复制 | |
| REDIS_HOST = '' |
| |
| |
| REDIS_PORT = 6379 |
| |
| |
| |
| REDIS_KEY = 'proxies' |
| |
| |
| MAX_SCORE = 100 |
| MIN_SCORE = 0 |
| |
| |
| VALID_STATUS_CODES = [200, 302] |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| GETTER_CYCLE = 300 |
| |
| |
| TEST_URL = 'http://www.baidu.com' |
| |
| |
| API_HOST = '' |
| API_PORT = 5555 |
| |
| |
| API_ENABLED = True |
| |
| |
复制 | class PoolEmptyError(Exception): |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| |
| Exception.__init__(self) |
| |
| def __str__(self): |
| |
| return repr('代理池已经枯竭') |
复制 | import redis |
| from proxypool.error import PoolEmptyError |
| from proxypool.setting import REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT, REDIS_PASSWORD, REDIS_KEY |
| from proxypool.setting import MAX_SCORE, MIN_SCORE, INITIAL_SCORE |
| from random import choice |
| import re |
| |
| |
| class RedisClient(object): |
| def __init__(self, host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT, password=REDIS_PASSWORD): |
| """ |
| 初始化 |
| :param host: Redis 地址 |
| :param port: Redis 端口 |
| :param password: Redis密码 |
| """ |
| |
| self.db = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, password=password, decode_responses=True) |
| |
| def add(self, proxy, score=INITIAL_SCORE): |
| """ |
| 添加代理,设置分数为最高 |
| :param proxy: 代理 |
| :param score: 分数 |
| :return: 添加结果 |
| """ |
| |
| |
| if not re.match('\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\:\d+', proxy): |
| print('代理不符合规范', proxy, '丢弃') |
| return |
| if not self.db.zscore(REDIS_KEY, proxy): |
| return self.db.zadd(REDIS_KEY, score, proxy) |
| |
| def random(self): |
| """ |
| 从数据库中随机获取有效代理,首先尝试获取最高分数代理,如果不存在,按照排名获取,否则异常 |
| :return: 随机代理 |
| """ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| result = self.db.zrangebyscore(REDIS_KEY, MAX_SCORE, MAX_SCORE) |
| if len(result): |
| return choice(result) |
| else: |
| result = self.db.zrevrange(REDIS_KEY, 0, 100) |
| if len(result): |
| return choice(result) |
| else: |
| raise PoolEmptyError |
| |
| def decrease(self, proxy): |
| """ |
| 代理值减一分,小于最小值则删除 |
| :param proxy: 代理 |
| :return: 修改后的代理分数 |
| """ |
| |
| |
| |
| score = self.db.zscore(REDIS_KEY, proxy) |
| if score and score > MIN_SCORE: |
| print('代理', proxy, '当前分数', score, '减1') |
| return self.db.zincrby(REDIS_KEY, proxy, -1) |
| else: |
| print('代理', proxy, '当前分数', score, '移除') |
| return self.db.zrem(REDIS_KEY, proxy) |
| |
| def exists(self, proxy): |
| """ |
| 判断是否存在 |
| :param proxy: 代理 |
| :return: 是否存在 |
| """ |
| |
| return not self.db.zscore(REDIS_KEY, proxy) == None |
| |
| def max(self, proxy): |
| """ |
| 将代理设置为MAX_SCORE |
| :param proxy: 代理 |
| :return: 设置结果 |
| """ |
| print('代理', proxy, '可用,设置为', MAX_SCORE) |
| |
| return self.db.zadd(REDIS_KEY, MAX_SCORE, proxy) |
| |
| def count(self): |
| """ |
| 获取数量 |
| :return: 数量 |
| """ |
| |
| return self.db.zcard(REDIS_KEY) |
| |
| def all(self): |
| """ |
| 获取全部代理 |
| :return: 全部代理列表 |
| """ |
| |
| return self.db.zrangebyscore(REDIS_KEY, MIN_SCORE, MAX_SCORE) |
| |
| def batch(self, start, stop): |
| """ |
| 批量获取 |
| :param start: 开始索引 |
| :param stop: 结束索引 |
| :return: 代理列表 |
| """ |
| |
| return self.db.zrevrange(REDIS_KEY, start, stop - 1) |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| conn = RedisClient() |
| result = conn.batch(680, 688) |
| print(result) |
复制 | import requests |
| from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError |
| |
| base_headers = { |
| 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.71 Safari/537.36', |
| 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, sdch', |
| 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7' |
| } |
| |
| |
| def get_page(url, options={}): |
| """ |
| 抓取代理 |
| :param url: |
| :param options: |
| :return: |
| """ |
| headers = dict(base_headers, **options) |
| print('正在抓取', url) |
| try: |
