





  • customerID : 用户ID。
  • gender:性别。(Female & Male)
  • SeniorCitizen :老年用户 (1表示是,0表示不是)
  • Partner :伴侣用户 (Yes or No)
  • Dependents :亲属用户 (Yes or No)
  • tenure : 在网时长(0-72月)
  • PhoneService : 是否开通电话服务业务 (Yes or No)
  • MultipleLines: 是否开通了多线业务(Yes 、No or No phoneservice 三种)
  • InternetService:是否开通互联网服务 (No, DSL数字网络,fiber optic光纤网络 三种)
  • OnlineSecurity:是否开通网络安全服务(Yes,No,No internetserive 三种)
  • OnlineBackup:是否开通在线备份业务(Yes,No,No internetserive 三种)
  • DeviceProtection:是否开通了设备保护业务(Yes,No,No internetserive 三种)
  • TechSupport:是否开通了技术支持服务(Yes,No,No internetserive 三种)
  • StreamingTV:是否开通网络电视(Yes,No,No internetserive 三种)
  • StreamingMovies:是否开通网络电影(Yes,No,No internetserive 三种)
  • Contract:签订合同方式 (按月,一年,两年)
  • PaperlessBilling:是否开通电子账单(Yes or No)
  • PaymentMethod:付款方式(bank transfer,credit card,electronic check,mailed check)
  • MonthlyCharges:月费用
  • TotalCharges:总费用
  • Churn:该用户是否流失(Yes or No)


    import pandas as pd
    df.head(5) #显示数据前n行,不指定n,df.head则会显示所有的行

|  customerID  |  gender  |  SeniorCitizen  |  Partner  |  Dependents  |
tenure  |  PhoneService  |  MultipleLines  |  InternetService  |
OnlineSecurity  |  ...  |  DeviceProtection  |  TechSupport  |  StreamingTV  |
StreamingMovies  |  Contract  |  PaperlessBilling  |  PaymentMethod  |
MonthlyCharges  |  TotalCharges  |  Churn  
0  |  7590-VHVEG  |  Female  |  0  |  Yes  |  No  |  1  |  No  |  No phone
service  |  DSL  |  No  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Month-to-month
|  Yes  |  Electronic check  |  29.85  |  29.85  |  No  
1  |  5575-GNVDE  |  Male  |  0  |  No  |  No  |  34  |  Yes  |  No  |  DSL  |
Yes  |  ...  |  Yes  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  One year  |  No  |  Mailed check
|  56.95  |  1889.5  |  No  
2  |  3668-QPYBK  |  Male  |  0  |  No  |  No  |  2  |  Yes  |  No  |  DSL  |
Yes  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Month-to-month  |  Yes  |  Mailed
check  |  53.85  |  108.15  |  Yes  
3  |  7795-CFOCW  |  Male  |  0  |  No  |  No  |  45  |  No  |  No phone
service  |  DSL  |  Yes  |  ...  |  Yes  |  Yes  |  No  |  No  |  One year  |
No  |  Bank transfer (automatic)  |  42.30  |  1840.75  |  No  
4  |  9237-HQITU  |  Female  |  0  |  No  |  No  |  2  |  Yes  |  No  |  Fiber
optic  |  No  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Month-to-month  |  Yes  |
Electronic check  |  70.70  |  151.65  |  Yes  
5 rows × 21 columns

##  查看数据

    df.shape #显示数据的格式

    (7043, 21)
    df.dtypes #输出每一列对应的数据类型

    customerID           object
    gender               object
    SeniorCitizen         int64
    Partner              object
    Dependents           object
    tenure                int64
    PhoneService         object
    MultipleLines        object
    InternetService      object
    OnlineSecurity       object
    OnlineBackup         object
    DeviceProtection     object
    TechSupport          object
    StreamingTV          object
    StreamingMovies      object
    Contract             object
    PaperlessBilling     object
    PaymentMethod        object
    MonthlyCharges      float64
    TotalCharges         object
    Churn                object
    dtype: object
    df.columns #显示全部的列名

