Actor model



C++ Actor框架

通过akka, erlang来了解actor模型





0x00 前言



使用共享数据方式的并发编程面临的最大的一个问题就是数据条件竞争(data race)。处理各种锁的问题是让人十分头痛的一件事。


和共享数据方式相比,消息传递机制最大的优点就是不会产生数据竞争状态(data race)。实现消息传递有两种常见的类型:基于channel的消息传递和基于Actor的消息传递。本文主要是来分享Scala的Actor模型。









1. HelloWorld 简单版:通过这个例子来简单看一下AkkaActor的使用 

2. HelloWordl 进阶版:稍微进化了一点点,多了preStartPoisonPill的使用。 

3. WordCount 伪分布式:一个单机版的wordcount,一个map,多个reduce。后续再补充完全分布式的程序。

0x01 基本概念




















其他c++ actor库






对于使用actor model的建议





然后的一个回答就有深度了,推荐使用actor model,然后在回答中说。

如果你想让一些线程独立工作并且不管它,那么适合使用actor model。介绍说0mqsocket其实不仅仅是unix socket,也可以是tcp socketipcimprocess-transfer,但是行为都是一致的,而且,in-proc memory transfer真的很快

Actor modelCSP Communicating Sequential Processes)的区别就是。在actor模式中,当一个消息送达,sender不会受到额外信息。但是在CSP中,一个成功的send,需要接收方收到消息并且读取消息。


A------Have you thought about using Actor model programming, or even better Communicating Sequential Processes?

These are really quite a good model for when you have a separate thread that needs to go off and do its own thing, and you need to be able to tell it something and get an answer back.

Your apparent need is to know that something asynchronous has completed (the termination of a separate thread) - there's nothing wrong with having that thread send you a direct acknowledgement of it's termination, rather than trying to have to determine whether or not it's still alive through slightly iffy means such as waitpid(). So say you chose ZeroMQ as your Actor model library; to "kill" that detached thread you'd send it a command down a ZeroMQ "socket". The recipient thread would receive that message, understand that it means "die", and do whatever clean up it needs to before terminating itself. Just before it terminates itself, it sends you back an acknowledgement on another "socket" that yes, it is dead (or at least about to be so, all necessary cleanup has already happened).

Actor model / CSP programming places an emphasis on having a loop responding to messages from one or more sources. Well, your own code snippet hints at a loop, waiting for the pthread_cancel()to take effect.

I've put "socket" in quotes as underneath a ZeroMQ socket can be a tcp socket, ipc, some in-process memory transfer, etc; it all behaves the same. In-proc is, naturally, quite quick.

The difference between Actor model and Communicating Sequential Processes is that in Actor model, when a message is sent there is no information available to the sender that it has been received, whilst in Communicating Sequential Processes a successful send = a completed read. Personally speaking I prefer the latter - your code then has complete knowledge as to where a message recipient has got to; a send/receive are an Execution Rendezvous. So when you send the "terminate" message, you know for sure that the recipient thread has received the message and is now acting on it. When the recipient sends it's "I'm dead" acknowledgement, it knows that the command thread has received that ack.

FYI, CSP is very useful in real time systems, not because it's faster but because your program can have much better knowledge as to whether it's kept up with the real time demand or not. Actor model lets you "hide" real time inadequacies as latency in communications links.

Thank you for answering the actual question and for the great advice. Jonathan Lee Aug 19 '18 at 18:50

@JonathanLee, no worries, good luck! Be aware that if you are going to go with Actor model or CSP programming, it's best if you go the whole way. That is, don't try and casually mix it with shared memory, signals, or condition variables; it can get horribly confusing (especially signals; yeurk!). That total conversion might be a major revision to the architecture of your application, so it's worth doing some reading and careful thinking about the architecture. As you're detaching a thread I suspect that actually there's not too much data being shared between them, so perhaps it's not too bad. bazza Aug 20 '18 at 23:45

@JonathanLee, p.s. good reading material for ZeroMQ can be found by searching for the ZeroMQ guide. bazza Aug 20 '18 at 23:46

@JonathanLee, p.p.s. (sorry!), CSP is making something of a comeback. Both Rust and Golang have it as part of the language. Rust in particular is looking very good, with many of the beneficial aspects of C++ plus a whole load of strict memory safety thingies (you can tell I've not started learning it yet...). I suspect that the CSP is a side effect of the way it controls memory, much as CSP involves "copying" data from A to B; passing "ownership" of data from A to B achieves much the same thing without the actual copying taking place. bazza Aug 20 '18 at 23:48 




Q----I am working with POSIX threads for a multi-threaded socket programming project. I have run into a situation where I need to detach a thread from the main program using setdetachstate(); however, later on I cancel the thread (I know that cancelling is generally bad practice, but I know what I'm doing (hopefully)). I need a method to check whether the thread is still alive or not, and after doing a bit of research, I found that waitpid() might work for my purposes even though I have a TID instead of a PID. However, after trying it out, both with and without ptraces, it didn't work. Another method that I have seen on the Internet everywhere is pthread_join(). While I agree that it is the optimal way to do it, as I said, my thread is detached, so it can't be joined.

As a side note, my goal is to find a way to wait for the function call pthread_cancel() to finish before executing any subsequent code, i.e.

pthread_t tid; // ... pthread_cancel(tid); // wait until pthread with ID tid is cancelled // more code here...

Originally, the reason why I need to check whether the detached pthread is alive was because I was planning on doing something like this: while(!pthread_dead(tid)); or something of this manner; however, if there is a solution that directly waits for the cancel to finish, that would be even better. Please try not to criticize my use of detached threads or pthread cancelling; I have contemplated many plans of action and this seems to be required no matter how I go about it (unless I'm doing a multiprocessed application, which I don't want to do). Unless I'm doing something absolutely syntactically or structurally abominable, I would appreciate it if you just answered my question.

Thank you!

P.S. I'm coding in C++.


"P.S. I'm coding in C++." So why not using the C++ standard threading facilities instead of native pthread funcitonality? πάντα ε Aug 18 '18 at 2:23

άνταε It seems that pthreads are used the most in C++ socket programming, at least in the books and people that I've talked to. And, I think it has better documentation and community than std::thread. There was a time that I was thinking of using it though. Also, if I ever go back to C for some reason or another, I won't have to change it. Jonathan Lee Aug 18 '18 at 2:26 

Did you consider using a condition variable to negotiate the termination of the thread? Galik Aug 18 '18 at 2:33

@JonathanLee Regarding documentation I can't agree with your argument. The native pthread lib implementations might consider some specific OS functionality but usually isn't abstract enough to exhaust any aspect of facilities the particular OS offers. I'd just rely on some good abstractions of synchronization mechanisms as the C++ standard library offers. πάντα ε Aug 18 '18 at 2:35 


A condition variable allows one thread to send signals to another thread that a condition has changed. Using a condition variable you can set a condition for the thread to stop and that thread can then signal you when it has completed. Galik Aug 18 '18 at 2:40

































2.ORM实现,比如Hibernate JPA来修改状态,虽然不用SQL了,但是Hibernate的悲观锁和乐观锁也让人抓狂。





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