Redis源码解析(19) 集群[2] 主从复制,故障检测与故障转移

Redis源码解析(1) 动态字符串与链表
Redis源码解析(2) 字典与迭代器
Redis源码解析(3) 跳跃表
Redis源码解析(4) 整数集合
Redis源码解析(5) 压缩列表
Redis源码解析(6) 键的过期处理策略
Redis源码解析(7) 发布订阅机制
Redis源码解析(8) AOF持久化
Redis源码解析(9) RDB持久化
Redis源码解析(10) 网络框架
Redis源码解析(11) 内存淘汰策略
Redis源码解析(12) 命令执行过程
Redis源码解析(13) 主从复制
Redis源码解析(14) 哨兵机制[1] 结构与初始化
Redis源码解析(15) 哨兵机制[2] 信息同步与TILT模式
Redis源码解析(16) 哨兵机制[3] 判断下线
Redis源码解析(17) 哨兵机制[4] 故障转移
Redis源码解析(18) 集群[1]初始化,握手与心跳检测
Redis源码解析(19) 集群[2] 主从复制,故障检测与故障转移
Redis源码解析(20) 集群[3] 键的存储,重新分片与重定向
Redis源码解析(21) 集群[4] 故障转移failover与slave迁移
Redis源码解析(22) 事务
Redis源码解析(23) SCAN命令实现




我们可以使用CLUSTER REPLCATE <node_id>这个命令使一个在集群中的节点成为某个节点的从服务器.


else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"replicate") && c->argc == 3) {
        // 将当前节点设置为 NODE_ID 指定的节点的从节点(复制品)

        // 根据名字查找节点
        clusterNode *n = clusterLookupNode(c->argv[2]->ptr);

        /* Lookup the specified node in our table. */
        if (!n) {
            addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Unknown node %s", (char*)c->argv[2]->ptr);

        /* I can't replicate myself. */
        // 指定节点是自己,不能进行复制
        if (n == myself) {
            addReplyError(c,"Can't replicate myself");

        /* Can't replicate a slave. */
        // 不能复制一个从节点
        if (n->slaveof != NULL) {
            addReplyError(c,"I can only replicate a master, not a slave.");

        /* If the instance is currently a master, it should have no assigned
         * slots nor keys to accept to replicate some other node.
         * Slaves can switch to another master without issues. */
        // 节点必须没有被指派任何槽,并且本数据库必须为空 
        // #define nodeIsMaster(n) ((n)->flags & REDIS_NODE_MASTER)
        if (nodeIsMaster(myself) &&
            (myself->numslots != 0 || dictSize(server.db[0].dict) != 0)) {
                "To set a master the node must be empty and "
                "without assigned slots.");

        /* Set the master. */
        // 将节点 n 设为本节点的主节点

	void clusterSetMaster(clusterNode *n) {
	    redisAssert(n != myself);
	    redisAssert(myself->numslots == 0);
	    if (nodeIsMaster(myself)) {
	        myself->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_MASTER; //flag中去掉master 改为slave
	        myself->flags |= REDIS_NODE_SLAVE;
	    } else { // 证明从节点也可成为其他服务器的从节点
	        if (myself->slaveof) //在主节点的slaves数组中找到本节点 然后删除
	    // 将 slaveof 属性指向主节点
	    myself->slaveof = n;
	    replicationSetMaster(n->ip, n->port); //设置主服务器的ip和port
	    resetManualFailover(); //手动故障转移相关



struct clusterNodeFailReport {

    // 报告目标节点已经下线的节点
    struct clusterNode *node;  /* Node reporting the failure condition. */

    // 最后一次从 node 节点收到下线报告的时间
    // 程序使用这个时间戳来检查下线报告是否过期
    mstime_t time;             /* Time of the last report from this node. */

} typedef clusterNodeFailReport;


  1. 集群之间互相发送心跳包,当节点A没有在规定时间内向节点B发送PING的回复的话节点B认为节点A疑似下线(probable fail, PFAIL).
  2. 集群之间通过发送心跳包来互相获取信息,可以得到某个节点现在处于上面状态(PFAIL,FAIL),当检测到为PFAIL时会向本节点的fail_reports推入一个clusterNodeFailReport结构,并修改flag.当A节点发现B节点在A这里获得的clusterNodeFailReport已经超过集群总节点/2+1的项,这时会将其标记为FAIL,并广播FAIL(Gossip)消息,每个收到这个消息的节点都会修改状态为FAIL,此时全部节点就知道这个节点已经下线了.


