python 练习之购物车
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- product_list = [ ['Iphone7', 6500], ['MackBook', 12000], ['Python Book', 60], ['Coffee', 31], ['Bike', 999], ] shopping_cart = [] salary = int(input("input your salary:")) while True: for index, i in enumerate(product_list): print("%s.\t%s\t%s" % (index, i[0], i[1])) choice = input(">>:").strip() if len(choice) == 0: print("Not going back") continue if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) print(choice, len(product_list)) if choice < len(product_list) and choice >= 0: product_item = product_list[choice] #获取商品 if salary >= product_item[1]: #买的起 salary -= product_item[1] #扣钱 shopping_cart.append(product_item) print("Add %s into your shopping cart, your current balance is %s" % (product_item[0], salary)) else: print("Sorry, Cannot afford this product, still need", product_item[1]-salary) else: print("Cannot find this product") elif choice == "exit": total_cost = 0 print("you have bought below products:") for i in shopping_cart: print(i) total_cost += i[1] print("Total cost:", total_cost) print("your current balance is", salary) break
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time, os shop_car2 = [] user_list = [] count = 0 user = "jiafei" passwd = "123456" input_user = input("Please input your username:").strip() f = open("user.txt", 'a+') lines = [] ###将光标调整到0,否则读取不出来 for line in f.readlines(): lines = line.replace("\n", "").split(",") f.close() for user in lines: if user == input_user: print("This user is locked, Please request to root!!!") exit() else: pass while count < 3: if input_user == user: input_passwd = input("Please input password:") count += 1 if count == 3: user_list.append(input_user) user = open("user.txt", "a") for input_user in user_list: user.write(input_user + ",") user.close() else: pass if input_passwd == passwd: print("login success!!!") #now_time = time.time() now_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) title = "Welcome to shopping" print(, "*")) print(,"*")) shop_car = [] product_list = [ ["iphone 7", 5888], ["coffe", 30], ["computer", 3999], ["mac pro", 12000], ["bike", 300], ] filename = r"salary.txt" if os.path.exists(filename): temp = open("salary.txt", "r") for money in temp.readlines(): salary = money print("您卡上月为:", salary) else: salary = input("请输入充值金额:") if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) while True: print("-----------product list----------") for i in enumerate(product_list): print(i[0], i[1][0], i[1][1]) choice = input("choice product_ quit to exit:") if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) else: continue if choice < len(product_list) and choice >= 0: if salary >= product_list[choice][1]: salary -= product_list[choice][1] price = product_list[choice][1] item = product_list[choice][0] print("你购买了%s, 花费了%s, 余额为%s" % (item, price, salary)) shop_car.append(item) shop_car2.append(price) else: print("你的余额不足,请选择其他商品,谢谢") continue elif choice == "quit" or choice == "q": print("您购买的商品如下:") for product in shop_car: print(product, shop_car.count(product)) total_price = sum(shop_car2) print("总共消费了 %s" % total_price) print("您的余额为%s" % salary) print("欢迎下次再来,再见!!!") salary_file = open("salary.txt", "w") salary_file.write("%s" % salary) salary_file.close() exit() else: print("没有该商品,请重新输入,谢谢") continue else: print("This password is Error:") else: print("Can not this user") exit()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time, os shop_car2 = [] user_list = [] month = [] count = 0 user = "jiafei" passwd = "123456" message = "欢迎光临好邻居超市, 请登录" print(, "-")) input_user = input("Please input your username:") f = open("user.txt", 'a+') lines = [] ###将光标调整到0,否则读取不出来 for line in f.readlines(): lines = line.replace("\n", "").split(",") f.close() for i in lines: if i == input_user: print("This user is locked, Please request to root!!!") exit() else: pass while count < 3: if input_user == user: input_passwd = input("Please input your password:") count = count + 1 if count == 3: user_list.append(input_user) user_file = open("user.txt", 'a') for i in user_list: user_file.write(i + ',') user_file.close() else: pass if input_passwd == passwd: print("login success!!!") now_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) title = "Welcome to shopping" print(, "*")) print(, "*")) shop_car = [] product_list = [ ["iphone 7", 5888], ["coffe", 30], ["computer", 3999], ["mac pro", 12000], ["bike", 300], ] filename = r"salary.txt" if os.path.exists(filename): temp = open("salary.txt", "r") for money in temp: salary = int(money) print("您的卡上余额为%s" % salary) chongzhi = input("按a充值,按b进入商城") if chongzhi == "b": pass elif chongzhi == "a": some_money = input("请输入充值金额:") salary = salary + int(some_money) print("充值成功,最新余额为%s" % salary) else: print("不能识别您的输入,请确认后再次输入,谢谢!!!") continue else: salary = input("请输入充值金额:") if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) while True: print("-----------product list----------") for i in enumerate(product_list): print(i[0], i[1][0], i[1][1]) choice = input("choice product_ quit to exit:") if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) elif choice == "quit" or choice == "q": print("您购买的商品如下:") for product in shop_car: print(product, shop_car.count(product)) total_price = sum(shop_car2) print("总共消费了 %s" % total_price) print("您的余额为%s" % salary) print("欢迎下次再来,再见!!!") salary_file = open("salary.txt", "w") salary_file.write("%s" % salary) salary_file.close() exit() exit() else: continue if choice < len(product_list) and choice >= 0: if salary >= product_list[choice][1]: salary -= product_list[choice][1] price = product_list[choice][1] item = product_list[choice][0] print("你购买了%s, 花费了%s, 余额为%s" % (item, price, salary)) shop_car.append(item) shop_car2.append(price) else: money_deficiency = input("你的余额不足,请按“y”进行充值,按“q”返回商品列表,谢谢") if money_deficiency == "y": chongzhi_money = int(input("请输入充值金额:")) salary = int(salary) + chongzhi_money print("充值成功,最新余额为%s" % salary) o = open("salary.txt", 'w') o.write(str(salary)) o.close() continue elif money_deficiency == "q": continue else: print("输入不合理,请重新输入,谢谢") continue elif choice == "quit" or choice == "q": print("您购买的商品如下:") for product in shop_car: print(product, shop_car.count(product)) total_price = sum(shop_car2) print("总共消费了 %s" % total_price) print("您的余额为%s" % salary) print("欢迎下次再来,再见!!!") salary_file = open("salary.txt", "w") salary_file.write("%s" % salary) salary_file.close() exit() else: print("没有该商品,请输入,谢谢") continue else: print("This password is Error") continue else: print("can not this user") exit()