    Index(['customerID', 'gender', 'SeniorCitizen', 'Partner', 'Dependents',
           'tenure', 'PhoneService', 'MultipleLines', 'InternetService',
           'OnlineSecurity', 'OnlineBackup', 'DeviceProtection', 'TechSupport',
           'StreamingTV', 'StreamingMovies', 'Contract', 'PaperlessBilling',
           'PaymentMethod', 'MonthlyCharges', 'TotalCharges', 'Churn'],
    df.columns.tolist() #使用tolist()函数转化为list


    df.columns.values #获取所有列索引的名称

    array(['customerID', 'gender', 'SeniorCitizen', 'Partner', 'Dependents',
           'tenure', 'PhoneService', 'MultipleLines', 'InternetService',
           'OnlineSecurity', 'OnlineBackup', 'DeviceProtection',
           'TechSupport', 'StreamingTV', 'StreamingMovies', 'Contract',
           'PaperlessBilling', 'PaymentMethod', 'MonthlyCharges',
           'TotalCharges', 'Churn'], dtype=object)
    df.isnull().sum().values.sum() #查找缺失值

    df.nunique() #查看不同值

    customerID          7043
    gender                 2
    SeniorCitizen          2
    Partner                2
    Dependents             2
    tenure                73
    PhoneService           2
    MultipleLines          3
    InternetService        3
    OnlineSecurity         3
    OnlineBackup           3
    DeviceProtection       3
    TechSupport            3
    StreamingTV            3
    StreamingMovies        3
    Contract               3
    PaperlessBilling       2
    PaymentMethod          4
    MonthlyCharges      1585
    TotalCharges        6531
    Churn                  2
    dtype: int64
    df.describe() #查看数值型列的汇总统计

|  SeniorCitizen  |  tenure  |  MonthlyCharges  
count  |  7043.000000  |  7043.000000  |  7043.000000  
mean  |  0.162147  |  32.371149  |  64.761692  
std  |  0.368612  |  24.559481  |  30.090047  
min  |  0.000000  |  0.000000  |  18.250000  
25%  |  0.000000  |  9.000000  |  35.500000  
50%  |  0.000000  |  29.000000  |  70.350000  
75%  |  0.000000  |  55.000000  |  89.850000  
max  |  1.000000  |  72.000000  |  118.750000

    df.info() #查看索引、数据类型和内存信息

    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 7043 entries, 0 to 7042
    Data columns (total 21 columns):
     #   Column            Non-Null Count  Dtype  
    ---  ------            --------------  -----  
     0   customerID        7043 non-null   object 
     1   gender            7043 non-null   object 
     2   SeniorCitizen     7043 non-null   int64  
     3   Partner           7043 non-null   object 
     4   Dependents        7043 non-null   object 
     5   tenure            7043 non-null   int64  
     6   PhoneService      7043 non-null   object 
     7   MultipleLines     7043 non-null   object 
     8   InternetService   7043 non-null   object 
     9   OnlineSecurity    7043 non-null   object 
     10  OnlineBackup      7043 non-null   object 
     11  DeviceProtection  7043 non-null   object 
     12  TechSupport       7043 non-null   object 
     13  StreamingTV       7043 non-null   object 
     14  StreamingMovies   7043 non-null   object 
     15  Contract          7043 non-null   object 
     16  PaperlessBilling  7043 non-null   object 
     17  PaymentMethod     7043 non-null   object 
     18  MonthlyCharges    7043 non-null   float64
     19  TotalCharges      7043 non-null   object 
     20  Churn             7043 non-null   object 
    dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(18)
    memory usage: 1.1+ MB