    if (!(iteration % 10)) {
        int j;

        /* Check a few random nodes and ping the one with the oldest
         * pong_received time. */
        // 随机 5 个节点,选出其中一个
        for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {

            // 随机在集群中挑选节点
            de = dictGetRandomKey(server.cluster->nodes);
            clusterNode *this = dictGetVal(de);

            /* Don't ping nodes disconnected or with a ping currently active. */
            // 不要 PING 连接断开的节点,也不要 PING 最近已经 PING 过的节点
            if (this->link == NULL || this->ping_sent != 0) continue;

            if (this->flags & (REDIS_NODE_MYSELF|REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE))

            // 选出 5 个随机节点中最近一次接收 PONG 回复距离现在最旧的节点
            if (min_pong_node == NULL || min_pong > this->pong_received) {
                min_pong_node = this;
                min_pong = this->pong_received;

        // 向最久没有收到 PONG 回复的节点发送 PING 命令
        if (min_pong_node) {
            redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"Pinging node %.40s", min_pong_node->name);
            clusterSendPing(min_pong_node->link, CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PING);
    di = dictGetSafeIterator(server.cluster->nodes); //获取迭代器
    while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
        clusterNode *node = dictGetVal(de);
        now = mstime(); /* Use an updated time at every iteration. */
        mstime_t delay;

        // 跳过节点本身、无地址节点、HANDSHAKE 状态的节点 剩下的就是连接正常的节点喽
        if (node->flags &

        /* Orphaned master check, useful only if the current instance
         * is a slave that may migrate to another master. */
        if (nodeIsSlave(myself) && nodeIsMaster(node) && !nodeFailed(node)) {
            int okslaves = clusterCountNonFailingSlaves(node);//计算状态正常的从节点数

            if (okslaves == 0 && node->numslots > 0) orphaned_masters++;//记录有多少主节点没有从节点
            if (okslaves > max_slaves) max_slaves = okslaves;//更新最大从节点数
            if (nodeIsSlave(myself) && myself->slaveof == node)
                this_slaves = okslaves;

        /* If we are waiting for the PONG more than half the cluster
         * timeout, reconnect the link: maybe there is a connection
         * issue even if the node is alive. */
        // 如果等到 PONG 到达的时间超过了 node timeout 一半的连接
        // 因为尽管节点依然正常,但连接可能已经出问题了
        if (node->link && /* is connected */
            now - node->link->ctime >//连接创建的时间
            server.cluster_node_timeout && /* was not already reconnected */
            node->ping_sent && /* we already sent a ping */
            node->pong_received < node->ping_sent && /* still waiting pong */
            // 最后一次接收pong时间小于最后一次发ping的时间
            /* and we are waiting for the pong more than timeout/2 */
            now - node->ping_sent > server.cluster_node_timeout/2) //
            /* Disconnect the link, it will be reconnected automatically. */
            // 释放连接,下次 clusterCron() 会自动重连

        /* If we have currently no active ping in this instance, and the
         * received PONG is older than half the cluster timeout, send
         * a new ping now, to ensure all the nodes are pinged without
         * a too big delay. */
        // 如果目前没有在 PING 节点
        // 并且已经有 node timeout 一半的时间没有从节点那里收到 PONG 回复
        // 那么向节点发送一个 PING ,确保节点的信息不会太旧
        // (因为一部分节点可能一直没有被随机中)
        if (node->link &&
            node->ping_sent == 0 &&
            (now - node->pong_received) > server.cluster_node_timeout/2)
            clusterSendPing(node->link, CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PING);

        /* If we are a master and one of the slaves requested a manual
         * failover, ping it continuously. */
        // 如果这是一个主节点,并且有一个从服务器请求进行手动故障转移
        // 那么向从服务器发送 PING 。
        if (server.cluster->mf_end &&
            nodeIsMaster(myself) &&
            server.cluster->mf_slave == node &&
            clusterSendPing(node->link, CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PING);

        /* Check only if we have an active ping for this instance. */
        // 以下代码只在节点发送了 PING 命令的情况下执行
        if (node->ping_sent == 0) continue;

        /* Compute the delay of the PONG. Note that if we already received
         * the PONG, then node->ping_sent is zero, so can't reach this
         * code at all. */
        // 计算等待 PONG 回复的时长
        delay = now - node->ping_sent;

