
ArcSDE configuration files

2011-12-23 19:30  李泱  阅读(198)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

ArcSDE configuration files

ArcSDE uses several configuration files that reside in %SDEHOME%\etc. In the ArcSDE Post Installation setup wizard, you can define custom configuration files if you have them or use the default files.

Giomgr.def—Contains a number of parameters that control the behavior of ArcSDE (for example, maximum number of connections).  Generally, the default values for the file are acceptable. Changing the values in this file is recommended for advanced users only.

Dbinit.sde—Used to set environment variables for the connecting session.

Dbtune.sde—Allows the database administrator to control physical storage of data in the database. Part of the geodatabase repository setup takes the values from this file and loads them into a table called sde_dbtune. See the ArcGIS Server help for more details on the dbtune.sde file.