


  select column1,column2...

  from 数据源

  [where condition]


2.当使用select进行查询时还可以在select语句中使用算数运算符(+ - * /),从而形成算数表达式:

(1)对数值型数据列、变量、常量可以使用运算符(+ - * /)创建表达式;

(2)对日期数据列、变量、常量可以使用部分运算符(+ -)创建表达式,两个日期之间可以进行减法运算,日期和数值之间可以进行加减运算;



create table teacher_table(
    teacher_id int auto_increment,
    teacher_name varchar(255),
    primary key(teacher_id)
create table student_table(
    student_id int auto_increment primary key,
    student_name varchar(255),
    java_teacher int,
    foreign key (java_teacher) references teacher_table(teacher_id)

insert into teacher_table

insert into student_table

select * from teacher_table;

select student_name
from student_table
where java_teacher > 3;

select teacher_id + 5
from teacher_table;

select 3*5,20
from teacher_table;

#查询出teacher_table表中teacher_id * 3 > 4的记录
select * 
from teacher_table
where teacher_id * 3 > 4;

select concat(teacher_name,'xx')
from teacher_table;

select concat(teacher_name,null)
from teacher_table;

select teacher_id + 5 as MY_ID
from teacher_table;

select teacher_id+5 "MY'id"
from teacher_table;
select teacher_id+5 MY_ID,teacher_name 老师名
from teacher_table;

select teacher_id+5 MY_ID,teacher_name 教师名
from teacher_table t;

select teacher_id+5 MY_ID,concat(teacher_name,teacher_id) teacher_name
from teacher_table
where teacher_id*2>3;



select student_name,java_teacher
from student_table;

select distinct student_name,java_teacher
from student_table;

#between and
select * from student_table
where student_id between 2 and 4;

select * from student_table
where 2 between java_teacher and student_id;

select * from student_table
where student_id in(2,4);

select * from student_table
where 2 in (stduent_id,java_teacher);


select * from student_table
where student_name like 'student%';

select * from student_table
where student_name like '__';

select * from student_table
where student_name like '\_%';

select * from student_table
where student_name like '\_%' escape '\';

#order by子句
#order by子句用于排列查询结果的顺序

select * from student_table
order by java_teacher;

select * from stuedent_table
order by java_teacher desc,student_name;


posted @ 2017-08-03 15:57  丶theDawn  阅读(334)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报