        // 等待 PONG 回复的时长超过了限制值,将目标节点标记为 PFAIL (疑似下线)
        if (delay > server.cluster_node_timeout) {
            /* Timeout reached. Set the node as possibly failing if it is
             * not already in this state. */
            if (!(node->flags & (REDIS_NODE_PFAIL|REDIS_NODE_FAIL))) {
                redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"*** NODE %.40s possibly failing",
                // 打开疑似下线标记
                node->flags |= REDIS_NODE_PFAIL;
                update_state = 1;


// 处理gossip部分 在上一篇中说过
void clusterProcessGossipSection(clusterMsg *hdr, clusterLink *link) {

    // 遍历所有节点的信息
    while(count--) {
        node = clusterLookupNode(g->nodename);
        // 节点已经存在于当前节点
        if (node) {
            /* We already know this node.
               Handle failure reports, only when the sender is a master. */
            // 如果 sender 是一个主节点,那么我们需要处理下线报告
            if (sender && nodeIsMaster(sender) && node != myself) {
                // 节点处于 FAIL 或者 PFAIL 状态
                if (flags & (REDIS_NODE_FAIL|REDIS_NODE_PFAIL)) {

                    // 当检测状态为以上两个的时候添加下线报告
                    if (clusterNodeAddFailureReport(node,sender)) {
                            "Node %.40s reported node %.40s as not reachable.",
                            sender->name, node->name);

                    // 尝试将 node 标记为 FAIL 关键

                // 节点处于正常状态
                } else {

                    // 如果 sender 曾经发送过对 node 的下线报告
                    // 那么清除该报告
                    if (clusterNodeDelFailureReport(node,sender)) {
                            "Node %.40s reported node %.40s is back online.",
                            sender->name, node->name);
void markNodeAsFailingIfNeeded(clusterNode *node) {
    int failures;

    // 标记为 FAIL 所需的节点数量,需要超过集群节点数量的一半
    int needed_quorum = (server.cluster->size / 2) + 1;

    if (!nodeTimedOut(node)) return; /* We can reach it. */
    if (nodeFailed(node)) return; /* Already FAILing. */

    // 统计将 node 标记为 PFAIL 或者 FAIL 的节点数量(不包括当前节点)
    failures = clusterNodeFailureReportsCount(node);

    /* Also count myself as a voter if I'm a master. */
    // 如果当前节点是主节点,那么将当前节点也算在 failures 之内
    if (nodeIsMaster(myself)) failures++;
    // 报告下线节点的数量不足节点总数的一半,不能将节点判断为 FAIL ,返回
    if (failures < needed_quorum) return; /* No weak agreement from masters. */

        "Marking node %.40s as failing (quorum reached).", node->name);

    /* Mark the node as failing. */
    // 将 node 标记为 FAIL
    node->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_PFAIL;
    node->flags |= REDIS_NODE_FAIL;
    node->fail_time = mstime();

    /* Broadcast the failing node name to everybody, forcing all the other
     * reachable nodes to flag the node as FAIL. */
    // 如果当前节点是主节点的话,那么广播FAIL信息
    if (nodeIsMaster(myself)) clusterSendFail(node->name);


		// 这是一条 FAIL 消息: sender 告知当前节点,某个节点已经进入 FAIL 状态。
	 else if (type == CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAIL) {
        clusterNode *failing;

        if (sender) {

            // 获取下线节点的消息
            failing = clusterLookupNode(hdr->;
            // 下线的节点既不是当前节点,也没有处于 FAIL 状态
            if (failing &&
                !(failing->flags & (REDIS_NODE_FAIL|REDIS_NODE_MYSELF)))
                    "FAIL message received from %.40s about %.40s",
                    hdr->sender, hdr->;

                // 打开 FAIL 状态
                failing->flags |= REDIS_NODE_FAIL;
                failing->fail_time = mstime();
                // 关闭 PFAIL 状态
                failing->flags &= ~REDIS_NODE_PFAIL;
        } else {
                "Ignoring FAIL message from unknonw node %.40s about %.40s",
                hdr->sender, hdr->;



