begin fnd_flex_val_api.set_session_mode('customer_data'); fnd_flex_val_api.create_valueset_table(value_set_name => 'TEST005', description => '供应商测试', security_available => 'N', enable_longlist => 'N', format_type => 'C', maximum_size => '18', precision => NULL, numbers_only => 'N', uppercase_only => 'N', right_justify_zero_fill => 'N', min_value => NULL, max_value => NULL, table_application => null, table_appl_short_name => 'PO', table_name => 'PO_VENDORS', allow_parent_values => 'N', value_column_name => 'SEGMENT1', value_column_type => 'C', value_column_size => 18, meaning_column_name => 'VENDOR_NAME', meaning_column_type => 'C', meaning_column_size => 200, id_column_name => NULL, id_column_type => NULL, id_column_size => NULL, where_order_by => 'exists (select 1 from po_vendor_sites_all ps where ps.VENDOR_ID = VENDOR_ID and ps.ORG_ID =:$PROFILES$.ORG_ID and ps.INACTIVE_DATE is null)', additional_columns => NULL); commit; end;