1. 简化属性值

  • 将InternetService中的DSL数字网络,fiber optic光纤网络替换为Yes
  • 将MultipleLines中的No phoneservice替换成No
  • 将SeniorCitizen中的1改为Yes,0改为No
  • 将Churn中的Yes改为非流失客户,No改为流失客户
  • 将TotalCharges转换为数字型
    # 将InternetService中的DSL数字网络,fiber optic光纤网络替换为Yes
    # 将MultipleLines中的No phoneservice替换成No
    for i in replace_list:
        df[i]=df[i].str.replace('No internet service','No')
    df['InternetService']=df['InternetService'].str.replace('Fiber optic','Yes')
    df['MultipleLines']=df['MultipleLines'].str.replace('No phone service','No')
    # SeniorCitizen中的1改为Yes,0改为No
    # 将Churn中的Yes改为非流失客户,No改为流失客户
    # 将TotalCharges转换为数字型
    df.TotalCharges=pd.to_numeric(df.TotalCharges,errors="coerce") #.to_numeric()将参数转换为数字类型,其中coerce表示无效的解析将设置为NaN

  • str.replace()函数
  • pd.to_numeric()函数
    to_numeric(arg, errors=‘coerce’, downcast=None),将参数转换为数字类型
    • arg : list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series
    • errors="coerce"表示无效的解析将设置为NaN

2. 将连续数值型数据分箱

首先是 tenure(在网时长) ,分箱需要知道该列数据的最大最小值,以便确定分箱间隔


    count    7043.000000
    mean       32.371149
    std        24.559481
    min         0.000000
    25%         9.000000
    50%        29.000000
    75%        55.000000
    max        72.000000
    Name: tenure, dtype: float64
    # 在网时长分组/分箱操作
    level_t=['0.5年','1年', '1.5年', '2年', '2.5年', '3年', '3.5年', '4年', '4.5年','5年','5.5年','6年']

|  customerID  |  gender  |  SeniorCitizen  |  Partner  |  Dependents  |
tenure  |  PhoneService  |  MultipleLines  |  InternetService  |
OnlineSecurity  |  ...  |  TechSupport  |  StreamingTV  |  StreamingMovies  |
Contract  |  PaperlessBilling  |  PaymentMethod  |  MonthlyCharges  |
TotalCharges  |  Churn  |  tenure_group  
0  |  7590-VHVEG  |  Female  |  No  |  Yes  |  No  |  1  |  No  |  No  |  Yes
|  No  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Month-to-month  |  Yes  |  Electronic
check  |  29.85  |  29.85  |  非流失客户  |  0.5年  
1  |  5575-GNVDE  |  Male  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  34  |  Yes  |  No  |  Yes
|  Yes  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  One year  |  No  |  Mailed check  |
56.95  |  1889.50  |  非流失客户  |  3年  
2  |  3668-QPYBK  |  Male  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  2  |  Yes  |  No  |  Yes  |
Yes  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Month-to-month  |  Yes  |  Mailed check
|  53.85  |  108.15  |  流失客户  |  0.5年  
3  |  7795-CFOCW  |  Male  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  45  |  No  |  No  |  Yes  |
Yes  |  ...  |  Yes  |  No  |  No  |  One year  |  No  |  Bank transfer
(automatic)  |  42.30  |  1840.75  |  非流失客户  |  4年  
4  |  9237-HQITU  |  Female  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  2  |  Yes  |  No  |  Yes
|  No  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  Month-to-month  |  Yes  |  Electronic
check  |  70.70  |  151.65  |  流失客户  |  0.5年  
5 rows × 22 columns

  * **pd.cut()函数**   
pandas.cut(x, bins, right=True, labels=None, retbins=False, precision=3,