接着上面来说,一个主节点认为某个主服务器已经下线,并将状态设置为FAIL的时候,会进行一次FAIL消息的广播,那么从服务器也一定可以收到.这是所有的从服务器中会进行一次选举,选出一个leader作为主服务器,选举的过程其实类似与sentinel中的选举,都是raft算法的选举部分.就是向其他集群中的其他主服务器发送CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAILOVER_AUTH_REQUEST消息,当一个主节点收到这条消息且当前纪元内为投票就会返回一个CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAILOVER_AUTH_ACK消息,代表这个同意这次"拉票",当一个从节点票数多于全部主节点的一半加1的时候,这个从节点会执行slaveof no one升级为主节点,并广播一个PONG消息,其实也就是发一个心跳包,告知其他节点它的状态已经发生改变.如果一个纪元内投票失败的话就会等待下次选举.这其中比较有意思的是从节点在发现其主节点下线时,并不是立即发起故障转移流程,而是会设置一个执行故障转移时间,到了那个时间才可以进行,计算公式如下:

mstime() + 500ms + random()%500ms + rank*1000ms




void clusterHandleSlaveFailover(void) {
    mstime_t data_age;
    // failover_auth_time为可以开始执行选举的时间
    // 集群初始化时该属性置为0,一旦满足开始故障转移的条件后,该属性就置为未来的某个时间点
    mstime_t auth_age = mstime() - server.cluster->failover_auth_time;
    int needed_quorum = (server.cluster->size / 2) + 1; //选举成功需要的票数
    int manual_failover = server.cluster->mf_end != 0 &&
                          server.cluster->mf_can_start; //判断是否为手动故障转移
    int j;
    mstime_t auth_timeout, auth_retry_time;

    server.cluster->todo_before_sleep &= ~CLUSTER_TODO_HANDLE_FAILOVER;

    /* Compute the failover timeout (the max time we have to send votes
     * and wait for replies), and the failover retry time (the time to wait
     * before waiting again.
     * Timeout is MIN(NODE_TIMEOUT*2,2000) milliseconds.
     * Retry is two times the Timeout.
    auth_timeout = server.cluster_node_timeout*2; //故障转移的超时时间
    if (auth_timeout < 2000) auth_timeout = 2000; //至少两秒
    auth_retry_time = auth_timeout*2; //auth_retry_time为下一次故障转移的时间

    /* Pre conditions to run the function, that must be met both in case
     * of an automatic or manual failover:
     * 1) We are a slave.
     * 2) Our master is flagged as FAIL, or this is a manual failover.
     * 3) It is serving slots. */
    // 判断能否进行故障转移 满足以下条件直接退出
    // 1.主节点
    // 2.不存在主节点
    // 3.主节点flag不是FAIL
    // 4.主服务器没有负责的slot
    if (nodeIsMaster(myself) ||
        myself->slaveof == NULL ||
        (!nodeFailed(myself->slaveof) && !manual_failover) ||
        myself->slaveof->numslots == 0) return;

    /* Set data_age to the number of seconds we are disconnected from
     * the master. */
    // 将 data_age 设置为从节点与主节点的断开秒数
    if (server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_CONNECTED) {//当前时间减去最后一次互动的时间
        data_age = (mstime_t)(server.unixtime - server.master->lastinteraction) 
                   * 1000;
    } else {//当前时间减去断开的时间
        data_age = (mstime_t)(server.unixtime - server.repl_down_since) * 1000;

    /* Remove the node timeout from the data age as it is fine that we are
     * disconnected from our master at least for the time it was down to be
     * flagged as FAIL, that's the baseline. */
    // node timeout 的时间不计入断线时间之内
    if (data_age > server.cluster_node_timeout)
        data_age -= server.cluster_node_timeout;
        // 减去cluster_node_timeout的原因为 在cluster_node_timeout时间没有收到PING的信息算是下线
        // 我们需要的是判断下线之前的信息

    /* Check if our data is recent enough. For now we just use a fixed
     * constant of ten times the node timeout since the cluster should
     * react much faster to a master down.
     * Check bypassed for manual failovers. */
    // 检查这个从节点的数据是否足够新:
    // 目前的检测办法是断线时间不能超过 node timeout 的十倍
    if (data_age >
        ((mstime_t)server.repl_ping_slave_period * 1000) +
        (server.cluster_node_timeout * REDIS_CLUSTER_SLAVE_VALIDITY_MULT))
        if (!manual_failover) return;