| response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) |
| print('抓取成功', url, response.status_code) |
| if response.status_code == 200: |
| return response.text |
| except ConnectionError: |
| print('抓取失败', url) |
| return None |
获取代理的每个方法统一定义为以 crawl 开头
复制 | import json |
| import re |
| from .utils import get_page |
| from pyquery import PyQuery as pq |
| |
| |
| class ProxyMetaclass(type): |
| """ |
| 定义一个类 ProxyMetaclass,Crawl类将设置为元类,元类中实现了 __new__()方法,这个方法有固定几个参数, |
| 第四个参数 attrs 包含了类的一些属性,通过遍历 attrs 这个参数即可获取类的所有方法信息,就同遍历字典一样, |
| 键名对应方法的名,接着判断方法的开关是否 crawl,是则将其加入到 __CrawlFunc__属性中。 |
| 这样就将所有以 crawl 开头的方法定义成一个属性,动态获取到所有以 crawl 开头的方法列表。 |
| """ |
| def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): |
| """ |
| __new__() 方法与 __init__() 方法类似, |
| __new__ 负责对象的创建 |
| 而 __init__ 负责对象的初始化。 |
| """ |
| count = 0 |
| attrs['__CrawlFunc__'] = [] |
| for k, v in attrs.items(): |
| if 'crawl_' in k: |
| attrs['__CrawlFunc__'].append(k) |
| count = count + 1 |
| attrs['__CrawlFuncCount__'] = count |
| return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) |
| |
| |
| class Crawler(object, metaclass=ProxyMetaclass): |
| def get_proxies(self, callback): |
| """ |
| 将所有以 crawl 开头的方法都调用一遍 |
| :param callback:要被回调的方法 |
| :return: 每个方法返回的代理并组合成列表 |
| """ |
| proxies = [] |
| for proxy in eval("self.{}()".format(callback)): |
| print('成功获取到代理', proxy) |
| proxies.append(proxy) |
| return proxies |
| |
| def crawl_daili66(self, page_count=4): |
| """ |
| 获取代理 "66ip" |
| :param page_count: 页码 |
| :return: 代理 |
| """ |
| start_url = 'http://www.66ip.cn/{}.html' |
| urls = [start_url.format(page) for page in range(1, page_count + 1)] |
| for url in urls: |
| print('Crawling', url) |
| html = get_page(url) |
| if html: |
| doc = pq(html) |
| |
| trs = doc('.containerbox table tr:gt(0)').items() |
| for tr in trs: |
| |
| ip = tr.find('td:nth-child(1)').text() |
| |
| port = tr.find('td:nth-child(2)').text() |
| yield ':'.join([ip, port]) |
| |
| def crawl_ip3366(self): |
| """ |
| 获取代理 "ip3366" |
| :return:代理的迭代器 |
| """ |
| for page in range(1, 4): |
| start_url = 'http://www.ip3366.net/free/?stype=1&page={}'.format(page) |
| html = get_page(start_url) |
| ip_address = re.compile('<tr>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>') |
| |
| re_ip_address = ip_address.findall(html) |
| for address, port in re_ip_address: |
| result = address+':' + port |
| yield result.replace(' ', '') |
| |
| def crawl_kuaidaili(self): |
| """ |
| 获取代理 "快代理" |
| :return:代理的迭代器 |
| """ |
| for i in range(1, 4): |
| start_url = 'http://www.kuaidaili.com/free/inha/{}/'.format(i) |
| html = get_page(start_url) |
| if html: |
| ip_address = re.compile('<td data-title="IP">(.*?)</td>') |
| re_ip_address = ip_address.findall(html) |
| port = re.compile('<td data-title="PORT">(.*?)</td>') |
| re_port = port.findall(html) |
| for address, port in zip(re_ip_address, re_port): |
| |
| address_port = address+':'+port |
| yield address_port.replace(' ', '') |
| |
| def crawl_xicidaili(self): |
| """ |
| 获取代理 "西刺代理" |
| :return:代理的迭代器 |
| """ |
| for i in range(1, 3): |
| start_url = 'http://www.xicidaili.com/nn/{}'.format(i) |
| headers = { |
| 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', |
| 'Cookie': '_free_proxy_session=BAh7B0kiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFVEkiJWRjYzc5MmM1MTBiMDMzYTUzNTZjNzA4NjBhNWRjZjliBjsAVEkiEF9jc3JmX3Rva2VuBjsARkkiMUp6S2tXT3g5a0FCT01ndzlmWWZqRVJNek1WanRuUDBCbTJUN21GMTBKd3M9BjsARg%3D%3D--2a69429cb2115c6a0cc9a86e0ebe2800c0d471b3', |
| 'Host': 'www.xicidaili.com', |
| 'Referer': 'http://www.xicidaili.com/nn/3', |
| 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', |
| } |
| html = get_page(start_url, options=headers) |
| if html: |
| find_trs = re.compile('<tr class.*?>(.*?)</tr>', re.S) |
| trs = find_trs.findall(html) |
| for tr in trs: |
| find_ip = re.compile('<td>(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)</td>') |
