



Many members of std::allocator redundantly duplicate behavior that is otherwise produced by std::allocator_traits<allocator>, and could safely be removed to simplify this class. Further, addressof as a free function supersedes std::allocator::address which requires an allocator object of the right type. Finally, the reference type aliases were initially provided as an expected means for extension with other allocators, but turned out to not serve a useful purpose when we specified the allocator requirements ( [allocator.requirements]).
While we cannot remove these members without breaking backwards compatibility with code that explicitly used this allocator type, we should not be recommending their continued use. If a type wants to support generic allocators, it should access the allocator’s functionality through allocator_traits rather than directly accessing the allocator’s members - otherwise it will not properly support allocators that rely on the traits to synthesize the default behaviors. Similarly, if a user does not intend to support generic allocators, then it is much simpler to directly invoke new, delete, and assume the other properties of std::allocator such as pointer-types directly.

很多std::alloctor提供的行为与std::allocator_traits<allocator< T>>中出现了重复,可以安全的删除它们以简化std::alloctor. addressof作为一个自由的函数,其可以替代std::allocator< T>::address,后者需要一个正确类型的alloctor. 还有,最初支持的引用类型别名被提供以与其他分配器一起进行扩展,但是结果是当我们指定了一个分配器需求时并没有提供一个有效的帮助.

The allocator requirements table says that construct(c, args), if provided, must “construct an object of type C at c”.
It says absolutely nothing about 1) what arguments are to be passed to C’s constructor or 2) how these arguments are to be passed. That’s the allocator’s choice, and in fact two allocators in the standard do mess with the arguments before passing them to C’s constructor: std::scoped_allocator_adaptor and std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator. When constructing a std::pair, in particular, the arguments they pass to pair’s constructor may not even resemble the ones they received.
There’s no requirement to perfectly forward, either; a C++03-style construct(T*, const T&) is conforming if inefficient.
std::allocator’s construct and destroy are deprecated because they are useless: no good C++11 and later code should ever call them directly, and they add nothing over the default.

allocator requirements table 说construct(c, args)如果存在的话就必须构造在c处构造C对象,
其显然没有提到以下两点 1)什么参数会被传递给C的构造函数 2)这些参数该如何被传递. 这是构造器的选择,事实上两个标准构造器会在传递给C的构造函数是弄乱参数,这就是: std::scoped_allocator_adaptor and std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator.当构造一个std::pair时,特殊的,它们传给pair构造函数的参数可能与它们接收到的不相似.
这并不是完美转发的问题,如果效率不高可使用 a C++03风格 construct(T*, const T&),std::alloctor的construct和的destroy被弃用是因为它们没什么用,好的C++代码应该在C++11或以后的版本直接使用它们,而且它们未添加任何的默认值,

Allocator-aware containers must use allocator_traits::construct, which defers to the allocator’s construct if it exists and supplies a default implementation otherwise. Since std::allocator::construct uses exactly the default implementation, there’s no point in providing it.


其实总结下以上观点就是一句话: 功能重复,所以没有必要保留这些成员函数,

allocator_traits::construct的内部其实就是使用了一个placement new来进行构造,在有了分配的内存以后其实与默认的成员construct没有什么区别,


为什么 allocator traits 要有两种不同的构造策略,因为从 C++17 之后开始,有些 allocator 开始有内部状态了,不再是一个空类型,比如 std::pmr 命名空间下的容器用的 allocator,对于这些类而言,当然在构造时,需要有 allocator 对象参与在构造过程中,所以就要去调这个 allocator 的方法,而对于没有内部状态的 allocator,直接调 placement_new 就 ok 了,c++20 为了实现 constexpr 的 vector,必须要能实现一个能 constexpr 的调用构造函数的设施,这本来应该是 placement new 来完成的,但貌似标准委员会并没有允许 placement new 是 constexpr 的,单独给 std::allocator 开洞也是一种方案,但太不优雅了,只允许 std::allocator 的 construct 方法是 constexpr 的话,那就意味着其他用户自定义的 allocator 就不能实现 constexpr 了,那就会导致比如 vector<int, MyAllocator> 这样的类不能支持 constexpr.



posted @ 2022-07-02 13:17  李兆龙的博客  阅读(351)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报