    * x : 输入待cut的一维数组 
    * bins : cut的段数,一般为整型,但也可以为序列向量(若不在该序列中,则是NaN)。 
    * right : 布尔值,确定右区间是否开闭,取True时右区间闭合 
    * labels : 数组或布尔值,默认为None,用来标识分后的bins,长度必须与结果bins相等,返回值为整数或者对bins的标识 
    * retbins : 布尔值,可选。是否返回数值所在分组,Ture则返回 
    * precision : 整型,bins小数精度,也就是数据以几位小数显示 
    * include_lowest : 布尔类型,是否包含左区间 


    count    7043.000000
    mean       64.761692
    std        30.090047
    min        18.250000
    25%        35.500000
    50%        70.350000
    75%        89.850000
    max       118.750000
    Name: MonthlyCharges, dtype: float64
    # 月租费分组

|  customerID  |  gender  |  SeniorCitizen  |  Partner  |  Dependents  |
tenure  |  PhoneService  |  MultipleLines  |  InternetService  |
OnlineSecurity  |  ...  |  StreamingTV  |  StreamingMovies  |  Contract  |
PaperlessBilling  |  PaymentMethod  |  MonthlyCharges  |  TotalCharges  |
Churn  |  tenure_group  |  MonthlyCharges_group  
0  |  7590-VHVEG  |  Female  |  No  |  Yes  |  No  |  1  |  No  |  No  |  Yes
|  No  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  Month-to-month  |  Yes  |  Electronic check  |
29.85  |  29.85  |  非流失客户  |  0.5年  |  40  
1  |  5575-GNVDE  |  Male  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  34  |  Yes  |  No  |  Yes
|  Yes  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  One year  |  No  |  Mailed check  |  56.95  |
1889.50  |  非流失客户  |  3年  |  60  
2  |  3668-QPYBK  |  Male  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  2  |  Yes  |  No  |  Yes  |
Yes  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  Month-to-month  |  Yes  |  Mailed check  |
53.85  |  108.15  |  流失客户  |  0.5年  |  60  
3  |  7795-CFOCW  |  Male  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  45  |  No  |  No  |  Yes  |
Yes  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  One year  |  No  |  Bank transfer (automatic)  |
42.30  |  1840.75  |  非流失客户  |  4年  |  60  
4  |  9237-HQITU  |  Female  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  2  |  Yes  |  No  |  Yes
|  No  |  ...  |  No  |  No  |  Month-to-month  |  Yes  |  Electronic check  |
70.70  |  151.65  |  流失客户  |  0.5年  |  80  
5 rows × 23 columns

    df.dropna(inplace=True) #缺失值数量不多,删除

    customerID              0
    gender                  0
    SeniorCitizen           0
    Partner                 0
    Dependents              0
    tenure                  0
    PhoneService            0
    MultipleLines           0
    InternetService         0
    OnlineSecurity          0
    OnlineBackup            0
    DeviceProtection        0
    TechSupport             0
    StreamingTV             0
    StreamingMovies         0
    Contract                0
    PaperlessBilling        0
    PaymentMethod           0
    MonthlyCharges          0
    TotalCharges            0
    Churn                   0
    tenure_group            0
    MonthlyCharges_group    0
    dtype: int64

    非流失客户    5163
    流失客户     1869
    Name: Churn, dtype: int64



    # 数据可视化呈现,计算整体流失率
    import matplotlib as mlp
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    %matplotlib inline

  • 注意,%matplotlib inline不能缺少
    plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] #用来正常显示中文标签
    plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False #用来正常显示负号
    %matplotlib inline
    plt.title('Proportion of Customer Churn')

    <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2191a4cc8c8>


  • 注意:要想显示中文,必须加plt.rcParams[‘font.sans-serif’]=[‘SimHei’]



  1. 用户画像指标
  • 人口统计指标:‘gender’,‘SeniorCitizen’,‘Partner’,‘Dependents’
  • 用户活跃度:‘tenure’
  1. 消费产品指标
  • 手机服务:‘PhoneService’,‘MultipleLines’
  • 网络服务:‘InternetService’,‘OnlineSecurity’,‘OnlineBackup’,‘DeviceProtection’,‘TechSupport’,‘StreamingTV’,‘StreamingMovies’
  1. 消费信息指标
  • 收入指标:‘MonthlyCharges’,‘TotalCharges’
  • 收入相关指标:‘Contract’,‘PaperlessBilling’,‘PaymentMethod’


参考文章: 电信客户流失数据分析


posted @ 2021-07-09 17:12  老酱  阅读(1193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报