| re_ip_address = find_ip.findall(tr) |
| find_port = re.compile('<td>(\d+)</td>') |
| re_port = find_port.findall(tr) |
| for address,port in zip(re_ip_address, re_port): |
| address_port = address+':'+port |
| yield address_port.replace(' ', '') |
| |
| def crawl_iphai(self): |
| """ |
| 获取代理 "IP海" |
| :return:代理的迭代器 |
| """ |
| start_url = 'http://www.iphai.com/' |
| html = get_page(start_url) |
| if html: |
| find_tr = re.compile('<tr>(.*?)</tr>', re.S) |
| trs = find_tr.findall(html) |
| for s in range(1, len(trs)): |
| find_ip = re.compile('<td>\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+</td>', re.S) |
| re_ip_address = find_ip.findall(trs[s]) |
| find_port = re.compile('<td>\s+(\d+)\s+</td>', re.S) |
| re_port = find_port.findall(trs[s]) |
| for address, port in zip(re_ip_address, re_port): |
| |
| address_port = address+':'+port |
| yield address_port.replace(' ', '') |
| |
| def crawl_data5u(self): |
| """ |
| 获取代理 "无忧代理" |
| :return:代理的迭代器 |
| """ |
| start_url = 'http://www.data5u.com' |
| headers = { |
| 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', |
| 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', |
| 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7', |
| 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', |
| 'Connection': 'keep-alive', |
| 'Cookie': 'JSESSIONID=47AA0C887112A2D83EE040405F837A86', |
| 'Host': 'www.data5u.com', |
| 'Referer': 'http://www.data5u.com/free/index.shtml', |
| 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', |
| 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.108 Safari/537.36', |
| } |
| html = get_page(start_url, options=headers) |
| if html: |
| ip_address = re.compile('<span><li>(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)</li>.*?<li class=\"port.*?>(\d+)</li>', re.S) |
| re_ip_address = ip_address.findall(html) |
| for address, port in re_ip_address: |
| result = address + ':' + port |
| yield result.replace(' ', '') |
复制 | from proxypool.tester import Tester |
| from proxypool.db import RedisClient |
| from proxypool.crawler import Crawler |
| from proxypool.setting import * |
| import sys |
| |
| |
| class Getter(): |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.redis = RedisClient() |
| self.crawler = Crawler() |
| |
| def is_over_threshold(self): |
| """ |
| 判断是否达到了代理池限制 |
| """ |
| if self.redis.count() >= POOL_UPPER_THRESHOLD: |
| return True |
| else: |
| return False |
| |
| def run(self): |
| print('获取器开始执行') |
| if not self.is_over_threshold(): |
| |
| for callback_label in range(self.crawler.__CrawlFuncCount__): |
| callback = self.crawler.__CrawlFunc__[callback_label] |
| |
| |
| proxies = self.crawler.get_proxies(callback) |
| |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| for proxy in proxies: |
| |
| self.redis.add(proxy) |
复制 | import asyncio |
| import aiohttp |
| import time |
| import sys |
| try: |
| from aiohttp import ClientError |
| except: |
| from aiohttp import ClientProxyConnectionError as ProxyConnectionError |
| from proxypool.db import RedisClient |
| from proxypool.setting import * |
| |
| |
| class Tester(object): |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.redis = RedisClient() |
| |
| async def test_single_proxy(self, proxy): |
| """ |
| 测试单个代理 |
| :param proxy: |
| :return: |
| """ |
| conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False) |
| async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=conn) as session: |
| try: |
| if isinstance(proxy, bytes): |
| proxy = proxy.decode('utf-8') |
| real_proxy = 'http://' + proxy |
| print('正在测试', proxy) |
| |
| async with session.get(TEST_URL, proxy=real_proxy, timeout=15, allow_redirects=False) as response: |
| if response.status in VALID_STATUS_CODES: |
| self.redis.max(proxy) |
| print('代理可用', proxy) |
| else: |
| self.redis.decrease(proxy) |