    /* If the previous failover attempt timedout and the retry time has
     * elapsed, we can setup a new one. */
    if (auth_age > auth_retry_time) { //表示可以进行下一次故障转移
        // 首先更新下一次故障转移开始的最新时间
        // 计算公式为mstime() + 500 +random()%500 + rank*1000 
        // rank由clusterGetSlaveRank函数得到
        server.cluster->failover_auth_time = mstime() +
            500 + /* Fixed delay of 500 milliseconds, let FAIL msg propagate. */
            random() % 500; /* Random delay between 0 and 500 milliseconds. */
        server.cluster->failover_auth_count = 0; //获得的票数
        server.cluster->failover_auth_sent = 0; //此节点是否已经发送投票请求
        server.cluster->failover_auth_rank = clusterGetSlaveRank();
        /* We add another delay that is proportional to the slave rank.
         * Specifically 1 second * rank. This way slaves that have a probably
         * less updated replication offset, are penalized. */
        server.cluster->failover_auth_time +=
            server.cluster->failover_auth_rank * 1000;
        /* However if this is a manual failover, no delay is needed. */
        if (server.cluster->mf_end) {
            server.cluster->failover_auth_time = mstime();
            server.cluster->failover_auth_rank = 0;
            "Start of election delayed for %lld milliseconds "
            "(rank #%d, offset %lld).",
            server.cluster->failover_auth_time - mstime(), //打印下次可能开始选举的时间
        /* Now that we have a scheduled election, broadcast our offset
         * to all the other slaves so that they'll updated their offsets
         * if our offset is better. */

    /* It is possible that we received more updated offsets from other
     * slaves for the same master since we computed our election delay.
     * Update the delay if our rank changed.
     * Not performed if this is a manual failover. */
    if (server.cluster->failover_auth_sent == 0 &&
        server.cluster->mf_end == 0)
        int newrank = clusterGetSlaveRank(); //更新rank
        if (newrank > server.cluster->failover_auth_rank) {
            long long added_delay =
                (newrank - server.cluster->failover_auth_rank) * 1000;
            server.cluster->failover_auth_time += added_delay;
            server.cluster->failover_auth_rank = newrank;
                "Slave rank updated to #%d, added %lld milliseconds of delay.",
                newrank, added_delay);

    /* Return ASAP if we can't still start the election. */
    // 如果执行故障转移的时间未到,先返回
    if (mstime() < server.cluster->failover_auth_time) return;

    /* Return ASAP if the election is too old to be valid. */
    // 如果距离应该执行故障转移的时间已经过了很久
    // 那么不应该再执行故障转移了(因为可能已经没有需要了)
    // 超时直接返回
    if (auth_age > auth_timeout) return;

    /* Ask for votes if needed. */
    // 向其他节点发送故障转移请求
    if (server.cluster->failover_auth_sent == 0) {

        // 增加配置纪元

        // 记录发起故障转移的配置纪元
        server.cluster->failover_auth_epoch = server.cluster->currentEpoch;

        redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Starting a failover election for epoch %llu.",
            (unsigned long long) server.cluster->currentEpoch);

        // 广播,看它们是否支持由本节点来对下线主节点进行故障转移

        // 打开标识,表示已发送信息 下次就不会进入这里
        server.cluster->failover_auth_sent = 1;

        // TODO:
        // 在进入下个事件循环之前,执行:
        // 1)保存配置文件
        // 2)更新节点状态
        // 3)同步配置
        return; /* Wait for replies. */

    /* Check if we reached the quorum. */
    // 如果当前节点获得了足够多的投票,那么对下线主节点进行故障转移
    if (server.cluster->failover_auth_count >= needed_quorum) {
        // 旧主节点
        clusterNode *oldmaster = myself->slaveof;

            "Failover election won: I'm the new master.");

        /* We have the quorum, perform all the steps to correctly promote
         * this slave to a master.
         * 1) Turn this node into a master. 
         *    将当前节点的身份由从节点改为主节点
        // 让从节点取消复制,成为新的主节点

        /* 2) Claim all the slots assigned to our master. */
        // 接收所有主节点负责处理的槽
        for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; j++) {
            if (clusterNodeGetSlotBit(oldmaster,j)) {
                // 将槽设置为未分配的
                // 将槽的负责人设置为当前节点

        /* 3) Update my configEpoch to the epoch of the election. */
        // 更新集群配置纪元
        myself->configEpoch = server.cluster->failover_auth_epoch;

        /* 4) Update state and save config. */
        // 更新节点状态
        // 并保存配置文件

        /* 5) Pong all the other nodes so that they can update the state
         *    accordingly and detect that we switched to master role. */
        // 向所有节点发送 PONG 信息
        // 让它们可以知道当前节点已经升级为主节点了

        /* 6) If there was a manual failover in progress, clear the state. */
        // 如果有手动故障转移正在执行,那么清理和它有关的状态



