Description The map of Berland is a rectangle of the size n × m, which consists of cells of size 1 × 1. Each cell is either land or water. The map is 阅读全文
Description You are given undirected weighted graph. Find the length of the shortest cycle which starts from the vertex 1 and passes throught all the 阅读全文
Description Polycarp is a music editor at the radio station. He received a playlist for tomorrow, that can be represented as a sequence a1, a2, ..., a 阅读全文
Description Modern text editors usually show some information regarding the document being edited. For example, the number of words, the number of pag 阅读全文
Description There are three friend living on the straight line Ox in Lineland. The first friend lives at the point x1, the second friend lives at the 阅读全文