| print('请求响应码不合法 ', response.status, 'IP', proxy) |
| except (ClientError, aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError, asyncio.TimeoutError, AttributeError): |
| self.redis.decrease(proxy) |
| print('代理请求失败', proxy) |
| |
| def run(self): |
| """ |
| 测试主函数 |
| :return: |
| """ |
| print('测试器开始运行') |
| try: |
| |
| count = self.redis.count() |
| print('当前剩余', count, '个代理') |
| |
| |
| for i in range(0, count, BATCH_TEST_SIZE): |
| |
| |
| start = i |
| stop = min(i + BATCH_TEST_SIZE, count) |
| print('正在测试第', start + 1, '-', stop, '个代理') |
| |
| |
| test_proxies = self.redis.batch(start, stop) |
| |
| |
| loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() |
| |
| |
| |
| tasks = [self.test_single_proxy(proxy) for proxy in test_proxies] |
| loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) |
| |
| |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| time.sleep(5) |
| except Exception as e: |
| print('测试器发生错误', e.args) |
复制 | from flask import Flask, g |
| |
| from .db import RedisClient |
| |
| __all__ = ['app'] |
| |
| |
| app = Flask(__name__) |
| |
| |
| |
| def get_conn(): |
| |
| if not hasattr(g, 'redis'): |
| g.redis = RedisClient() |
| return g.redis |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| @app.route('/') |
| def index(): |
| |
| return '<h2>Welcome to Proxy Pool System</h2>' |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| @app.route('/random') |
| def get_proxy(): |
| """ |
| Get a proxy |
| :return: 随机代理 |
| """ |
| conn = get_conn() |
| return conn.random() |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| @app.route('/count') |
| def get_counts(): |
| """ |
| Get the count of proxies |
| :return: 代理池总量 |
| """ |
| conn = get_conn() |
| return str(conn.count()) |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| app.run() |
复制 | import time |
| |
| |
| from multiprocessing import Process |
| |
| from proxypool.api import app |
| from proxypool.getter import Getter |
| from proxypool.tester import Tester |
| from proxypool.db import RedisClient |
| from proxypool.setting import * |
| |
| |
| class Scheduler(): |
| def schedule_tester(self, cycle=TESTER_CYCLE): |
| """ |
| 定时测试代理 |
| cycle = TESTER_CYCLE = 20:检查周期 |
| """ |
| tester = Tester() |
| while True: |
| print('测试器开始运行') |
| tester.run() |
| time.sleep(cycle) |
| |
| def schedule_getter(self, cycle=GETTER_CYCLE): |
| """ |
| 定时获取代理 |
| cycle = GETTER_CYCLE = 300:获取周期 |
| """ |
| getter = Getter() |
| while True: |
| print('开始抓取代理') |
| getter.run() |
| time.sleep(cycle) |
| |
| def schedule_api(self): |
| """ |
| 开启API |
| """ |
| app.run(API_HOST, API_PORT) |
| |
| def run(self): |
| print('代理池开始运行') |
| ''' |
| 开关 |
| TESTER_ENABLED = True:测试开关 |
| GETTER_ENABLED = True:获取开关 |
| API_ENABLED = True:API开关 |
| ''' |
| tester_process = Process(target=self.schedule_tester) |
| tester_process.start() |
| |
| getter_process = Process(target=self.schedule_getter) |
| getter_process.start() |
| |
| api_process = Process(target=self.schedule_api) |
| api_process.start() |
复制 | from proxypool.scheduler import Scheduler |
| import sys |
| import io |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-8') |
| |
| |
| def main(): |
| try: |
| s = Scheduler() |
| s.run() |
| except: |
| main() |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| main() |
复制 | import requests |
| |
| |
| |
| def get_proxy(): |
| try: |
| response = requests.get(PROXY_POOL_URL) |
| if response.status_code == 200: |
| return response.text |
| except ConnectionError: |
| return None |
| |
| |
| proxy = get_proxy() |
| proxies = { |
| 'http': 'http://' + proxy, |
| 'https': 'https://' + proxy, |
| } |
| try: |
| response = requests.get('http://httpbin.org/get', proxies=proxies) |
| print(response.text) |
| except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: |
| print('Error', e.args) |
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