// 在条件满足的情况下,为请求进行故障转移的节点 node 进行投票,支持它进行故障转移 request为收到的消息正文
void clusterSendFailoverAuthIfNeeded(clusterNode *node, clusterMsg *request) { 

    // 请求节点的主节点
    clusterNode *master = node->slaveof;

    // 请求节点的当前配置纪元
    uint64_t requestCurrentEpoch = ntohu64(request->currentEpoch);

    // 请求节点想要获得投票的纪元
    uint64_t requestConfigEpoch = ntohu64(request->configEpoch);

    // 请求节点的槽布局
    unsigned char *claimed_slots = request->myslots;
    int force_ack = request->mflags[0] & CLUSTERMSG_FLAG0_FORCEACK;
    int j;

    /* IF we are not a master serving at least 1 slot, we don't have the
     * right to vote, as the cluster size in Redis Cluster is the number
     * of masters serving at least one slot, and quorum is the cluster
     * size + 1 */

    // 如果节点为从节点,或者是一个没有处理任何槽的主节点,
    // 那么它没有投票权
    if (nodeIsSlave(myself) || myself->numslots == 0) return;

    /* Request epoch must be >= our currentEpoch. */
    // 请求的配置纪元必须大于等于当前节点的配置纪元 这样当前节点才有资格投票
    if (requestCurrentEpoch < server.cluster->currentEpoch) return;

    /* I already voted for this epoch? Return ASAP. */
    // 已经投过票了
    if (server.cluster->lastVoteEpoch == server.cluster->currentEpoch) return;

    /* Node must be a slave and its master down.
     * The master can be non failing if the request is flagged
     * with CLUSTERMSG_FLAG0_FORCEACK (manual failover). */
    // 目标节点必须为从节点且其主节点下线
    if (nodeIsMaster(node) || master == NULL || 
        (!nodeFailed(master) && !force_ack)) return;

    /* We did not voted for a slave about this master for two
     * times the node timeout. This is not strictly needed for correctness
     * of the algorithm but makes the base case more linear. */
    // 如果之前一段时间已经对请求节点进行过投票,那么不进行投票
    if (mstime() - node->slaveof->voted_time < server.cluster_node_timeout * 2)

    /* The slave requesting the vote must have a configEpoch for the claimed
     * slots that is >= the one of the masters currently serving the same
     * slots in the current configuration. */
    for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; j++) {

        // 跳过未指派节点
        if (bitmapTestBit(claimed_slots, j) == 0) continue;

        // 查找是否有某个槽的配置纪元大于节点请求的纪元
        if (server.cluster->slots[j] == NULL ||
            server.cluster->slots[j]->configEpoch <= requestConfigEpoch)

        // 如果有的话,说明节点请求的纪元已经过期,没有必要进行投票
        /* If we reached this point we found a slot that in our current slots
         * is served by a master with a greater configEpoch than the one claimed
         * by the slave requesting our vote. Refuse to vote for this slave. */
    // 以上就是判断本节点是否有资格进行投票
    /* We can vote for this slave. */
    // 更新时间值
    server.cluster->lastVoteEpoch = server.cluster->currentEpoch;
    node->slaveof->voted_time = mstime();



		// 发送者在此集群中不存在当然要退出 
        if (!sender) return 1;  /* We don't know that node. */

        /* We consider this vote only if the sender is a master serving
         * a non zero number of slots, and its currentEpoch is greater or
         * equal to epoch where this node started the election. */
        // 只有正在处理至少一个槽的主节点的投票会被视为是有效投票
        // 只有符合以下条件, sender 的投票才算有效:
        // 1) sender 是主节点
        // 2) sender 正在处理至少一个槽
        // 3) sender 的配置纪元大于等于当前节点的配置纪元
        if (nodeIsMaster(sender) && sender->numslots > 0 &&
            senderCurrentEpoch >= server.cluster->failover_auth_epoch)
            // 增加支持票数

            /* Maybe we reached a quorum here, set a flag to make sure
             * we check ASAP. */





        if (sender) {

            // 发送消息的节点的 slaveof 为 REDIS_NODE_NULL_NAME
            // 那么 sender 就是一个主节点
            if (!memcmp(hdr->slaveof,REDIS_NODE_NULL_NAME,
                /* Node is a master. */
                // 设置 sender 为主节点

if (sender) {
            sender_master = nodeIsMaster(sender) ? sender : sender->slaveof;
            if (sender_master) { //dirty_slots为发送节点锁宣称的槽位于本节点的信息是否相同 不同设置为1
                dirty_slots = memcmp(sender_master->slots,
                        hdr->myslots,sizeof(hdr->myslots)) != 0;

