 为什么不设置静态节点绑定的工作函数的返回值是bool呢?因为即使返回值是bool也会匹配std::is_invocable_r_v<int, C>(这正是条件节点的函数签名), 它会被taskflow判定成条件节点。
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