
JAMon Introduction

The Java Application Monitor (JAMon) is a free, simple, high performance, thread safe, Java API that allows developers to easily monitor production applications.

java Api允许开发者轻松监控产品应用

  • JAMon can be used to determine application performance bottlenecks, user/application interactions, track application scalability, and more.
  • 诊断应用性能瓶颈,用户和应用的交互,跟踪应用的可扩展性
  • JAMon 1.0 gathers aggregate performance statistics such as hits, execution times (total, average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation), as well as concurrency information such as simultaneous application requests.
  • 1.0可收集的性能统计信息如:点击、执行时间(总时间,平均,最小,最大,标准偏差)也可收集并发信息如并发的请求
  • JAMon 2.7 comes with several ways to monitor your application that require no application code changes. Usually all that is required is to add a line to an xml file, and make the jamon jar file available. Some examples:         2.7提高多种方式监控应用而且不需要应用修改代码,要做的只是增加xml文件的一行,而且保证jamon jar对应用可用
    • JDBC/SQL monitoring via the JAMon JDBC proxy driver (works with any other JDBC driver),
    • Log4j monitoring via the JAMon log4j Appender,
    • HTTP Monitoring. Monitor requests/responses to Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss or any other JAVA web container.
    • EJB3 monitoring using the JAMon EJB interceptor.
  • JAMon 2.0 aggregates ANY numeric entity (such as bytes sent, dollars purchased, phone call duration) associated with a key (label and units).
  • 2.0合并数值指标到一个key
  • JAMon 2.1 adds the ability to track both summary statistics and detils for Interfaces/JDBC/SQL/Exceptions.
  • JAMon 2.2 adds the ability to track JDBC/SQL/Exceptions vi the new JAMonDriver JDBC Driver using a URL (not changing code)
  • JAMon 2.3 minor bug fixes
  • JAMon 2.4/2.5 Introduction of JAMon Buffer Listeners to track details of interest such as extreme values, or most recent values
  • JAMon 2.6 log4j monitoring. Track stats on log4j method calls, as well as have the ability to 'tail' data written to log4j through the JAMon web application.
  • JAMon 2.7 Add the ability to flexibly monitor Tomcat, Jetty, Jboss. More flexible detail tracking was added. Also better exception tracking was added.
  • JAMon data can also be programmatically accessed or queried and your program can take actions on the results.
  • JAMon statistics are displayed in the clickable JAMon Report. Click JAMon report to see a live demo of JAMon.

JAMon was developed primarily for monitoring J2EE applications, however JAMon 1.0/2.0 can be used in any JDK 1.2 or higher environment, and JAMon 2.1 can be used in any JDK 1.4 or higher environment. JAMon can be used in Servlets, JSP's, EJB's and Java Beans in various J2EE Application Servers (Sybase's EAServer, and BEA's WebLogic, WebSphere…), and can also be used in other programming environments that can call Java code (ColdFusion, PowerBuilder, BroadVision, ...). JAMon is particularly useful in multithreaded software like a database engine.

Feel free to continue reading the user's guide or download JAMon and read the Java Docs.

Note: The FormattedDataSet API generates dynamic text including HTML and XML. It uses JAMon extensively to monitor performance including all JDBC calls. The FormattedDataSet is a powerful open source API in its own right and is also a great primer in using JAMon. Click this link to learn more about the FormattedDataSet.

Note: Possible WebSphere issue with jamonadmin.jsp.

posted @ 2010-08-23 15:52  Jack_Lee  阅读(915)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报