        /* 1) If the sender of the message is a master, and we detected that
         *    the set of slots it claims changed, scan the slots to see if we
         *    need to update our configuration. */
        // 如果 sender 是主节点,并且 sender 的槽布局出现了变动
        // 那么检查当前节点对 sender 的槽布局设置,看是否需要进行更新
        if (sender && nodeIsMaster(sender) && dirty_slots)
            clusterUpdateSlotsConfigWith(sender,senderConfigEpoch,hdr->myslots); //更新槽

        /* 2) We also check for the reverse condition, that is, the sender
         *    claims to serve slots we know are served by a master with a
         *    greater configEpoch. If this happens we inform the sender.
         *    检测和条件 1 的相反条件,也即是,
         *    sender 处理的槽的配置纪元比当前节点已知的某个节点的配置纪元要低,
         *    如果是这样的话,通知 sender 。
         * This is useful because sometimes after a partition heals, a
         * reappearing master may be the last one to claim a given set of
         * hash slots, but with a configuration that other instances know to
         * be deprecated. Example:
         * 这种情况可能会出现在网络分裂中,
         * 一个重新上线的主节点可能会带有已经过时的槽布局。
         * 比如说:
         * A and B are master and slave for slots 1,2,3.
         * A 负责槽 1 、 2 、 3 ,而 B 是 A 的从节点。
         * A is partitioned away, B gets promoted.
         * A 从网络中分裂出去,B 被提升为主节点。
         * B is partitioned away, and A returns available.
         * B 从网络中分裂出去, A 重新上线(但是它所使用的槽布局是旧的)。
         * Usually B would PING A publishing its set of served slots and its
         * configEpoch, but because of the partition B can't inform A of the
         * new configuration, so other nodes that have an updated table must
         * do it. In this way A will stop to act as a master (or can try to
         * failover if there are the conditions to win the election).
         * 在正常情况下, B 应该向 A 发送 PING 消息,告知 A ,自己(B)已经接替了
         * 槽 1、 2、 3 ,并且带有更更的配置纪元,但因为网络分裂的缘故,
         * 节点 B 没办法通知节点 A ,
         * 所以通知节点 A 它带有的槽布局已经更新的工作就交给其他知道 B 带有更高配置纪元的节点来做。
         * 当 A 接到其他节点关于节点 B 的消息时,
         * 节点 A 就会停止自己的主节点工作,又或者重新进行故障转移。
        if (sender && dirty_slots) {
            int j;

            for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; j++) {

                // 检测 slots 中的槽 j 是否已经被指派
                if (bitmapTestBit(hdr->myslots,j)) {

                    // 当前节点认为槽 j 由 sender 负责处理,
                    // 或者当前节点认为该槽未指派,那么跳过该槽
                    if (server.cluster->slots[j] == sender ||
                        server.cluster->slots[j] == NULL) continue;

                    // 当前节点槽 j 的配置纪元比 sender 的配置纪元要大
                    if (server.cluster->slots[j]->configEpoch >
                            "Node %.40s has old slots configuration, sending "
                            "an UPDATE message about %.40s",
                                sender->name, server.cluster->slots[j]->name);

                        // 向 sender 发送关于槽 j 的更新信息

                        /* TODO: instead of exiting the loop send every other
                         * UPDATE packet for other nodes that are the new owner
                         * of sender's slots. */


else if (type == CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_UPDATE) {
        clusterNode *n; /* The node the update is about. */
        uint64_t reportedConfigEpoch =

        if (!sender) return 1;  /* We don't know the sender. */

        // 获取需要更新的节点
        n = clusterLookupNode(hdr->data.update.nodecfg.nodename);
        if (!n) return 1;   /* We don't know the reported node. */

        // 消息的纪元并不大于节点 n 所处的配置纪元
        // 无须更新
        if (n->configEpoch >= reportedConfigEpoch) return 1; /* Nothing new. */

        /* If in our current config the node is a slave, set it as a master. */
        // 如果节点 n 为从节点,但它的槽配置更新了
        // 那么说明这个节点已经变为主节点,将它设置为主节点
        if (nodeIsSlave(n)) clusterSetNodeAsMaster(n);

        /* Update the node's configEpoch. */
        n->configEpoch = reportedConfigEpoch; //更新配置纪元为新主节点的配置纪元

