-ia utopia 里的乌托邦


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  -pedia "education, child-rearing"

个人认为utopia 翻译成古语词 桃花源 比较好,但是根据其定义  an imaginary island enjoying the utmost perfection

in legal, social, and political systems. 还是翻译成  共产主义社会   比较好

-ia a noun suffic having restricted application in various fields, as in names of diseases (malaria anemia)

    place names (Italia Romania)

    names of Roman feasts(Lupercalia)

    Latinizing plurals (Amphibia insignia reptilia)

    and in other loanwords from Latin(Militia)-

-ia 对发音的影响与-ion  -ity相同   

  utopia  /juːˈtəʊpiə/  a utopian society   Our belief in a Communist utopia had nothing to do with reality.

     political realities   政治现实  reality TV  真人秀  reˌality TˈV  该词组的重音在 V上

academia  学术圈 /ˌækəˈdiːmiə/  还有自己胡造的词  wrongia

arcadia是世外桃源的翻译 田园牧歌式淳朴生活的地方   

The Arcadian Shepherds    Et in Arcadia ego http://www.artble.com/artists/nicolas_poussin/paintings/the_arcadian_shepherds




posted on 2017-07-08 02:50  jackvub  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报