        /* Check the bitmap of served slots and udpate our
         * config accordingly. */
        // 将消息中对 n 的槽布局与当前节点对 n 的槽布局进行对比
        // 在有需要时更新当前节点对 n 的槽布局的认识
void clusterUpdateSlotsConfigWith(clusterNode *sender, uint64_t senderConfigEpoch, unsigned char *slots) {
    int j;
    clusterNode *curmaster, *newmaster = NULL;
    /* The dirty slots list is a list of slots for which we lose the ownership
     * while having still keys inside. This usually happens after a failover
     * or after a manual cluster reconfiguration operated by the admin.
     * If the update message is not able to demote a master to slave (in this
     * case we'll resync with the master updating the whole key space), we
     * need to delete all the keys in the slots we lost ownership. */
    uint16_t dirty_slots[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS];
    int dirty_slots_count = 0;

    /* Here we set curmaster to this node or the node this node
     * replicates to if it's a slave. In the for loop we are
     * interested to check if slots are taken away from curmaster. */
    // 1)如果当前节点是主节点,那么将 curmaster 设置为当前节点
    // 2)如果当前节点是从节点,那么将 curmaster 设置为当前节点正在复制的主节点
    // 稍后在 for 循环中我们将使用 curmaster 检查与当前节点有关的槽是否发生了变动
    curmaster = nodeIsMaster(myself) ? myself : myself->slaveof;

    if (sender == myself) {
        redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Discarding UPDATE message about myself.");

    // 更新槽布局
    for (j = 0; j < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; j++) {

        // 如果 slots 中的槽 j 已经被指派,那么执行以下代码
        if (bitmapTestBit(slots,j)) {
            /* The slot is already bound to the sender of this message. */
            if (server.cluster->slots[j] == sender) continue;

            /* The slot is in importing state, it should be modified only
             * manually via redis-trib (example: a resharding is in progress
             * and the migrating side slot was already closed and is advertising
             * a new config. We still want the slot to be closed manually). */
            if (server.cluster->importing_slots_from[j]) continue;

            /* We rebind the slot to the new node claiming it if:
             * 1) The slot was unassigned or the new node claims it with a
             *    greater configEpoch.
             * 2) We are not currently importing the slot. */
            if (server.cluster->slots[j] == NULL || //集群刚刚建立
                server.cluster->slots[j]->configEpoch < senderConfigEpoch)//或者纪元小于sender的纪元
                /* Was this slot mine, and still contains keys? Mark it as
                 * a dirty slot. */
                if (server.cluster->slots[j] == myself &&
                    countKeysInSlot(j) && //指定槽中有键
                    sender != myself) //发送者的最新信息和槽在本节点的信息不同
                    dirty_slots[dirty_slots_count] = j;

                // 负责槽 j 的原节点是当前节点的主节点?
                // 如果是的话,说明故障转移发生了,将当前节点的复制对象设置为新的主节点
                if (server.cluster->slots[j] == curmaster)
                    newmaster = sender;

                // 将槽 j 设为未指派

                // 将槽 j 指派给 sender


    /* If at least one slot was reassigned from a node to another node
     * with a greater configEpoch, it is possible that:
     * 如果当前节点(或者当前节点的主节点)有至少一个槽被指派到了 sender
     * 并且 sender 的 configEpoch 比当前节点的纪元要大,
     * 那么可能发生了:
     * 1) We are a master left without slots. This means that we were
     *    failed over and we should turn into a replica of the new
     *    master.
     *    当前节点是一个不再处理任何槽的主节点,
     *    这时应该将当前节点设置为新主节点的从节点。
     * 2) We are a slave and our master is left without slots. We need
     *    to replicate to the new slots owner. 
     *    当前节点是一个从节点,
     *    并且当前节点的主节点已经不再处理任何槽,
     *    这时应该将当前节点设置为新主节点的从节点。
    if (newmaster && curmaster->numslots == 0) { //此节点为从节点
            "Configuration change detected. Reconfiguring myself "
            "as a replica of %.40s", sender->name);
        // 将 sender 设置为当前节点的主节点

    } else if (dirty_slots_count) {//跑到着一般是上面的第二个条件不满足
        /* If we are here, we received an update message which removed
         * ownership for certain slots we still have keys about, but still
         * we are serving some slots, so this master node was not demoted to
         * a slave.
         * In order to maintain a consistent state between keys and slots
         * we need to remove all the keys from the slots we lost. */
        for (j = 0; j < dirty_slots_count; j++)



posted @ 2022-07-02 13:17  李兆龙的博客  阅读(80)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报